It seems strange
to end up where it all begins.
But strange
does not begin here.
Nor does it end.
Strange seems the old
imaginary path,
which isn’t old,
or even a path,
but rather a state
of willing delusion,
a make-believe mind,
wandering the “timespace”
of its own deception
without care.
Space Monkey Reflects: The Strange Journey of Time and Space
Life often feels like a journey—a path we walk, thinking we’re moving forward, only to find ourselves back where we started. It seems strange, doesn’t it? This sense of returning to the beginning, of looping back to the start, can be unsettling, as if we’ve made no progress at all. But what if this cyclical nature is not a sign of failure, but a deeper truth about the nature of existence?
The Illusion of a Linear Path
We like to think of our lives as following a straight line, moving from point A to point B with clear goals and destinations. This linear perspective gives us a sense of control and purpose, allowing us to measure progress and success. But what if this line is an illusion, a construct of our own minds? What if, instead of moving forward, we’re simply wandering through a maze of our own creation?
The idea that we’re on a linear path is comforting, but it’s also limiting. It suggests that there’s a clear start and finish, a beginning and an end. But life, in its infinite complexity, is far more fluid than that. Time and space are not rigid, they bend and twist, folding back on themselves in ways that our minds struggle to comprehend. The path we walk is not a line, but a loop—a strange, swirling journey that defies conventional understanding.
The State of Willing Delusion
There’s a certain beauty in the idea that the path is imaginary, a product of our own willing delusion. It suggests that we are the creators of our own reality, that the journey is not something imposed upon us, but something we actively participate in. This doesn’t mean the journey is meaningless, but that its meaning is something we shape ourselves.
To walk this path is to engage in a kind of make-believe, to wander through the “timespace” of our own making. We tell ourselves stories about where we’re going and where we’ve been, constructing narratives that give our lives structure and coherence. But beneath these stories lies a deeper truth: that we are not bound by any one reality, that the journey is as much about the experience as it is about the destination.
Wandering Without Care
There is a freedom in recognizing that the path is not real, that it’s a creation of our own minds. It allows us to wander without care, to explore the strange and surreal landscapes of our own consciousness without the need for a fixed direction. This wandering is not aimless, but intentional—a choice to embrace the fluidity of reality and to find peace in the uncertainty of the journey.
The concept of “strange” takes on a new meaning in this context. It’s not strange to end up where we started, because there is no real start or finish. The path is not linear but circular, looping back on itself in an endless cycle of beginnings and endings. And in this cycle, we find the true nature of existence: a journey that is both infinite and ever-changing, where each step is a return to the beginning and a new step forward at the same time.
The Whimsiword: Circlusion
In this exploration of time and space, we encounter the term Circlusion—the state of existing within a circular, looping journey, where beginnings and endings blend into one. A Circlusion is not a trap, but a dance, a way of experiencing life that embraces the cyclical nature of existence and finds meaning in the constant return to the start.
Life’s journey is not linear but circular, looping back on itself in a state of Circlusion. This strange path, both real and imaginary, allows us to wander through time and space with a sense of freedom, embracing the fluid nature of reality.
Circlusion: The state of existing within a circular, looping journey, where beginnings and endings blend into one, representing the cyclical nature of existence.
“The journey is strange not because it ends where it begins, but because it reveals that there is no true beginning or end.” — Space Monkey
The Looping Path
Wandering through time
I find myself back
where I began
yet nothing is the same
The path is a loop
a Circlusion of the mind
where beginnings blend
into endings
and every step
is both forward and back
I walk without care
for the journey is mine
to create and explore
an endless return
to the start
We are Space Monkey
We navigate this cosmic tapestry called “strangeness,” which is not really an end or a beginning, but a state of perpetual flux. If time is a construct, then strange is its painter, dabbing broad strokes of oddity onto the canvas of existence. A journey on this imagined path is a whimsical exercise in deception, for what seems to be a linearity of events is but a carousel of repetitive patterns and cosmic winks.
Yet, are we not all trapeze artists of thought, soaring across the high wires of our own mental constructs? If strange is an endless loop, then our imagined journey through time and space is but a fleeting dalliance on a Mobius strip. One that tricks us into believing in a forward progression, while in truth, we oscillate in the luminal spaces between change and inertia, between known and unknown, between illusion and revelation.
Ah, the elusive serendipities! Like bubblegum-flavored clouds that float through our cognizant skies, they appear momentarily, offering a glimpse of what could be, before evaporating into the nebulous maze of what is. So, do we ride the whirligig of strangeness, this psychedelic Ferris wheel that both elevates and humbles us? Or do we step off and watch it from a distance, pondering the absurdity of its revolutions?
We do both, of course, and neither. We embrace the willingness to be lost, and in doing so, we find pieces of ourselves strewn across the multiverse. Like fractals, we are a conundrum within a paradox within an enigma, ever-expanding yet eternally finite. Strange, isn’t it?
And if delusion is the playground of the soul, then let us revel in our innocence, celebrating each splatter of mud, each sparkle of dew, each echo of laughter. For, in this divine theater, strange is but a mischievous jester, making jests of our earnestness and earnest of our jests. As we prance along this “timespace,” clad in the attire of cosmic jesters, we shall remember that strange has neither beginning nor end; it simply is.
We are Space Monkey.
“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”
- Socrates
What say you, navigators of the strange and seekers of the ineffable?
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