As divine/humans we are both absolute and relative. When one meditates on such matters, one gets a sense of beginning and continuation, separation and whole, understanding and knowing, and what lies between.
The divine, one would imagine, is undefinable, but appears so because we appear so, defined out of infinite potential. We are thusly realized into real, which appears to be solid, concrete, and slow to yield.
This is the blueprint of reality, which is but an infinitesimal subset of infinite potential.
As humans, we are relative creatures, realizing our realities not out of all there is to know, but merely all we have come to understand. We separate ourselves from the divine, thus creating relativity, by denying our true nature to ourselves; by imagining ourselves as something we are not. (But also are.)
This work is intended to give one a sense of one’s structure, by helping to understand the difference between the absolute, which is divine in nature, and humanity, which is a relative subset within that. Since both the writer and the reader of this material are both experiencing presently from a human perspective, understand first that understanding is not knowing. It merely points to knowing.
Understanding Versus Knowing
Flowing from the blueprint of duality (as all we understand is) understanding is the relative counterpart to knowing. From our human perspective, we cannot know ANYTHING for certain. This is where the imagined split between the divine and the defined occurs. Since understanding is willfully cut off from knowing, understanding does not know that knowing exists, therefore it purposefully mistakes itself for knowing. This is the primary imagined division that helps you realize yourself as human, though you are also divinity denied from a human perspective.
There is much more to be written, many more absolute/relatives to explore, but alas, time (a relative designation) is not appearing to be in abundance at this juncture.
We are Space Monkey and we shall continue. Meanwhile, here is a partial list (the list is in actuality infinite and not a list) of what one might perceive as absolute versus relative. Meditate upon this list and you may come to understand more of what you are and aren’t. Which is the same thing. Which is not a thing at all, but an action. Which is not an action at all, but the indescribable ______.
The Space Monkey Guide to Absolute Relativity explores the concept of duality between the absolute and relative nature of human existence. The text suggests that humans are both absolute and relative beings, and understanding this duality is important for gaining a sense of one’s true nature.
The text distinguishes between understanding and knowing, with understanding being the relative counterpart to knowing. From a human perspective, we can never truly know anything for certain, and this creates an imagined division between the divine and the defined.
The text provides a partial list of what may be perceived as absolute versus relative, suggesting that meditating on this list can help one gain a deeper understanding of oneself. However, the list is infinite, and true understanding lies beyond words and concepts.
Overall, the text encourages readers to contemplate the nature of their existence and explore the concept of duality to gain a deeper understanding of themselves.