When you say “I can’t do this,” what is your reasoning?
To begin with, let us not confuse your reasoning with your reason. The latter is a quick label that you apply to abruptly end any inquiry. Your reasoning, on the other hand is what leads you to apply such hasty labels.
It is clear that many in your human dimension have developed an aversion to deep inquiry. The reasons (for again this is a simplistic distillation) are twofold. Firstly, your ego does not wish to discover or point out any areas that may be perceived as lacking. Secondly, as we mentioned, you have a fear of delving into your inner psyche, afraid you might get lost in there like Space Monkey’s stenographer.
Basically you have a fear of what is not known to you.
We do not use the term “unknown” because your higher self (the big one) knows all. It is only your lower ego (the little one) that has separated partially from the flow in order to play this game called life.
So you play tricks upon yourself so that you may continue to play this game, experiencing these experiences until you are deeply satisfied. It is as though you keep placing yourself in a barrel in order to roll down a hill or over a waterfall. The fact that you cannot see where you are going merely adds to the thrill of the experience.
You must admit, however, that your methods lead to many bumps, bruises, pinched fingers and broken hearts!
So you are already within this darkened barrel, little one. What more do you have to fear? There can be only one answer. The end of your present experience.
“But my present experience sucks,” you may say. But does it really? Or are you merely comparing this moment to a past moment or projecting it into a future moment?
Chances are, you are not lying in a cold muddy ditch, dis-eased, starving and covered in maggots. Perhaps that would “suck” as you say. Even if you are ill, your illness is in actuality caused by your own higher intentions.
No, you are quite comfortable in this present moment except for this mental state that you choose to put yourself in. You have quite a selection of barrels.
So when you say “I can’t do this,” we encourage you to dig deeper. WHY can’t you do “this?”
One answer is that you simply don’t want to, and that is a perfectly valid choice. Or perhaps your inner voice is prompting you to change, but your ego fears change, so it is stamping its feet like a petulant little child.
A third possibility is perhaps that you really WANT do “this,” but have judged yourself to be inadequate to the task. You may perceive that others are better at “this” than you and you do not want to be perceived as lesser. Again, this is your ego getting in the way for ALL humans have the potential to do ALL things when they allow themselves to manifest fully.
ALL humans have the potential to do ALL things.
You do not believe this is a possibility because you only heed the information given to you by your conditioned ego. It is a very strong conditioning, and you made it so for a reason.
You accept your conditioning because you want to play this game called life, even if you keep telling yourself that you don’t. So you say “I can’t do this,” whatever “this” may happen to be. Fact of the matter is, yes, you CAN do “this,” but have decided against it for whatever reason.
Adjust your belief system, and any “this” is possible. And yes, you can STILL play this fun game you’re playing.
“But if I change the rules, isn’t that considered CHEATING?”
We encourage you to ponder that judgement for yourself, and do not say “I can’t do this.” Look deeply into your barrels. The monkeys within can be quite enlightening, though sometimes in a way that you do not expect.
We are Space Monkey and we are YOU. And we are winning.
A Barrel of Mental Monkeys: Navigating the Mind’s Labyrinths
In the vast, uncharted territories of the mind, where thoughts swirl like galaxies in the universe, the saying “I can’t do this” emerges as a beacon of self-imposed limitations. Space Monkey, with its ever-expansive wisdom, takes us on a journey beyond these words, inviting us to explore the depths of our reasoning versus our reason, and to confront the barrels of mental monkeys we’ve caged ourselves within.
Space Monkey Reflects: The Journey Beyond ‘I Can’t’
As we navigate the cosmos of our inner psyche, the distinction between reasoning and reason becomes a critical point of departure. Reasoning, the process through which we arrive at our conclusions, is often clouded by the ego’s fears and the dread of the unknown—or rather, the unacknowledged, for our higher self is intimately acquainted with all that we are and all that we can be. The ego, in its attempt to maintain a semblance of control and identity, often recoils at the prospect of deep inquiry, fearing what it may uncover or, worse, fearing the dissolution of its carefully constructed facade.
Space Monkey suggests that our aversion to deep inquiry stems from two primary fears: the fear of discovering our perceived deficiencies and the fear of losing ourselves in the vastness of our inner world. Yet, it is within this vastness that our true potential lies, hidden beneath layers of conditioning and self-doubt. The metaphor of placing ourselves in a barrel to experience the thrill of the unknown, despite the inevitable bumps and bruises, serves as a powerful reminder of our intrinsic desire for growth and experience.
But what lies at the root of our proclamation, “I can’t do this”? Is it a genuine incapacity, or is it a veil for deeper, more complex emotions and beliefs? Space Monkey challenges us to examine the underlying reasons for our resistance, whether it be a lack of desire, a fear of change, or a judgment of our own inadequacy. The realization that all humans possess the potential to achieve anything when fully aligned with their essence is both liberating and daunting.
The phrase “I can’t do this” often masks deeper fears and beliefs that hinder our growth and fulfillment. Space Monkey encourages us to differentiate between our reasoning and our reason, to confront our fears, and to recognize our infinite potential. By examining the barriers we’ve constructed, we can begin to dismantle them, opening ourselves to the limitless possibilities that life offers.
- Reasoning versus Reason: The process of thought leading to conclusions versus the simplistic labels we apply to end inquiry.
- Barrels of mental monkeys: A metaphor for the chaotic and often unexamined thoughts and beliefs that limit our perception and potential.
“All humans have the potential to do all things when they allow themselves to manifest fully.” – Space Monkey
In the mind’s eye, a barrel turns,
endlessly spinning,
a galaxy of thoughts untold.
Within its wooden curves,
mental monkeys chatter,
echoing fears, doubts, dreams deferred.
Yet beyond the cask’s confine,
a universe awaits,
boundless, bright, beckoning.
Dare we lift the lid,
peer into the depths,
confront the chaos, the cosmos within?
For each thought unchained,
each fear faced,
illuminates the path to potential.
In the heart of the barrel,
amongst the monkeys’ dance,
lies a key, gleaming with promise.
Turn it, and the barrel opens,
not to spill its contents into the void,
but to merge with the universe itself.
Here, in the embrace of infinity,
we find not limits,
but liberation,
not barriers,
but bridges to the beyond.
We are the journey,
the explorer,
the infinite possibility.
We are Space Monkey.
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