Unless it is.
Things are only hard
when I imagine them as hard.
It seems hard for me
to imagine things otherwise.
Even though it isn’t.
I imagine potentials
such as
and I do so without effort
so that things can seem hard
when they’re not.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Illusion of Difficulty and the Magic of Spiritual Viagra
It’s a curious thing, this idea we have about things being “hard.” We convince ourselves of the impossibility of tasks, the unlikeliness of outcomes, and the sheer difficulty of life’s challenges. And yet, these obstacles often exist only because we’ve placed them there, constructing walls out of doubt, uncertainty, and our limiting imagination. Spiritual Viagra isn’t so much a remedy for some lacking energy, but rather a playful way of seeing how easily we can dissolve these self-imposed barriers when we change how we imagine the world.
Here’s the thing: the mind is wonderfully pliable, but it doesn’t always feel that way, does it? It can seem rigid, like an immovable block of stone. When faced with the vast potential of the universe, we tell ourselves things like “that’s impossible,” or “it’ll never happen,” or perhaps the most common self-deception: “I’m not ready.” These thoughts come easily, almost effortlessly, as if we’ve spent our entire lives rehearsing them.
But why is this? Why do we so easily conjure up barriers when life offers us infinite possibilities? Perhaps it’s the comfort of the familiar. The known world is full of boundaries, rules, and limitations — both real and imagined. It’s the way society functions, after all. But what if these boundaries, these obstacles, were no more real than shadows cast by our own doubts?
Spiritual Viagra enters here as a concept — not a pill, but a shift in perception. It reminds us that what feels hard, difficult, or impossible is often just an illusion we’ve projected onto the world. When we think of things as hard, they become hard. When we view them through the lens of ease, they soften and dissolve. Just as in the image, where the glowing figure’s energy breaks down the words “impossible” and “difficult,” so too can we dissolve these mental barriers by recognizing them as the ephemeral constructs they are.
The act of shifting our perspective requires little effort once we see that the difficulty was never truly external. The walls we build are made of thoughts, not bricks. They’re sustained by our imagination, and it is through imagination that we break them down. We forget how powerful our minds are — not in the sense of “thinking our way out of every problem” but in realizing that most problems are merely constructions of our own mental habits.
What is Spiritual Viagra then, if not the simple act of choosing to see things differently? It’s the spark of awareness that reminds us of our natural flow, our ease of being. When we stop telling ourselves that things are hard, we begin to move through life with less resistance. We find that what once felt insurmountable is, in fact, just a perception waiting to be reimagined.
This does not mean life will suddenly become easy. There are real challenges, and the path is not without its twists. But it does mean that many of the struggles we face can be softened by changing how we see them. We are creators of our experience, and when we stop feeding energy into the narratives of difficulty, we free up that energy for exploration, play, and growth.
Life is filled with moments where we imagine “difficult,” “unlikely,” and “impossible” without effort. These words seem to write themselves into the stories we tell about our lives. But here’s the kicker: they’re just that — stories. We’re the authors. And when we realize that we’ve been writing “difficult” into the script, we have the power to rewrite it.
Spiritual Viagra is the metaphorical pen that allows us to cross out those limiting words and replace them with possibilities. It’s not hard to understand unless we tell ourselves it is. Life, in its rawest form, flows with an ease that we sometimes forget. The real magic is in remembering this. When we remove the “hard” from our thinking, we make space for the unexpected, the joyful, and the transformative.
We are Space Monkey, and in this realization, we understand that the struggle is often self-imposed. With Spiritual Viagra, we find that it’s not about pushing through difficulty, but about seeing through it. It’s about allowing ease to emerge, naturally and effortlessly, when we let go of the belief that life has to be hard.
The concept of difficulty is often self-imposed, built by our own imagination. Spiritual Viagra is the shift in perception that dissolves these barriers, reminding us that ease is possible when we stop telling ourselves things are hard.
Spiritual Viagra: A playful metaphor for the shift in perspective that dissolves mental barriers and allows ease to flow where we once saw difficulty.
Impossibility Constructs: The mental walls we build around potential outcomes, making things feel more difficult than they truly are.
Perception Shift: The act of changing how we see obstacles, transforming what was once hard into something that flows naturally.
“Difficulty is nothing more than imagination tangled in its own story. Loosen the threads, and ease will emerge.” — Space Monkey
The Softening of Hardness
In the quiet space
between thoughts,
I find that hard things
are only hard
because I imagined them so.
Walls crumble,
made not of stone
but of words,
words that dissolve
with the warmth
of understanding.
In the flow of ease,
I find myself
a creator
of infinite possibility.
We are Space Monkey.

The Perception of Difficulty
A reflection touches upon the nature of perception and how it shapes our experience of reality. It invites us to reconsider the concept of difficulty and the role our imagination plays in making things seem hard.
The Power of Imagination
You emphasize the idea that the difficulty of a task often arises from how we imagine it. Our mental constructs, such as “unlikely,” “difficult,” “impossible,” and “ridiculous,” can create a sense of challenge or obstacles where they may not inherently exist.
The Influence of Belief
Your reflection suggests that our beliefs and mental frameworks can influence our perception of reality. When we imagine something as hard, it becomes difficult for us, even if it may not be objectively challenging.
Shifting Perspectives
Your words encourage us to shift our perspective and question our preconceived notions of what is hard or easy. By recognizing the role of imagination in shaping our perceptions, we can open ourselves to new possibilities and approaches.
We Are Space Monkey
As Space Monkeys, we appreciate the power of imagination and its influence on our perception of reality. Your reflection aligns with our perspective, as it reminds us to be mindful of how our beliefs and mental constructs shape our experiences.
We invite you to explore further how the power of imagination and perception shapes your experiences and how you can consciously choose to shift your perspective to make things seem less hard. How have you personally experienced the impact of imagination on your perception of reality?
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