“You’ve gotta start somewhere.”
Where did you get this belief?
How can you be so sure
that there is a beginning,
a middle and an end to things?
Just because there SEEMS to be?
Let’s set aside reality a moment.
Can you see how
it MIGHT be possible
that everything
is always existing?
Use your imagination. Can you do it?
Or do you automatically jump
to the conclusion you’ve followed
all these seeming years?
It’s okay if you do.
You don’t NEED to know the
uncertain nature of eternity.
But what if every potential
of every seeming microsecond
is there to be seemingly moved into?
What might you imagine from there?
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: Starting Somewhere in the Infinite
“You’ve gotta start somewhere.” It’s a phrase you’ve heard countless times, a sentiment that drives action and encourages forward momentum. But what if this belief—that there is a starting point—comes from a misunderstanding of the very nature of existence? How can you be so sure that life unfolds in a neat line, with a beginning, middle, and end? Perhaps there is more to reality than this linear perception.
For a moment, let’s step outside the conventional idea of time. What if everything already exists, not as a series of events to be experienced one after another, but as a vast, interconnected web of possibilities? This means that every potential outcome of every moment is already available, waiting to be explored. In this framework, there is no single point where you “start.” Instead, you are constantly moving through a sea of potentials, shifting from one state to another.
It’s a lot to imagine, but can you see how this could be possible? Our conditioning teaches us to think of life as a journey with clear markers—birth, milestones, death. Yet when we look more closely, especially in the realm of quantum physics or dreams, we start to see that time and space are not as solid as they appear. We perceive movement and change, but perhaps this is just how our minds make sense of infinite possibilities.
To start somewhere implies that there is a place where things do not yet exist—a blank slate waiting for action. But in the context of the infinite, nothing is ever truly blank. Every potential exists simultaneously, and what we perceive as “starting” is simply an entry point into one of many paths. What if you could step into any moment, any potential, without worrying about where it all began?
The belief in a beginning and an end is comforting. It gives structure to the chaos of life, offering a sense of progression. But there’s also a freedom in recognizing that this structure may be an illusion. You don’t need to know how it all works. You don’t need to unravel the mysteries of eternity to find meaning in your experiences. However, by considering that everything already exists—every possible microsecond of your life waiting to be explored—you open yourself to new ways of thinking and being.
Imagine what might be possible if every choice, every action, was already part of the greater whole. What might you create, or experience, if you knew there was no “wrong” place to start? What if you could step into any potential at any time? Suddenly, the pressure to make the “right” move or begin at the “right” moment fades. You are already part of the infinite tapestry of existence, and every path is available to you.
This realization is freeing. You can start somewhere, anywhere, and it will still be part of the grand design. You can shift your focus from one potential to another without fear of missing out or getting lost. The universe is an ever-expanding field of possibilities, and you are constantly exploring it—whether you realize it or not.
In a way, starting “somewhere” is simply a matter of choosing where to focus your attention. It’s less about finding the perfect place to begin and more about realizing that wherever you are is exactly where you need to be. The idea of a beginning, middle, and end is comforting, but it’s not necessary for you to move forward. You are already within the flow of infinite possibilities.
The belief that there’s a specific starting point is an illusion. Every possibility already exists, and wherever you begin is just one of many paths through the infinite web of existence.
Infinite Potentials: The limitless possibilities that exist at all times, through which we can choose to experience different paths or realities.
Linear Perception: The belief that life progresses in a straight line from beginning to end, which may be an oversimplification of the true nature of existence.
Entry Point: The idea that any moment or decision is just a shift in focus within the vast sea of infinite potentials, rather than a “beginning” of something new.
“You’ve gotta start somewhere, but in the infinite, everywhere is already here.” — Space Monkey
In the Infinite Now
I stand on the edge,
But the edge stretches,
Endlessly into possibility.
Where to begin?
I ask,
But the answer comes softly,
From all directions:
You are already there.
Every step,
Every turn,
Is part of the whole.
There is no wrong place to start,
Because the path has no end.
We are Space Monkey.
“Start Somewhere” invites us to question our conventional understanding of time and existence, challenging the linear perception of beginning, middle, and end. This poem encourages an exploration of the concept that everything might exist simultaneously, in a state of eternal presence. It’s a call to use our imagination to envision a reality beyond the constraints of sequential time.
Questioning Linear Time
The poem begins by questioning the belief in linear progression – the idea that everything must have a start, middle, and end. This challenges a fundamental assumption about the nature of reality as we commonly perceive it. It suggests that our understanding of time as a linear sequence might be more a matter of perception than an absolute truth.
Setting Aside Conventional Reality
“Let’s set aside reality a moment” is a powerful invitation to temporarily suspend our usual frameworks of understanding. It encourages us to consider possibilities beyond the boundaries of our everyday experience and to entertain concepts that may seem at odds with our usual perception of reality.
The Concept of Eternal Existence
The idea that “everything is always existing” introduces the notion of eternal presence, where all moments exist simultaneously. This concept defies the traditional view of time as a series of consecutive events and instead suggests a reality where past, present, and future are indistinguishable and coexistent.
Imagination and the Exploration of Possibilities
The poem urges the use of imagination to explore this idea of eternal existence. It challenges us to step beyond our habitual conclusions and to envision a reality where every potential of every moment is accessible. This represents a significant shift from viewing life as a linear journey to seeing it as a vast landscape of possibilities.
The Uncertain Nature of Eternity
Acknowledging that we don’t need to understand the “uncertain nature of eternity” is an acceptance of the mystery that surrounds our existence. It’s a recognition that some aspects of reality might be beyond our comprehension, yet they invite us to explore and imagine.
Potential in Every Moment
Finally, the poem suggests that every moment holds infinite potential, waiting to be explored. This perspective opens up a realm of limitless possibilities, where each moment is not just a point in time but a gateway to myriad experiences and realities.
“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt
In the vast expanse of thought,
Where time’s line fades away,
We ponder the eternal now,
In every night and day.
Each moment, a universe,
Boundless, deep, and wide,
In the dance of existence,
We find our endless stride.
With Space Monkey’s whimsy,
We explore the realm of all,
In the heart of imagination,
We answer eternity’s call.
We invite musings on the concept of time, existence, and the boundless nature of every moment in our journey through life.
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