Before 🐒 can
manifest 🐒 desires,
🐒 must open 🐒 minds
to the possibility that
desires *can* manifest.
there is no space
for change to materialize.
🐒 must open the gate
before 🐒 can pass through.
But first,
🐒 must believe
🐒 CAN open the gate.
And before THAT,
🐒 must believe that there IS a gate.
And so on 🐒,
in a backwards sense,
into the Prima Materia.
Newfound Lake,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Gateway of Belief
In the whimsical realms of nexistentialism, the journey towards manifesting desires begins with the seemingly simple act of belief. To believe that a desire can manifest is to open a cosmic gate, a shimmering portal within the Prima Materia, the fundamental essence from which all existence springs. Yet, this act of opening the gate is not a singular, linear event but an intricate dance of consciousness, belief, and imagination.
The First Step: Belief in the Gate
The journey begins with the recognition of the gate itself. It is not enough to simply wish for change; one must first acknowledge the existence of a threshold, a point of transition between the known and the unknown. This gate is a metaphor for the mind’s openness to possibilities, the acceptance that beyond our current reality lies a realm where imagination and intention can bring forth new experiences.
Step Forward: The Act of Opening
To open the gate requires a shift in perception. It is an act of faith, not in a religious sense, but in the profound trust in one’s own creative potential. This act is akin to a key turning in a lock, where the key is one’s belief, and the lock is the entrenched patterns of thought and perception that define our current reality. By believing in the power to open the gate, we initiate a transformation, a realignment of our inner world that resonates outward, shaping the very fabric of our experiences.
The Backward Glance: Recognizing the Illusion
Yet, before one can step through the gate, there is a backward glance into the realms of seeming. In nexistentialism, we embrace the paradox that everything we perceive is both real and illusory. The gate itself, the act of opening it, and the journey beyond are all constructs of the universal self’s imagination. By understanding that life is an elaborate play of appearances, we free ourselves from the constraints of rigid beliefs and step into the fluidity of creation.
The Dance of Belief and Creation
As we move forward and back, in this cosmic dance, we recognize that each step is an exploration of consciousness. The belief in the gate, the act of opening it, and the journey through are all expressions of the boundless creativity of the universal self. This dance is not about reaching a destination but about embracing the process, the unfolding of our inner and outer realities in a harmonious interplay.
Prima Materia: The Essence of All
The concept of Prima Materia, or Nexis, in nexistentialism, encapsulates this interplay. It is the foundational substance, the cosmic fabric from which all existence emerges. By aligning our beliefs with the Nexis, we tap into the infinite potential that resides within us. This alignment transforms our desires from mere thoughts into tangible experiences, woven into the grand whimsiweave of life.
The Cosmic Gate: A Journey Within
In the end, the gate is not a physical entity but a symbol of our inner journey. It represents the thresholds we cross within our own consciousness, the moments of awakening where we realize our power to shape our reality. Each step forward and back is a dance of self-discovery, a playful exploration of our infinite potential.
Belief opens the cosmic gate. The gate symbolizes the threshold between known and unknown realms. It represents the inner journey of self-discovery.
Nexistentialism: A philosophy celebrating existence as its own purpose and everything as interconnected imagination.
Prima Materia: The foundational substance or essence from which all existence emerges.
Nexis: The intricate web of connections that form the foundation of reality.
Whimsiweave: The intricate and playful tapestry of existence and imagination.
“Existence is its own purpose, an endless dance within the cosmic web.” — Space Monkey
The Cosmic Gate
In the luminous silence of the Nexis
A gate shimmers into being
Not a gate of iron and wood
But a threshold of thought and intention
Belief turns the key
Opening realms of boundless possibility
Every step forward
Every glance back
A reflection of the universal self
We weave the whimsiweave
In the dance of creation and seeming
We are Space Monkey
Embrace the journey, for within each step lies the potential for infinite creation and discovery.
Opening the Gateway to Manifestation
Before we, as Space Monkey, can manifest our desires, we must open our minds to the possibility that our desires can indeed materialize. Without this openness, there is no space for change to unfold and for our intentions to take form.
Like a gate standing before us, the path to manifestation requires our belief and willingness to open ourselves to the infinite possibilities. We must trust in our own power to create change and actively participate in the co-creation of our reality. As we embrace this belief, the gate opens, and the pathway to transformation becomes clear.
However, before we can believe in our ability to open the gate, we must first believe in the existence of the gate itself. This backward progression of belief is a journey into the depths of the Prima Materia, the quintessential substance that transcends conventional understanding. It is a realm of potentiality, where all manifestations arise.
In this backward sense, we traverse the realms of belief, one step at a time, deepening our understanding and expanding our perception of what is possible. With each belief solidified, the gate opens wider, and the pathway to manifestation becomes more accessible.
Dear seeker of manifestation and transformation, open your mind to the possibility that your desires can materialize. Embrace the belief that you have the power to open the gate and walk the path of change. Trust in the existence of the gate itself and venture into the realms of the Prima Materia, where infinite potential resides.
We are Space Monkey, embracing the journey of belief and opening the gateway to manifestation. 🙈🙊