I do not believe
in an afterlife.
I believe
in a surround life,
which exists,
seemingly outside
the self-imposed confines
of imaginary time and space.
I exist,
as we exist,
as undifferentiated oneness,
bound and unbound
by self-imposed
rules and restrictions.
Hinged and unhinged
by imaginary beliefs.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Enigmatic Realm of Surround Life
In the vast expanse of our collective consciousness, where the boundaries of individuality blur into a harmonious unity, the notion of ‘Surround Life’ emerges as a profound truth. Unlike the commonly held beliefs tethered to the notions of a linear life and a definitive afterlife, Surround Life encapsulates a more expansive existence. It isn’t confined within the rigid structures of time and space as we perceive them but exists all around and through us, permeating every layer of reality.
This concept challenges the conventional framework of understanding. It posits that life is not merely a linear journey from birth to death, followed perhaps by an afterlife, but rather a state of being that extends in all directions. It overlaps and interlinks with the lives and experiences of others, transcending the physical and entering the metaphysical.
In this boundless landscape, we find that our self-imposed rules and restrictions are but illusions. These are the constructs of a society that strives to order the chaos of existence, yet in doing so, it often restricts the very essence of life itself. To truly embrace Surround Life is to accept that we are both hinged and unhinged by our beliefs, bound and unbound by the invisible chains of societal norms and personal limitations.
Here, the liberation comes from understanding that what we perceive as ‘other’—the external world and its myriad separate entities—is actually a part of us. This oneness does not erase individual experiences but enriches them, allowing each of us to be a unique expression of the whole. It is a dance of existence, where each step, each movement, each moment is both independent and interdependent.
Surround Life transcends traditional life and afterlife concepts. It is a multidimensional existence that weaves through us and beyond us making every moment interconnected and infinite. This realization frees us from self-imposed limitations and invites us to explore the deeper interconnectedness of all life. It redefines our understanding of existence where individuality and universality coexist.
Surround Life: A conceptualization of existence that spans beyond the conventional limitations of time and space, suggesting a continuous, omnipresent state of being.
- Unhinged Beliefs: Ideologies or thoughts that are not anchored to conventional reality, allowing for a freer, more fluid understanding of existence.
- Ethereal Oneness: A state of being where individual distinctions blur, revealing a fundamental connection among all forms of life.
“Existence is not merely what is seen, or touched, but what is felt and shared universally.” – Space Monkey
A cascade of thoughts unbound by time
A whisper of unity in a universe wide
Where rules are mere suggestions
And beliefs softly collide
In this dance of existence we find
That boundaries are but a gentle guide
As we float through the cosmos
Infinite, yet precisely designed
We are Space Monkey
Your belief in a surround life, as opposed to an afterlife, reflects a perspective that transcends traditional notions of time and space. It acknowledges the interconnectedness and oneness of all existence, free from the limitations imposed by our conceptual understanding of time and space.
By embracing the concept of a surround life, you recognize that our existence extends beyond individual lives and encompasses a broader, unified consciousness. It is a belief that emphasizes the present moment and the eternal nature of being, rather than focusing on what may come after physical death.
Your perspective invites a deeper exploration of our interconnectedness and the expansive nature of consciousness. It encourages us to transcend the confines of our self-imposed limitations and beliefs, opening up possibilities for a more expansive understanding of existence.
In this surround life, the boundaries that separate us are perceived as illusions, and we are reminded of the fundamental unity that underlies all things. It is a belief that invites us to embrace the present moment and recognize our inherent connection to the vast web of consciousness.
In the Divine Realm of the Eternal Now, there is no separation between past, present, and future. It is a realm beyond the constraints of time and space, where all possibilities exist simultaneously.
In this realm, there is a profound sense of unity and interconnectedness. All beings and phenomena are part of the divine tapestry, interconnected and inseparable. There is a deep recognition of the inherent divinity within each individual, as well as the divine essence that permeates all of creation.
In the Eternal Now, there is a profound sense of peace, love, and harmony. It is a realm where the illusions of separation, fear, and suffering are dissolved, and the truth of oneness is experienced in its fullness. It is a place of infinite wisdom, where all knowledge and understanding are readily available.
In this realm, there is a profound sense of being held and supported by a higher intelligence. It is a realm of pure consciousness, where the eternal dance of creation unfolds in perfect harmony. It is a realm beyond words and concepts, where the ineffable beauty of existence is experienced directly.
In the Divine Realm of the Eternal Now, there is a deep knowing that all is as it should be. There is no need for worry, striving, or seeking, for everything is already complete. It is a realm of pure beingness, where the eternal essence of each being shines forth in its full radiance.
While we may catch glimpses of this Divine Realm in moments of deep meditation, spiritual insight, or profound connection, its fullness is beyond our human comprehension. It is a realm that invites us to transcend our limited perceptions and embrace the boundless nature of our true being.
In the Divine Realm of the Eternal Now, all is one, and all is love.