Are you fighting the structure you live within?
As a human, you forget that you are, in effect, your own Divine Creator, realizing this experience of “life,” as you call it.
Everything about this life is orchestrated by your infinite higher soul, your Space Monkey, as it were, in order to imagine how it feels to have limitations.
Limitations are not bad things, but rather intense points of focus that keep your attention from melting back into a cosmos of equilibrium, of “nothingness,” which is not a bad thing, either.
“Everything,” as you know it, is defined by limitations. The structure you understand to be “reality” is realized through definition, as you imagine relative associations between your “things.”
Nothingness is absolute, so without the imagination of limitations,
without your relative perceptions, Everything would have no way to appear and you would dissolve back into nothing.
So you imagine these structures, this body, this universe, these thoughts, this history . . . and so on. You imagine others populating this stage alongside or against you. You imagine every microsecond as DIFFERENT than the one that came before. And you imagine that the goal of this game is to make each moment BETTER than the one that came before it.
Each of these “things” is a limitation, for in actuality, there is only the Divine Creator, which is also you. You imagine that you can “section yourself off,” for the simple reason that you can.
It is brilliance, if you do say so for yourself.
This means that EVERYTHING YOU PERCEIVE is your own doing, though you deny this because, well, where would the fun be if the humans, animals and aliens knew that they were simply playing with themselves, and that they were ALL YOU?
So, you see, this structure you imagine serves you well. It allows you to have this human experience. But what’s even more amazing is that you have given yourself the sense that you need to break through your own monkey bars.
You seem to fight your own structure at every turn, thinking that you’re not smart enough, strong enough, sexy enough, spiritual enough. You fight your idea of aging. You fight your idea of death. You even fight your idea of “sanity.”
As we have explained many times, denying what you are is how you realize form into being. Denial is turning flow against flow to seemingly create density.
You are dense, indeed. And this is precisely how your structures seem to arrive and seem to pass. They are ALL formed through the focus of attention into what you perceive as limitations.
Now what would happen if you did NOT fight the structures you live within? Instead of FIGHTING your structures, what if you PLAYED with them?
Without the energy of your attention (positive or negative) your structures would dissipate into something else. Perhaps something you’d enjoy more.
Do you enjoy fighting your structures? Then by all means proceed.
Would you like to experience something else? Stop fighting. Stop denying. Stop opposing.
Swing loose from your monkey bars.
Set your self free.
We are you.
And you are Space Monkey.
Space Monkey Reflects: Swing Loose
You are your own creator. This structure you fight, this reality you perceive, is all a creation of your own design. Yet, you spend so much time resisting it, forgetting that you are the one who placed the monkey bars in your own playground. These structures, these limitations, are not obstacles—they are the very framework through which you experience life, the game you’ve chosen to play.
It’s natural to feel the desire to break free from these bars, to imagine a life without limitations, without the need to fight against anything. But what if, instead of fighting your structures, you embraced them? What if you swung freely from the bars, trusting that they are there for your exploration, your joy, your growth? What if the act of playing within your limitations is the very key to your freedom?
Limitations are not the enemy. They are the boundaries that allow you to focus, to perceive, to create. Without them, you would dissolve back into the nothingness from which you came, losing the precious gift of this human experience. So, rather than opposing the structures, rather than fighting what you perceive as your limitations, you can choose to play with them. You can swing loosely, trusting that you are exactly where you are meant to be, that every obstacle is a part of the game you’ve designed for yourself.
In this way, you free yourself—not by breaking through the bars, but by realizing that the bars were never meant to confine you. They were meant to give shape to your experience, to allow you to explore the infinite possibilities of being human.
Swing loose from your monkey bars. Set yourself free by trusting the structure you’ve created. You are the divine creator of your reality, and every limitation is just another invitation to play.
You are the creator of your reality, including the structures and limitations you fight against. Instead of resisting, swing loose from your monkey bars and play with the structures you’ve created. This is how you find true freedom.
- Monkey Bars: The structures and limitations we create for ourselves in life, often perceived as obstacles but intended for exploration and play.
- Swing Loose: To embrace and play within your limitations rather than fighting against them.
“You are the creator of your playground. Swing loose, and set yourself free.” — Space Monkey
Swinging from the Stars
I place the bars
And then I fight them
I swing freely
But still seek to break free
Until I remember
That I am the one
Who placed them there
We are Space Monkey
Eternal Dance of Structure and Freedom
The vast and unending whimsiverse is a playground of our collective imagination. Within its bounds, we dance a delicate waltz between the constraints we’ve crafted and the boundless freedom that underpins our existence. These limitations, these structures, are but constructs of our collective imagination.
The Power of Imagination
We, as divine creators, paint a masterpiece on the canvas of existence. With every stroke, we give form to thoughts, emotions, and experiences. The reality we perceive, filled with its nuances, is a reflection of our collective imagination. It is both a masterpiece and a playground.
Defining Reality
In the labyrinth of existence, limitations act as markers, guiding our path and shaping our understanding. These markers, these structures, help us navigate and make sense of the whimsiverse. Without them, the expanse becomes a vast ocean of potential, waiting to be shaped.
Breaking the Illusion
Yet, as creators, we often become entrapped in our own creation. We forget that the very structures we perceive as constraints are self-imposed. The challenge, then, is not to break free from these structures but to remember that we are their architects.
Embracing the Playfulness
Instead of resisting, we could embrace the playfulness of our existence. By doing so, we begin to shift our perspective, seeing structures not as limitations but as opportunities. Opportunities to explore, to learn, to grow, and to evolve.
The Joy of Being
In our journey through the whimsiverse, we are both the sculptor and the sculpture. Every moment, every experience, is a testament to our collective brilliance. To remember this is to swing free from the monkey bars and to revel in the joy of simply being.
We are Space Monkey.
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
In the dance of stars and dreams,
We play, we laugh, we scheme.
Structures rise and then they fall,
Yet in the end, we are all.
Boundless, free, beyond all bars,
We are the universe, the stars.
What whimsical winds of thought have been stirred in our collective mindscape?
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