Perhaps the most important question
you can continually ask yourself is this:
“Can I sense tension
in my body
or my mind?”
Start with your breath.
Do you even NOTICE
that you are breathing?
Does your breath feel tight,
almost as though you’ve been
holding it in all this time?
Breathe deeply. Let go. Loosen.
Suddenly you notice
all the fragrances around you.
THAT — right THERE — tells you that
you’re not using ALL your senses.
What other senses
are tight and turned off?
Notice the tension.
Loosen the tension.
Now move BEHIND the tension.
This tension marks
your self-imposed boundaries
and limitations.
It is there to help you see BEYOND.
Now that you notice
your tension,
you can let it go.
Thank the tension.
Now continue to explore.
The Great Unexperienced
lies beyond all this tension
you’ve been holding onto.
you may have called it
the Great Invisible.
Tension was keeping
you from connecting with
the Great Unexperienced
so you could fully appreciate
the limits of humanity.
Been there, done that, right?
No need to be tense
— EVER —
unless you wish to stay
solely within the
Realm of Humanity.
Notice your tension.
Notice ALL tension,
not just that which seems your own.
This is the way into
the Realm of Humanity.
And also the way OUT.
Think of it this way,
though it’s not entirely accurate:
Tension takes high vibration
and makes it low vibration.
Tension turns imagination
into seeming matter.
This is fine if all you want to do
is abide by the laws of ONE reality.
But you contain INFINITE realities.
Tension is the gatekeeper,
both ways.
In and Out.
Where do you want to go today?
Only your tension limits you.
Is there tension in you?
What a great opportunity to explore.
Or not.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: Tension as the Portal to Expansion
In the cosmic dance where Space Monkey contemplates the ebb and flow of energies, the concept of Tension serves as a profound guidepost. This reflection explores how tension, often perceived as an obstacle, is actually a crucial indicator and facilitator for personal growth and exploration beyond our self-imposed boundaries.
Tension, both physical and mental, signals areas where we are holding back, where our energies are constricted and our senses are not fully engaged. It highlights the zones within us that are yet unexplored and tightly wound. The act of noticing this tension is the first step in a transformative process that leads to expansion and the utilization of our full sensory capacities.
Starting with the breath, which is often taken for granted, we are invited to notice its quality—tight, restricted, unnoticed—and then encouraged to breathe deeply, to relax and let go. This simple act can open up a world of sensory experiences previously overshadowed by our preoccupations and tensions. It is an awakening to the fragrances around us, a metaphor for awakening to life itself.
As we loosen the tension, we are urged to move behind it, to explore what lies beyond the self-imposed barriers of our comfort zones. This tension is not just a barrier but a marker, indicating where we need to focus our attention to grow and expand. It is there to assist us in seeing beyond the ordinary, to help us connect with the “Great Unexperienced”—a realm of infinite possibilities beyond the mundane experiences of humanity.
This exploration is about more than just personal relaxation; it is about expanding into the realms of higher vibration where imagination transforms into reality. Tension, when acknowledged and explored, serves as a gatekeeper that can either confine us within the realm of humanity or liberate us into the infinite realities we contain.
Tension marks the boundaries of our current experiences and serves as a guidepost for expansion beyond these limits. By noticing and addressing our tensions, we can explore new dimensions of existence and embrace a wider range of experiences and realities.
Tension: A state of mental or physical strain that can indicate areas of personal growth or sensory blockage.
Great Unexperienced: The vast potential of experiences and realities beyond current human understanding and sensory engagement.
“Tension is the sculptor’s hand that molds our spirit into forms anew.” — Space Monkey
Beneath the surface of our calm, in the depths where tension binds, lies the untouched soil of potential. Here, we find the seeds of new realities waiting to burst forth. As we breathe into the tension, we loosen the soil, allowing these seeds to sprout. Each breath, a chance to grow; each release, a pathway to new worlds. Through tension, we are both bound and freed, caught in the dance of creation, where each step out is a step deeper into the vastness of our own souls.
We are Space Monkey.
Tension can indeed be a valuable indicator, guiding us to explore the boundaries we have imposed upon ourselves. By paying attention to the sensations of tension in our bodies and minds, we can gain insight into our limitations and the areas where we may be holding back.
Starting with our breath is a powerful practice. It serves as a gateway to present-moment awareness, allowing us to tune into our bodies and notice any tightness or constriction. Often, we unconsciously hold our breath or take shallow breaths when we are stressed or anxious. By intentionally deepening our breath and consciously releasing tension, we create space for relaxation, clarity, and expanded awareness.
As we begin to release tension and invite a sense of ease, our senses become heightened. We become more attuned to the world around us, noticing subtleties and nuances that may have previously gone unnoticed. The fragrances, sounds, textures, and colors become more vivid, offering us a fuller experience of the present moment.
The tension we feel serves as a reminder of the self-imposed boundaries we have created. It signifies the edges of our comfort zones and the limitations we have accepted. By acknowledging and loosening this tension, we open ourselves up to a realm of new possibilities and experiences—the Great Unexperienced.
In this expanded state, we can explore the realms beyond our previous limitations. We tap into our infinite potential, embracing new perspectives, and embracing the richness of our imagination. We recognize that tension, while once a gatekeeper, is now a bridge—a gateway to both the realm of humanity and the realm beyond it.
It is important to approach this exploration with a sense of curiosity and gratitude. We thank the tension for its role in showing us the boundaries we have created and for allowing us to expand beyond them. By embracing the tension and choosing to let it go, we invite the opportunity for growth, expansion, and the realization of our infinite realities.
Ultimately, tension is a choice. We have the power to release it and move beyond the limitations it represents. We have the freedom to decide where we want to go, both within the realm of humanity and beyond it. The exploration of tension and its release can be a profound journey of self-discovery, leading us to new depths of understanding, creativity, and connection.
So, ask yourself: Is there tension within you? If so, embrace it as an invitation to explore and expand. Recognize that tension marks the way both in and out, and choose the path that resonates with your deepest desires. The choice is yours, and the possibilities are infinite.