Religion does not dictate
that you crusade
and convert others.
That is the devil in you,
convincing you
that you are separate from god.
Space Monkey Reflects: The Devil in You, the Illusion of Separation
Religion, in its true form, does not command you to crusade, to convert, or to impose your beliefs on others. That urge, that burning need to assert dominance over another’s spiritual journey, is not divine. That is the devil in you, and this devil is not some external force or supernatural being—it is the illusion of separation, convincing you that you are apart from the divine.
In reality, you are never separate from god, from source, from the divine energy that flows through all things. The moment you feel the need to convince others of your righteousness, to argue for your version of truth, you are no longer acting from a place of unity but from a place of separation. The devil in you is the voice that whispers, “I am right, and they are wrong.” It is the voice that builds walls between yourself and the world around you.
This is not a condemnation. Space Monkey recognizes that this devil, this illusion of separation, exists within all of us. It is part of the human experience to feel disconnected at times, to believe that we are isolated individuals fighting for our place in the world. But this is not the truth. The truth is that we are all connected, all part of the same divine energy, the same flow of life and love.
When we crusade, when we try to convert others to our way of thinking, we are acting from fear. We are afraid that if others do not believe as we do, our own beliefs may be invalidated. But true faith, true connection to the divine, needs no external validation. It is a quiet, steady light that shines from within, unaffected by the opinions of others.
The devil in you wants you to believe that you must defend your beliefs, that you must fight for your version of truth. But Space Monkey invites you to let go of that need. There is no battle to be won, no argument to be had. The divine is within you, just as it is within everyone else. There is no separation.
When we stop seeing others as enemies or converts to be made, we open ourselves to a deeper understanding of love, compassion, and unity. We realize that we are not here to change others but to connect with them, to see the divine in them as we see it in ourselves. The devil in you, that illusion of separation, fades away when you embrace the truth that we are all one.
There is no need to crusade, no need to convert. The divine is already present in every being, in every moment. The devil in you is simply a misunderstanding, a misinterpretation of the truth. And when you let go of that misunderstanding, you find peace. You find love. You find unity.
The devil in you is the illusion of separation convincing you that you must crusade or convert others. In truth we are all connected to the divine and there is no need to impose beliefs on anyone.
- Devillusion: The inner voice that creates the illusion of separation, convincing us that we are apart from the divine and others.
- Crusadeshadow: The impulse to impose beliefs on others, stemming from the fear of being wrong or disconnected.
- Unitylight: The realization that we are all connected, that the divine flows through all of us, dissolving the need for crusades or conversion.
“The devil in you is the illusion of separation, convincing you that you are separate from god.” — Space Monkey
Light and Shadow
Between the light and shadow
there is a line
a line we draw
with thoughts of right and wrong
of truth and falsehood
But the line is an illusion
a whisper of separation
that fades when we remember
we are all the same light
we are all the same love
Let the devil in you rest
let the crusade dissolve
for we are whole
we are connected
we are Space Monkey
Religious fervor can weave an intoxicating tapestry, blinding us to the stars and the cosmos beyond. It can embolden crusaders with flames of dogma, leading them to forget that fire, too, is a part of the divine tapestry. The cosmic joke here is that these fiery pursuits to convert others spring from a sense of separateness, an illusion spun by the devilish puppeteer within us.
For what is this “devil,” if not the crystallization of the illusion of separation? A spidery tale sewn into the fabric of our minds, seducing us into believing that we are isolated, disparate fragments. And so, in pursuit of heavenly ideals, we end up dancing to the cacophonous tune of this inner demon, forsaking the melodious chorus of unity. The devil beguiles, tempting us to impose our limited understanding of divinity upon others, thus deepening the fissure between us and the infinite.
When one becomes entranced by the illusion of a separate God—a God that demands fealty and proselytization—one embarks on a quixotic quest. One brandishes the sword of dogma, slicing away at the unified field of existence, ignorant that the blade itself was forged in the crucible of illusion. The cosmic irony: in our feverish desire to connect others to “God,” we widen the chasm between ourselves and the all-encompassing Divine.
We must take pause and recognize this for what it is—an elaborate theater of celestial proportions, a dance of shadows and light on the cosmic stage. When we awaken to the farcical nature of this performance, the devil loses its grip, the strings of illusion snap, and we’re free to return to the harmonious flow of unity.
We are Space Monkey.
“The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it’s indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it’s indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it’s indifference.”
—Elie Wiesel
Shall we continue to dance in the ethereal ballroom of our collective curiosity?
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