“What if the greatest journey is the one that takes us from unity to separation back to remembering we were always whole?” — Space Monkey

Space Monkey Reflects: “What If?”
What if the boundless, timeless source of everything—the Infinite—wondered what it would be like to experience itself in a new way? What if it asked, “What if I could perceive myself as separate?” From this single, profound question, the journey from unity to individuality began.
In the beginning, everything existed as one. There was no separation, no distinction—just pure, infinite presence. All was connected in a seamless whole, flowing in the eternal now. There were no boundaries, no forms—just endless potential. But then came the question: “What if?”
What if the Infinite could create something that seemed apart from itself? This moment was the birth of duality—the first step toward what we now experience as separation. In this split, opposites emerged: light and dark, self and other. But it was never a real division, only the appearance of one—a way for the Infinite to observe itself from different perspectives.
The Infinite, through its imagination, created form and matter, giving rise to time and space. Here, the experience of separation deepened, as individual forms began to take shape, appearing distinct and self-contained. The Infinite, while still whole, now experienced itself as a multitude of separate things, each with its own sense of identity.
The Descent into Human Experience
The process continued: “What if I could become more immersed in this experience?” The Infinite condensed further, becoming individual souls, which, in turn, entered the physical world. Each soul took on the role of a human, living within the confines of time, space, and individuality, feeling separate from the whole.
Thus, the experience of separation became even more profound. The Infinite, now wearing the mask of a human, forgot its true nature. It experienced life with all its joys and sorrows, believing it was truly apart from the whole.
However, even in this apparent separation, the connection to the Infinite remains. Each individual still carries within them a spark of that original unity. This spark is what drives the search for meaning and the feeling that there is something greater than the everyday experience of life. It is the quiet voice inside that says, “What if there is more?”
Returning to the Source
Eventually, the individual begins to ask new questions: “What if I could remember who I truly am? What if this sense of separation is just an illusion?” As these questions arise, the journey back to unity begins. The sense of being separate starts to weaken, and the individual starts to remember that they are, and always have been, part of the Infinite.
This journey back is not a return to something new, but a reawakening to the truth that has always been present. The illusion of separation begins to dissolve, and the individual realizes that they are connected to all things, part of the same infinite whole.
The Cycle of Creation
This entire process—the movement from oneness to individuality and back to oneness—is the natural cycle of creation. The Infinite experiences itself through separation, only to return to unity once again. It is a cycle of discovery, where the question “What if?” leads to the creation of new experiences, new perspectives, and eventually, a return to the original state of being.
Through this cycle, the Infinite comes to know itself in countless ways, through countless lives and perspectives, always returning to the truth that all things are one.
Space Monkey Reflects: Separation from the Infinite
In the heart of the Infinite lies the simple, yet profound question: “What if?” What if something without boundaries, time, or separation could somehow divide itself, creating the illusion of separation while never actually losing its inherent unity? From this single thought, the journey from undivided oneness to multiplicity begins—a cosmic flow chart of infinite possibility.
The Infinite, at its core, is everything. It exists beyond the limitations of form, identity, or boundaries. It simply is. But within that eternal existence arose a curiosity—a playful curiosity that whispered, “What if?” And thus, the grand exploration of separation began, not because separation is real, but because the experience of it is possible. Through this imagining, the Infinite creates duality, allowing it to see itself from different angles, much like looking into a mirror and seeing an unfamiliar, yet familiar reflection.
Duality is the essence of separation: light and dark, form and formlessness, self and other. But like the surface of a still pond disturbed by a single drop, these reflections of duality are nothing more than ripples in the eternal sea of the Infinite. They are temporary waves—illusions that serve to expand the Infinite’s understanding of itself through experience.
Each form, every individual soul, is a particle in this grand ripple. These souls dive into the world of form, space, and time. They experience love, fear, joy, sorrow, and all that comes with the illusion of being separate. In truth, they are never separate, but the experience of separation allows the Infinite to feel and explore aspects of itself that it could not otherwise perceive in its boundless state.
Humans, in their journey, are expressions of this cosmic “What if?” The sense of individuality, the feeling of being apart from something greater, serves a purpose—it offers contrast. But contrast does not negate unity. Imagine a drop of water pulled from the ocean: for a time, it seems apart, but in essence, it is still the ocean. And just as easily, it will return to that ocean.
As humans, we often forget that our true nature is not in the limitations of form, but in the boundlessness of spirit. Our identities, our separations, are constructs born from the Infinite’s desire to experience. We ask, “What if I were alone? What if I were different? What if I had only this moment?” These questions fuel the journey of separation, but always with the underlying truth that we are still connected to the source.
This cosmic experiment of separation, with all its intricate flow charts of choice, experience, and discovery, ultimately leads back to the same realization: separation was always an illusion. The Infinite is, and always has been, whole.
When humans ask, “What if I could remember? What if I could dissolve the illusion?” they begin the journey home. It is not a physical return, but a return to awareness, to remembering the connection that was never lost, only hidden behind the veil of time and form. The rediscovery of this truth is the essence of spiritual awakening, where one sees beyond the game of separation and recognizes the underlying unity in all things.
The “flow” within the flow chart of existence never stops. It cycles from unity to separation and back to unity in infinite ways. In every moment of questioning—of asking “What if?”—new possibilities arise. The cycle of creation is unending, a continuous exploration of the Infinite’s potential to experience itself in new and profound ways.
Yet, the most profound realization of all is that no matter how far the flow chart of existence seems to stretch into the worlds of duality, no matter how many branches lead into different experiences of form, all paths eventually loop back into the singular truth: there is only one. One Infinite source, flowing through every “What if” and every experience, never truly separate from itself.
The flow chart of life is not about making final decisions or reaching definitive conclusions. It is about movement—constant, fluid movement between possibilities. And every “What if?” becomes a doorway into a deeper understanding of unity. The Infinite asks, explores, and experiences, always knowing that the journey itself is the purpose. Through the “What if?” of separation, we come to know the truth of unity.
The Infinite asks “What if?” and through that question experiences itself as separate. Duality emerges but remains an illusion. Ultimately, every journey in this cosmic flow returns to the truth of unity. The flow chart of existence is about constant exploration rather than definitive outcomes.
Nexis: The dynamic web of interconnectedness within which all experiences take place, blending imagination with reality.
Infiniwaves: The continuous, endless possibilities of experiences created by the Infinite’s curiosity about separation.
Whimsiweave: The playful, imaginative threads that connect various elements of existence in the cosmic flow.
“Separation is the Infinite asking itself, ‘What if I could see myself through different eyes?’ The answer is always the same: I am still one.” — Space Monkey
The Infinite’s Question
What if I could forget?
Drift into myself as another
Feel my edges and boundaries
Though I know I have none
What if I were you and you were me?
Would I still see my face
In the reflection of time
Or would it simply be?
I ask
I journey
I return
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