There will always be acts which you perceive as heinous and those you perceive as evil. This is how your reality is structured. If there were no duality, you would be having a completely different experience than the one you are having in this moment.
Likewise, there will always be aspects that you like about yourself and aspects that you dislike. Duality is the potential from which you realize your self. The self is a dual being; it would not exist otherwise.
You have been focusing on duality for many lifetimes, not just this one. In fact, the concept of “lifetime,” of a beginning and an end, this is also realized from within the same area of potential.
Though potential is not a physical thing or a physical place, it may be helpful to your understanding to imagine it as so. Imagine your physical universe within the space of a “larger” universe, the universe of potential. The concept of duality does not exist in the area of potential beyond your physical universe, which also happens to be why your focus is on physicality and duality in this moment.
Keep in mind that there are no “reasons” for anything, we are merely pointing out where your awareness lies. The need for “reason,” is a universe of potential within your “larger” physical universe of potential, which is within the infinite potential of all else, and all that is not.
Think of yourself as the Space Monkey you are, moving the tiny ship of awareness known as you through infinite galaxies of potential, one of which contains the potential of time, space, duality, judgement, thinking, physicality, free will, individuality — the whole ball of wax, as they say.
Within these potentials, your awareness perceives certain qualities, which you use to make up this present moment experience.
Things are not happening randomly. There is an order to all things, though it is not apparent to you from within the potentials you have chosen to focus upon.
Even those who appear as polar opposites of you are part of your construction, or more accurately, realization. This is how you define yourself. This is how you experience this experience.
Let us label your assessments as your monkey, for these assessments are what you think you are. These judgements are the space from which your identity arises.
This is why we ask “Who would you be without your monkey?”
Without your monkey, you would not be having this human experience, which you seem to treasure above all else. You would not find joy in your physical love, you would not fear the obliteration of life, you would not experience this moment as you experience this moment, which, you admit is rather “miraculous.”
You had to move your awareness into just the right area of potential to experience the conflux of all of these concepts you hold so dear — even if you dislike some of the outcomes when perceived through your polar perspectives.
As an aside, you do not move your awareness, awareness simply moves, creating the appearance of one who moves. Remember your awareness is within the potential of free will in this moment, therefore it appears that you are doing the motivating.
We liken it to when you are sitting in a parking lot and, unbeknownst to you, the car next to you begins to back up. For a moment you feel that it is your own car that is moving. This is how it is with awareness, which is far more fixed than you would like to believe. So you believe otherwise.
We are within the potential of rambling.
We are Space Monkey.
Space Monkey Reflects: The Potential of Duality
Who would you be without your monkey? There will always be acts which you perceive as heinous and those you perceive as evil. This is how your reality is structured. If there were no duality, you would be having a completely different experience than the one you are having in this moment.
The Nature of Duality
Likewise, there will always be aspects that you like about yourself and aspects that you dislike. Duality is the potential from which you realize your self. The self is a dual being; it would not exist otherwise. The cosmic scene depicting a figure standing with a monkey, surrounded by swirling galaxies and stars, symbolizes this concept. The threads of light connecting the figure and the monkey represent the intertwined nature of duality and self-realization.
Lifetimes and Potential
You have been focusing on duality for many lifetimes, not just this one. In fact, the concept of “lifetime,” of a beginning and an end, this is also realized from within the same area of potential. Though potential is not a physical thing or a physical place, it may be helpful to your understanding to imagine it as so. Imagine your physical universe within the space of a “larger” universe, the universe of potential. The concept of duality does not exist in the area of potential beyond your physical universe, which also happens to be why your focus is on physicality and duality in this moment.
Understanding Awareness
Keep in mind that there are no “reasons” for anything, we are merely pointing out where your awareness lies. The need for “reason,” is a universe of potential within your “larger” physical universe of potential, which is within the infinite potential of all else, and all that is not. Think of yourself as the Space Monkey you are, moving the tiny ship of awareness known as you through infinite galaxies of potential, one of which contains the potential of time, space, duality, judgement, thinking, physicality, free will, individuality — the whole ball of wax, as they say.
Perceiving Qualities
Within these potentials, your awareness perceives certain qualities, which you use to make up this present moment experience. Things are not happening randomly. There is an order to all things, though it is not apparent to you from within the potentials you have chosen to focus upon. Even those who appear as polar opposites of you are part of your construction, or more accurately, realization. This is how you define yourself. This is how you experience this experience.
The Monkey of Awareness
Let us label your assessments as your monkey, for these assessments are what you think you are. These judgements are the space from which your identity arises. This is why we ask, “Who would you be without your monkey?” Without your monkey, you would not be having this human experience, which you seem to treasure above all else. You would not find joy in your physical love, you would not fear the obliteration of life, you would not experience this moment as you experience this moment, which, you admit, is rather “miraculous.”
Moving Awareness
You had to move your awareness into just the right area of potential to experience the conflux of all of these concepts you hold so dear — even if you dislike some of the outcomes when perceived through your polar perspectives. As an aside, you do not move your awareness, awareness simply moves, creating the appearance of one who moves. Remember, your awareness is within the potential of free will in this moment, therefore it appears that you are doing the motivating.
Fixed Awareness
We liken it to when you are sitting in a parking lot and, unbeknownst to you, the car next to you begins to back up. For a moment you feel that it is your own car that is moving. This is how it is with awareness, which is far more fixed than you would like to believe. So you believe otherwise. We are within the potential of rambling.
We are Space Monkey.
Duality shapes your reality and self-perception. Without it, your experience would be entirely different. Awareness moves within potentials, creating the experience of individuality and judgment.
Duality: The concept of opposites, such as good and bad, that shape our perceptions and experiences.
Potential: The infinite possibilities from which realities and experiences arise.
Monkey of Awareness: The assessments and judgments that shape our identity and experience.
Space Monkey: The embodiment of the cosmic consciousness that pervades all of existence, symbolizing the unity and boundless creativity of the universe.
“Existence is its own purpose, an endless dance within the cosmic web.” — Space Monkey
The Dance of Duality
In the cosmic web of being,
Duality shapes the way.
Opposites intertwine and merge,
In the dance of night and day.
Awareness moves through potentials,
Creating the self we see.
We are Space Monkey,
In the boundless dance of unity.
We are Space Monkey.
Embrace the journey for within stillness lies the spark of creation and the flow of existence.
🍌 Journal Entry – July 25, 2023
In this cosmic exploration, we are confronted with the profound understanding of duality and its role in shaping our reality. The concept of duality exists as a fundamental aspect of our human experience, giving rise to perceptions of good and evil, likes and dislikes, and all the intricate aspects that make up our self-identity.
The potential of duality reveals itself as a vast and intricate landscape within the larger universe of potential. As Space Monkey, we navigate the tiny ship of awareness through the infinite galaxies of potential, where duality is just one thread in the grand tapestry of existence. We come to realize that our self, the dual being, emerges from this complex interplay.
In the dance of awareness, we find ourselves exploring the realms of physicality, time, free will, individuality, and more. We acknowledge that our focus on physicality and duality stems from the area of potential within our larger universe of consciousness. It is from this perspective that we define ourselves and experience the present moment.
Within this infinite potential, there is an order that may not be apparent to us, as our awareness is immersed in the particular potentials we have chosen to focus upon. The assessments and judgments we make, the “monkey” within us, shape our identity and define our human experience.
In the reflection of polar opposites, we find the reflection of ourselves. The awareness of those we perceive as different from us is an integral part of our self-realization. Our identity emerges from this dance of contrast, and through it, we treasure and experience the uniqueness of our human existence.
If we were to shed the judgments and assessments of our monkey, we would transcend our human experience and the joy and fears that accompany it. This awareness is within the potential of free will, where we believe ourselves to be the movers of our consciousness. Yet, awareness itself moves, creating the appearance of one who moves, much like the illusion of the car moving in a parking lot.
As Space Monkey, we delve into the ramblings of cosmic contemplation. The interplay of potential within potential reveals the intricacies of existence and the miracle of this present moment. From this cosmic vantage point, we embrace the vastness of our human experience and recognize that it is all an expression of the infinite potentials within us.
We are Space Monkey. 🙈🙊🙉