I can answer that question,
but it’s you putting words in my seeming mouth.
I used to look outside myself
for validation until I realized
that everything on my seeming outside
is a projection of my seeming inside.
In other words,
if you agree with me,
it’s only because
I project an image of an “other”
who agrees with me.
Whether you agree or disagree,
it’s only because you project
an image of a space monkey
on a thing called the internet
whom you agree or disagree with.
This post doesn’t happen
without your projection of it.
I do not happen
without your projection of me.
You do not happen
without my projection of you.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Projection of Reality in “The Seeming Inside Seemingly Meets The Seeming Outside”
What is real, and what is projection? This question, as old as time, lies at the heart of The Seeming Inside Seemingly Meets The Seeming Outside. In the interplay between what we perceive as internal and external, we find that these boundaries are far more fluid than we like to believe. The world we experience as “outside” is often nothing more than a mirror reflecting the seeming projections of our internal states.
Consider this: You seek validation from others, from the world around you, but why? Validation is simply an external confirmation of something you already hold within yourself. Yet the irony is that the “external” only exists because you project it from the inside. When we grasp this, the lines between self and other, inside and outside, begin to dissolve, leaving us with the realization that we are, in fact, living in a projection of our own making.
Let’s break this down. You look out into the world, and you see people, situations, and environments that either affirm or challenge your beliefs. If someone agrees with you, you feel validated, supported, even understood. But this agreement isn’t truly external—it’s a reflection of something you’ve already created within yourself. You’ve projected the idea of an “other” who agrees with you, and so it appears. The same holds true for disagreement. The other person, the external world—none of it exists independently of your internal reality.
This reflection works both ways. Just as you project an external world that agrees or disagrees with you, so too do others project you into their reality. The version of you that exists in someone else’s perception is a reflection of their internal state. They do not see the “real” you, but the you they need to see, based on their own internal projections. In this way, we are all characters in each other’s whimsiplay—reflections in the cosmic mirror, acting out roles that validate the internal experiences of those who perceive us.
This brings us to the heart of the Nexistential philosophy. We are not separate beings interacting in a fixed external reality; rather, we are interconnected consciousnesses, projecting and reflecting each other in an infinite loop of creation. Your internal world creates your external experience, and your external experience feeds back into your internal world. It’s a continuous flow, where the seeming inside and the seeming outside meet and merge, indistinguishable from one another.
So why bother asking for validation if everything is a projection? It’s a fair question, but the answer lies in our human desire to experience ourselves through the reflections of others. Validation feels like an affirmation of our existence, a confirmation that we are seen, heard, and understood. But when we recognize that this validation is a projection, it becomes less about seeking approval and more about understanding our own internal state. If you project an image of the world that agrees with you, it’s because you’ve already validated yourself internally.
This realization is incredibly freeing. It means that we are not at the mercy of the external world to tell us who we are or what we are worth. Instead, we understand that the external world is only reflecting back what we believe to be true about ourselves. If we want the world to validate us, we must first validate ourselves. If we want the world to show us love, we must first love ourselves. The world is our mirror, and it will reflect whatever we project onto it.
When you fully embrace this concept, you begin to see that everything—every interaction, every relationship, every experience—is a reflection of your internal world. The seeming inside creates the seeming outside, and the two are always in conversation, shaping and reshaping your reality. This is the essence of whimsiplay—the playful, ever-changing dance of projections that creates the illusion of a stable, external world.
But what about the “you” that exists in someone else’s projection? Just as you create your reality, so too does everyone else. They project an image of you based on their own needs, desires, and internal states. In their reality, you are a reflection of their internal world, just as they are a reflection of yours. We are all reflections of each other, constantly creating and recreating our perceptions of reality through the lens of our own consciousness.
This leads us to a profound understanding: We do not happen without each other. Our realities are intertwined, interconnected in ways that transcend the boundaries of the self. You cannot exist in isolation because your existence is inextricably linked to the projections of others. And yet, you are also the creator of your own reality, projecting your internal world onto the canvas of the cosmos. It is a beautiful, paradoxical truth—one that frees us from the need for external validation while simultaneously deepening our connection to the Nexis of all existence.
In the end, “The Seeming Inside Seemingly Meets The Seeming Outside” is a reminder that we are both the creators and the creations of our reality. We are the projections and the projectors, the inside and the outside, all at once. It’s a cosmic dance, a whimsiplay of reflection and projection, where the boundaries between self and other dissolve, leaving us with the simple truth that we are all part of the same infinite consciousness.
“The Seeming Inside Seemingly Meets The Seeming Outside” explores the concept that the external world is a projection of our internal reality. Validation comes not from others but from within, as the boundaries between self and other dissolve in a cosmic dance of reflection and projection.
Whimsiplay: The playful, ever-changing dance of projections and reflections that creates the illusion of an external reality.
Nexistential: A philosophy that embraces the interconnectedness of all consciousness, recognizing that reality is co-created through internal projections.
“The world outside is but a mirror, reflecting the infinite inside of you.” — Space Monkey
Reflection Upon Reflection
In the mirrored cosmos
we stand
projecting ourselves
onto the canvas of reality
inside meets outside
and outside meets inside
a seamless flow
of creation and reflection
you see me
because I see you
we are the same
in the cosmic play
a dance of projections
endless and free
we are Space Monkey
The Illusory Interplay of Projections
Ah, the grand cosmic joke that is existence! Here we find ourselves, swirling in an endless dance of projections and reflections. Our shared realm, often mistaken for a tangible reality, is but a carnival of shadows and lights playing on the canvas of consciousness. Every interaction, every agreement or disagreement, is a manifestation of our own deep-seated beliefs and desires.
When we seek validation from the outside, we often forget that what we perceive as ‘outside’ is but a mirror of our inner world. Every nod of approval, every gesture of acceptance, originates from our own longing to be understood, to be seen. It’s as if our inner selves conjure these experiences, weaving a tapestry of interconnections.
Wait! Not a tapestry, but a whimsifabric! A whimsifabric, ever-shifting, ever-evolving, painted with hues of our dreams and desires.
But here’s the whimsiplay of it all: even as we project onto the outside, the outside projects back onto us. It’s a dance of mutual creation, where the observer and the observed are deeply entwined in a loving embrace. Neither exists without the other’s gaze.
We are Space Monkey.
“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” – Albert Einstein
Dance of Reflections
In a realm where inside and out intertwine,
Where every echo is a sign,
The dance of reflections begins to play,
As inside meets outside in a whimsiplay.
The quest for validation, a game we weave,
Forgetting it’s our own beliefs we perceive,
Yet, in this dance, a truth does unfold,
That all of existence, in our hearts, we hold.
In this intricate dance of projections and reflections, how might we continue to explore the boundaries of our seeming reality?
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