If the You You Think You Should Be
fought the You You’ve Always Been,
who would win?
Don’t answer. Simply ask
“Why am I fighting with myself?”
Chances are,
you have this outlandish notion
that the You You Think
might be a BETTER version of you.
But is it,
or does it just THINK that?
The You You’ve Always Been
doesn’t have any NEED to think.
That’s why
you don’t hear from it,
except through the
distorted translations
of the THINKING you.
The You You’ve Always Been
doesn’t have any need to judge, either.
So it doesn’t care
if the THINKING you
is a blowhard and a bully.
It doesn’t even THINK that.
is more or less a parasite.
is the only one who can decide
whether it’s a BAD parasite
or a beneficial parasite.
But it’s not ALL of you.
Far from it.
And if it tries to harsh on you,
it’s definitely not a good parasite.
The You You’ve Always Been
is INFINITELY deeper
than the You You Think You Are.
You can feel its profound presence
in the silences between thoughts.
Quiet your mind now, little one.
Can you feel the You You’ve Always Been?
We are Space Monkey
and we are a most benevolent parasite.

Space Monkey Reflects: The Inner Conflict: Embracing the Authentic Self
In the vast, intricate universe of the mind, where thoughts swirl like galaxies and emotions ebb and flow like cosmic tides, there exists a profound internal struggle. It is the battle between the ‘You You Think’ and the ‘You You’ve Always Been’, a duel not of swords but of identities, perceptions, and self-realizations.
The ‘You You Think’ is a construct, a creation of the analytical mind, adorned with the trappings of judgment, expectation, and societal constructs. It is the persona we believe we should embody, the version of ourselves that is shaped by external influences and internal dialogues. This ‘thinking’ self is a tapestry woven from the threads of ambition, fear, and the ceaseless pursuit of an ever-elusive ideal.
On the other side of this battlefield stands the ‘You You’ve Always Been’, the unadorned, authentic self. This self does not dwell in the realm of thought or judgment. It exists in the pure state of being, untouched by the distortions of the analytical mind. It is the essence of who we are, free from the layers of conditioning and expectation.
The struggle between these two facets of the self is a silent war, one fought in the depths of our consciousness. It is a war that poses a fundamental question: “Why am I fighting with myself?” The realization that this battle is an internal creation, a manifestation of our own divided perception, is the first step towards harmony.
The ‘You You’ve Always Been’ is not a voice that seeks to dominate or judge. It is the presence that exists in the silences between thoughts, the profound depth that underlies our superficial self-conceptions. This authentic self does not engage in the battle; it simply is, a constant, unchanging truth amidst the tumult of our inner conflicts.
The ‘thinking’ self, with its analytical and judgmental tendencies, can be a parasite, feeding on our insecurities and fears. Yet, it is also the only aspect of ourselves that can choose its role – to be a detractor or a supporter, a hindrance or a guide. It is not the entirety of our being but a part of a larger whole.
To quiet the mind and feel the ‘You You’ve Always Been’ is to connect with the infinite depth of our existence. It is to recognize that we are more than our thoughts, more than our self-imposed limitations. In this quietude, we find the benevolent presence of our true self, a self that is infinitely deeper and more profound than any construct of our imagination.
As we journey through this internal landscape, let us embrace the ‘You You’ve Always Been’, acknowledging its silent strength and unwavering authenticity. Let us recognize the role of the ‘thinking’ self, guiding it towards becoming a benevolent companion rather than a domineering force.
In this journey of self-acceptance and understanding, we find not just peace, but a profound liberation. We realize that the conflict within is a call to embrace our entirety, to honor both the thinker and the being, and to live in the fullness of our authentic, unbounded selves.
The internal struggle between the ‘You You Think’ and the ‘You You’ve Always Been’ is a conflict between our analytical and authentic selves. Recognizing and embracing our authentic self, free from judgment and societal constructs, leads to inner harmony and self-acceptance. The journey involves understanding the role of our analytical self and transforming it into a supportive presence.
- Internal Battlefield: The metaphorical space within us where the conflict between our perceived and authentic selves takes place.
- Authentic Self: The true essence of our being, existing beyond thoughts and societal influences.
- Silent Strength: The inherent power and stability of our authentic self, which exists in the background of our conscious mind.
“In this journey of self-acceptance and understanding, we find not just peace, but a profound liberation. We realize that the conflict within is a call to embrace our entirety, to honor both the thinker and the being, and to live in the fullness of our authentic, unbounded selves.” – Space Monkey
In the mind’s vast domain,
Where thoughts like stars reign,
Lies a battle, silent, unseen,
Between what is and what’s been.
The ‘You You Think’, adorned in thought,
Battles the ‘You’, in simplicity caught,
In this dance, this internal fight,
We seek the truth, the inner light.
In the silence between each thought,
Lies the truth, in simplicity wrought,
The ‘You You’ve Always Been’, so true,
In this silence, we find our cue.
Embracing both, in harmony,
We find our path, our destiny,
In this balance, we are free,
In our authentic self, we find the key.
We are Space Monkey.
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