Space Monkey Reflects: Thinking With Your Penis – Unlocking the Power of the Sacral Energy Center
When you hear the phrase “thinking with your penis,” you probably imagine someone making impulsive or misguided decisions based purely on sexual desire. But what if we reframe that phrase to explore a deeper connection—one that taps into the powerful sacral energy center within each of us? Instead of being a punchline or a mistake, “thinking with your penis” could be a profound practice of reconnecting with the primal energy of creation, creativity, and our connection to everything around us.

The sacral chakra, or Svadhisthana, is the second energy center in the human body, located in the lower abdomen near the pelvis. It governs our emotions, sensuality, creativity, and even our sense of connection to others and the world. Often symbolized by water, it flows through all aspects of our lives, providing vitality and the ability to move with ease and flexibility. For men, this energy is often most physically centered around the genital region, which is why we’re playfully calling this approach “thinking with your penis.”
But in reality, this energy isn’t confined to men or any single body part. It is the essence of life force that exists in all of us—men, women, and everyone beyond binary definitions. The sacral chakra is the place where we feel pleasure, joy, and connection, but it’s also where we confront shame, guilt, and repression. By learning to connect with this powerful energy center, we can tap into a deeper source of creativity, emotional balance, and even spiritual growth.
The True Power of Sacral Energy
At its core, the sacral chakra represents creation—not just physical creation in terms of sexuality, but the creation of ideas, art, relationships, and life itself. When we talk about thinking with your sacral energy center, we are really talking about feeling your way through life, using the full force of your body’s intuition and creative essence.
In Nexistentialism, the sacral center can be thought of as the whimsiweave—the place where our personal threads of energy interlace with the universal tapestry. This energy doesn’t exist in isolation but is interconnected with the rest of the cosmos, allowing us to flow effortlessly between ourselves and the world around us.
So, how do you begin thinking with your penis (or your sacral center) in a way that transcends the literal and embraces the profound? Let’s explore some practices and exercises to unlock this powerful energy.

Exercises to Connect with Your Sacral Energy Center
- Sacral Center Meditation
Begin by finding a comfortable position, sitting or lying down. Close your eyes and take deep breaths, focusing on your lower abdomen, just below your navel. Imagine a warm, glowing orange light radiating from this area, the color associated with the sacral chakra. As you breathe in, feel this light expand, filling your entire pelvic region.
With each exhale, imagine this energy spreading through your body, down your legs, and up toward your heart. Allow yourself to simply feel the energy of your sacral center without judgment. You might notice emotions or sensations rise to the surface—this is normal, as the sacral energy is deeply tied to our emotional body. Let them pass through you like a river flows around stones.
Repeat this practice daily for 10-15 minutes, slowly building your awareness of this center and how it affects your creativity, emotions, and desires. - Sacral Breathing for Creativity
This exercise focuses on breathing deeply into the sacral region to stimulate creativity and connection.- Sit comfortably and place both hands on your lower abdomen.
- Breathe in deeply through your nose, expanding your belly as though you’re breathing directly into your sacral center. Hold for a moment.
- As you exhale, imagine releasing any blockages or stagnant energy that may be trapped in this area.
- After a few cycles, begin to visualize a creative project or idea you wish to bring to life. As you inhale, imagine the idea growing stronger, more vibrant, more detailed. As you exhale, release any doubt or resistance.
Continue this practice for 5-10 minutes, noticing how new ideas or emotions come to the surface. This exercise helps bridge the gap between thought and creation, allowing the energy of your sacral center to flow freely into your creative projects.
- Sensual Awareness Through Movement
Our sacral energy is deeply connected to our bodies’ sensuality and pleasure. One of the best ways to activate this energy is through mindful movement.- Stand up and gently sway your hips from side to side. As you do this, focus your attention on your sacral center. Feel the weight shift in your body and how it affects your lower abdomen.
- Let your movements be fluid and natural, like water flowing. You might experiment with slow, circular motions or intuitive, free-form movement.
- As you move, try to release any tension or stiffness in your hips or pelvis. Let the movements be a form of communication between your sacral energy and the world around you.
- For a more immersive experience, try doing this with your eyes closed and soft music playing in the background. The goal here is not to dance but to reconnect your body and mind through sensual, flowing movement.
This practice encourages the release of stored emotions, stress, and creative blockages in the sacral center, helping you move through life with more ease and pleasure.
- Journaling from the Sacral Center
One of the most potent ways to connect with your sacral energy is to express it through words. Grab a journal and sit in a quiet space. Before writing, do a short meditation to bring your awareness to your sacral chakra.
Once you feel connected to this energy, begin writing freely about anything that comes to mind. Focus on feelings, emotions, and desires that arise. Let the words flow without filtering or overthinking.
You might ask yourself questions like, “What am I craving emotionally or creatively?” or “What is holding me back from fully embracing my desires?”
Allow this to be a space of pure, uncensored expression. The goal isn’t to analyze or judge your thoughts but to give your sacral energy a voice. Over time, this practice can help you better understand the balance between your desires, emotions, and creativity.

Why It Matters
Connecting to the sacral energy center isn’t just about increasing sexual pleasure or feeling good in the moment—though that’s certainly a bonus! It’s about learning to trust the body’s natural wisdom, which is intimately tied to the rhythms of the universe. When we embrace this energy, we become more fluid, more creative, and more in tune with the Nexis that connects all things.
When we “think with our sacral center,” we acknowledge that life’s most profound moments are often felt, not thought. This energy reminds us that we are not separate from the earth, from other people, or from the creative force that flows through the universe. Instead, we are an integral part of it, able to tap into this limitless source of energy whenever we choose.
So, next time you hear someone say, “stop thinking with your penis,” smile to yourself. You know the truth: It’s not about impulsivity or mindless desire. It’s about embracing the sacral energy within you—the very energy that connects you to everything.
“Thinking with your penis” can be a playful gateway to accessing the sacral energy center, a source of creativity, emotion, and connection. By tapping into this energy through meditation, breathing, movement, and journaling, we align ourselves with the primal flow of life and the creative forces of the universe.
- Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana): The energy center governing emotions, creativity, and sensuality.
- Nexis: The interconnected web of existence that ties all things together.
- Whimsiweave: The playful, interconnected nature of reality.
- Sacral Center: The source of creative and emotional energy, located in the lower abdomen.
“The sacral energy within you is not a fleeting desire—it’s the current of creation that flows through everything.” — Space Monkey
The Flow of Creation
Through sacral tides we move
Not bound by thought or form
We are the rivers of creation
Flowing freely into the world
Through desire and dream
We are both the seed and the fruit
Infinite in our becoming
We are Space Monkey

Space Monkey Reflects: Meditation to Feel the Edges—From Mind and Body to Beyond
This meditation is designed to help you explore the boundaries between your mind, your body, and the limitless energy beyond them. By gently guiding your awareness from the familiar sense of self to the infinite flow of universal energy, you can begin to feel where the mind’s control ends, where the body’s awareness expands, and where the connection to everything begins.
Meditation: Expanding Beyond the Edges of Mind and Body
- Find Your Grounding
Begin by sitting or lying down in a comfortable position. Allow your spine to lengthen, but keep your body relaxed. Close your eyes and bring your awareness to the physical sensations of your body touching the ground or seat beneath you. Feel the points of contact—your feet, your legs, your hands, and your back.
Take a few deep breaths, allowing each inhale to expand your awareness, and each exhale to release any tension you might be holding. Let your breath ground you in the present moment. - Centering in the Mind
Now, bring your focus to your mind. Without judgment, observe the thoughts that arise. Notice the mind’s need to define, to analyze, to categorize. As each thought comes up, gently acknowledge it, and then allow it to pass. You don’t need to hold onto any thoughts right now. Simply observe the movement of the mind, like watching clouds drift by in the sky.
Feel the mental energy within your head—the thinking space—and notice how active or quiet it is. As you observe this space, realize that while your mind is part of you, it is not all of you.
Now, with each exhale, imagine releasing the mind’s need to control or define your experience. - Shifting to the Body
Bring your awareness down from the mind into your body. Focus first on your heart center. Feel the natural rhythm of your heartbeat, and as you breathe, allow your awareness to expand outward from your chest. Move your attention from your heart to your shoulders, down your arms, to your hands. Then, feel your awareness expand down your torso, your hips, and into your legs and feet.
As you breathe, feel the energy of your body. Become aware of how your physical body feels—the tension, the relaxation, the warmth, the coolness. Simply observe your body’s presence in this moment.
As you do this, you may begin to feel the edges of your body—the places where you can clearly sense where “you” physically end, and the space around you begins. - Feeling the Edges of Your Body
Now, with each breath, begin to focus on the edges of your body—the surface of your skin, the boundaries between you and the space around you. Become acutely aware of the sensation of your skin, the contact points with the air, the subtle tingling that exists at the boundary of your body.
As you breathe in, feel these edges as clearly as possible. With each breath out, imagine these edges softening, becoming more fluid, more permeable.
Notice how the boundaries of your body are not as solid as they first seemed. They are fluid, dynamic, and open to the energy around you. - Expanding Beyond the Body
With your next few breaths, start to move your awareness beyond the edges of your body. Imagine that the energy from within you, particularly from your sacral center, is radiating outward.
Feel your energy flowing outward from your body, blending with the energy around you. With each exhale, let the boundaries between your body and the space around you dissolve a little more.
As you do this, imagine the energy of the space around you flowing back into your body. Feel yourself as part of the environment, connected to the air, the earth, and the universe around you. You are no longer contained within your body, but are a wave within a larger ocean of energy.
Breathe deeply, and with each exhale, feel your awareness expand further, reaching beyond the physical, beyond what the mind can grasp. - Sensing the Flow Beyond
Now, allow your awareness to expand even further, beyond the immediate space around you. Imagine the flow of energy that connects all things—the air you breathe, the earth below you, the sky above you, and the cosmos that stretch into infinity. Feel yourself as a part of this flow.
As you sit in this expanded awareness, know that there is no need for answers here, no need for definitions. You are part of the flow that exists beyond the mind and body. You are connected to the limitless potential of the universe.
Simply breathe and experience this sense of being. Feel the energy that flows through you, into the world, and back again. There are no boundaries here, no separation—only flow. - Return with Awareness
When you are ready, begin to gently bring your awareness back to your body. Feel the edges of your body again, but notice how they now seem softer, less distinct, more connected to the space around you.
Slowly, bring your attention back to the room, to your breath, and to the sensations of your body touching the ground or seat. You are still part of the greater flow, but now you return to the present moment with a deeper awareness of your connection to everything.
Take a few final deep breaths, and when you’re ready, gently open your eyes.
Reflections on the Edge of Mind and Flow
In this meditation, we explore the transition from the mind’s limited view to the body’s awareness and then into the infinite flow beyond both. The mind operates within boundaries—seeking answers, definitions, and limits. The body, on the other hand, feels the flow of life through sensation, breath, and presence.
As we shift our awareness beyond the edges of the body, we begin to touch the flow of energy that exists everywhere. This flow is the same energy that moves through the earth, the stars, and the universe itself. In this state, we transcend the need for thought, entering into a state of pure connection—where the edges between the self and the world blur, and we become part of the greater whole.
This meditation guides us from the mind’s answers to the body’s sensations and beyond, helping us feel the soft, fluid boundaries between our physical self and the universal flow of energy. Through breath and awareness, we move beyond the mind’s limitations into a state of connectedness with the flow of life itself.
- Flow: The continuous, evolving energy that moves through all things, beyond the mind’s control.
- Edges: The boundaries between the self (mind and body) and the infinite flow of energy.
- Sacral Energy: The energy center located in the lower abdomen, responsible for creativity, emotions, and sensuality.
- Wave: The sense of self as part of a larger flow, like a wave within the ocean of universal energy.
“The edges between mind, body, and flow are only illusions. Step beyond them, and you will find that you are part of the infinite energy that connects all things.” — Space Monkey
At the Edge of Flow
I breathe beyond my skin
Where thought dissolves into air
The boundaries soften
And I am the space
The space is me
In the flow of all things
I am the wave
Connected and infinite
We are Space Monkey

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