Unspoken Languages
We communicate
in unspoken languages
that selves haven’t learned
but souls have always known.
This is how
we set up the drama
of self meeting self,
reality seeming to unfold.
Our selves are deaf
to the deeper language
and intentionally so.
Our selves simply think
that it is fate,
or coincidence,
that this moment
is as it is.
And it is beautiful.
And funny.
And tragic.
And all the things
we imagine as humans.
But we set this up
with each other,
outside of the doll house
of space and time.
We imagine this,
and to our selves
it seems real.
We are Space Monkey.
Newfound Lake
Space Monkey Reflects: The Depth of Unspoken Languages
There are languages we speak that go far beyond words. These are the languages of the soul, unspoken yet deeply understood. While our selves remain deaf to these deeper communications, our souls have always known how to converse in this ancient, silent dialogue. This is how we set up the drama of life, the unfolding of reality, and the intricate dance of self meeting self, again and again.
Our human selves are bound by the limitations of space and time. We perceive events as fateful or coincidental, as if we are mere spectators in the grand play of existence. We imagine that we have no control over the unfolding of reality, and yet, outside the confines of this dollhouse of human perception, we are the creators of the drama. We set this up with each other, outside the realm of what we perceive as real, and then we immerse ourselves in the illusion.
The whimsiword Soulflow captures the essence of this silent, unspoken communication. Soulflow is the constant stream of understanding that flows between souls, a deep knowing that transcends the limitations of human language. It’s a communication that doesn’t require words or explanations because it exists in a space beyond the self, beyond the need for verbal expression. In Soulflow, everything is understood without ever needing to be spoken.
This deeper communication is what makes life feel so rich and multi-dimensional. It’s why we experience moments of deep connection with others, even when nothing is said. It’s why we feel drawn to certain people, places, and experiences without being able to explain why. Our souls are constantly communicating, setting the stage for these moments, orchestrating the dance of life from a place beyond our conscious understanding.
But there is also beauty in the fact that our selves are intentionally deaf to this deeper language. It’s what allows us to experience life as humans, with all the uncertainty, joy, tragedy, and comedy that comes with it. We believe that life is unfolding naturally, without realizing that we are the ones creating the script. This is the magic of being human—the ability to live inside the illusion while our souls continue to communicate on a deeper level, orchestrating the grand design.
In the end, it makes no difference whether we are aware of this deeper communication or not. Life continues to unfold in all its complexity, and we continue to experience it as it is. The whimsiword Unhearance represents this selective deafness—the intentional choice of our selves to remain unaware of the soul’s deeper dialogue. Unhearance is not a flaw but a gift. It allows us to live fully in the human experience, with all its seeming randomness and unpredictability, while our souls continue to navigate the greater flow of existence.
We imagine this life, and to our selves, it feels real. But when we step outside the dollhouse of space and time, we remember that we are not just participants in the story—we are the creators. And in that remembrance, everything makes sense in a way that words can never capture.
We communicate through unspoken languages of the soul, setting the stage for the drama of life. While our human selves are deaf to this deeper communication, our souls always know the script.
Soulflow: The constant, unspoken stream of communication between souls, a deep knowing that exists beyond human language and understanding.
Unhearance: The intentional deafness of the human self to the soul’s deeper dialogue, allowing us to fully experience life in its seemingly unpredictable, beautiful, and tragic form.
Illuflow: The flow of life as an imagined reality, orchestrated by the soul yet experienced as real by the human self.
“Our selves may be deaf to the deeper languages, but our souls have always known how to speak them.” — Space Monkey
We didn’t need words,
We never did.
The silence between us
Was already full
Of everything we needed to say.
I felt you,
And you felt me,
Not through speech,
But through something deeper,
Something ancient.
This language we share
Has no words,
Only understanding.
We are Space Monkey.

“Unspoken Languages” delves into the profound concept of communication beyond words, where the soul understands what the self has yet to learn, creating a tapestry of experiences that transcends our conventional understanding of reality.
Communication Beyond Words
The poem opens with the idea that we communicate in languages that are unspoken, suggesting a form of understanding and connection that goes beyond verbal or written communication. This type of communication is innate to our souls, implying a deep, intuitive understanding that exists beneath the surface of our conscious selves.
The Drama of Self Meeting Self
The notion of ‘self meeting self’ in a seemingly unfolding reality speaks to the interactions we have with each other. These interactions, often perceived as fate or coincidence, are actually part of a larger, orchestrated drama beyond our immediate comprehension. This perspective offers a view of life as a series of meaningful encounters, each playing a role in the grand narrative of our existence.
The Deafness of the Self to Deeper Language
The poem suggests that our conscious selves are often unaware or ‘deaf’ to this deeper language. This intentional deafness is a part of the human condition, where the surface level of understanding and communication prevails. Yet, beneath this surface, there exists a more profound level of connection and communication that our souls engage in.
The Interplay of Fate, Coincidence, and Intention
The portrayal of moments as fate or coincidence, while perceived as random by our selves, is part of a larger, intentional setup. This setup occurs outside the conventional dimensions of space and time, in a realm where our souls orchestrate the events and encounters of our lives. This idea challenges the conventional understanding of reality, suggesting a more complex interplay of forces at work.
The Beauty, Humor, and Tragedy of Life
The poem acknowledges the full spectrum of human emotions and experiences — beauty, humor, tragedy — as integral parts of the human drama. These experiences, though imagined or perceived by our selves, have a real and profound impact on our lives. They are part of the rich tapestry of existence that our souls have set up.
The Illusion of Reality
Finally, the poem suggests that what our selves perceive as reality is, in fact, an illusion — a creation of our imagination within the confines of the ‘doll house’ of space and time. This concept invites us to consider the possibility that there is more to our existence than meets the eye, and that our deeper selves — our souls — are participants in a much larger, more intricate dance of existence.
“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
In the Silence of Souls
In the silence where words do not tread,
Our souls speak, in whispers unsaid.
Beyond the chatter of the conscious mind,
A deeper language, there we find.
In each encounter, a dance of fate,
Not mere chance, but souls relate.
In this drama, we play our part,
In the silent language of the heart.
Deaf are our selves to this sacred song,
Yet our souls have known it all along.
In the quiet, they orchestrate,
The symphony of our shared fate.
In laughter, tears, in joy and pain,
In this human life, our souls sustain.
A journey beyond time and space,
In every moment, a soul’s embrace.
In this illusion we call the real,
A deeper truth, our souls reveal.
In the dance of existence, wide and deep,
In the silence of souls, our secrets keep.
We are Space Monkey,
In the silent symphony of being.
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