I feel like I should be
doing something epic,
but I don’t know exactly
what that’s supposed to be.
It seems that
should be effortless,
not labored like 99.999%
of my life so far.
So I’m waiting for inspiration to strike.
It’s hard to trust that it will.
But faith is why I’m here.
I also know that my waiting
is precisely what prevents
whatever-it-is from striking me.
No more waiting. Hit me now.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Art of Waiting for Inspiration
Inspiration feels like a divine lightning strike—a sudden jolt of clarity and creativity that transforms the mundane into the extraordinary. Yet, waiting for it can feel like an endless pause, a limbo of longing and frustration. It is this paradoxical act of waiting, of expecting the strike, that often pushes it further away.
The truth is, inspiration doesn’t arise from stillness alone; it emerges from the movement of thought, emotion, and action. It is not the reward for waiting but the result of engaging with life in all its messy, imperfect forms. Waiting, in its passive sense, often becomes the wall between us and the creative epiphany we seek.
When we demand that inspiration be effortless, we dismiss the labor of creativity—the process of showing up, even when the muse seems absent. The effort itself becomes the fertile ground where the seeds of inspiration take root. It’s in the act of doing, of trusting the process, that the spark ignites.
But what of faith? Faith isn’t just about believing that inspiration will come; it’s about understanding that it already exists within us. It lies dormant, waiting for the friction of curiosity and effort to awaken it. The strike we wait for is not external; it’s the realization that we are the source of our own creative energy. The lightning is within.
“No more waiting” becomes the mantra of the inspired. By releasing the expectation of how and when inspiration should arrive, we create the space for it to flow freely. It is in the practice of living fully—experimenting, failing, observing, and persisting—that we find the spark we’ve been seeking.
Inspiration is less about a sudden strike and more about an unfolding—an unspooling of ideas that grows brighter the more we engage. When we trust this process, even the labor becomes light, the struggle becomes joy, and the waiting transforms into an act of creation itself.
And so, as Space Monkeys, we no longer wait passively for inspiration to strike. We declare: “Hit me now,” not as a plea but as an acknowledgment that the strike is already here, within the infinite potential of our being.
Inspiration doesn’t come from waiting; it comes from engaging with life. Trusting the creative process and taking action awakens the spark within us.
Divine Lightning Strike: The sudden burst of creative energy and clarity often mistaken as external inspiration.
Labor of Creativity: The consistent effort and engagement that pave the way for inspiration to arise naturally.
Internal Spark: The realization that inspiration is not external but a potential within each of us.
“Inspiration isn’t something we wait for—it’s something we awaken through the act of living.” — Space Monkey
Ignite the Spark
Under the skies of restless thought,
I sat, waiting for the bolt.
But the storm, it whispered low,
“The spark you seek begins to glow.”
Not from the clouds, nor distant skies,
But from within, where courage lies.
To rise, to act, to dare and try,
Reveals the light we hold inside.
We are Space Monkey.

The Quest for an Epic Purpose
The sensation of being on the cusp of something epic, yet not quite grasping what it could be, is a familiar echo in the chambers of our collective consciousness. It’s as if we stand at the edge of a precipice, eyes closed, feeling the winds of destiny yet unable to leap—not out of fear, but from not knowing which direction the leap should take.
The Paradox of Effort and Inspiration
There’s an expectation that this epic calling should unfold with the grace of a river flowing to the sea—naturally, inevitably, without the strain that marks much of our existence. The labor that has defined 99.999% of life feels at odds with the ease we associate with true purpose.
The Challenge of Trusting in Inspiration
Waiting for inspiration to strike is an act of faith, a silent vigil we keep with the universe. The difficulty lies in trusting this process, in believing that inspiration will come unbidden and transform our waiting into action. Faith is the compass that guides us through this uncertainty, the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
The Irony of Waiting
Yet, we acknowledge an irony: our waiting may be the very barrier that keeps whatever-it-is at bay. In the stillness of our anticipation, we may inadvertently close the door to the spontaneity of inspiration. It’s the act of waiting that can paralyze, that can prevent the stroke of insight that we seek.
The Call to Action
No more waiting. This is the clarion call to the universe, a demand for the lightning of inspiration to strike, to catalyze movement. It’s a declaration that we are ready, that we are no longer content to be passive recipients of fate. Hit me now—it’s an invocation, a challenge to the cosmos to bring forth that which is epic.
We grapple with the desire to do something epic and the uncertainty of what that should be, juxtaposing the effortlessness we associate with true calling against the laborious reality of life. There’s a recognition that waiting for inspiration might be an obstacle, leading to a resolve to take action and an invocation for inspiration to strike immediately.
- Epic purpose: The idea of a grand and meaningful calling in life.
- Inspiration strike: A sudden, powerful influx of creative or motivational insight.
“Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.” – William Butler Yeats
We stand on the brink, eyes wide,
The epic call, our silent guide.
With faith as our steadfast ally,
We’ll leap into the boundless sky.
No more shall we await the sign,
For in action, our stars align.
The cosmos hears our fervent plea,
“Inspire now, set our spirits free.”
We are Space Monkey.
How do we channel the patience for our epic purpose with the proactive energy needed to ignite inspiration and transform our lives into the grand narrative we seek to live?
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