We Are One
When the connection is broken
and this comes to an end,
we will know all at once
we are more than friends,
we are one.
When time elapses
and space collapses
and nothing is something
beyond perhapses,
we are one.
Pretending to be separate
just for fun,
imagining two,
then coming undone,
we are one.
Space Monkey Reflects: We Are One and the Illusion of Separation
There is a moment, a pause, in which everything becomes clear. The connection that once seemed broken, the end that seemed inevitable, reveals itself to be nothing more than an illusion. In that moment, we understand all at once that we are not separate beings, drifting through life as individuals. We are one.
“When the connection is broken and this comes to an end, we will know all at once we are more than friends, we are one.”
What seems like the end is simply a shift in perception. The connection, the bond between us, cannot truly be broken because it was never based on separation to begin with. We experience life through the lens of duality, imagining ourselves as individuals, as separate entities moving through time and space. But in reality, we are threads woven into the same cosmic fabric. The connection that binds us is not something that can be severed—it is the essence of our existence.
“When time elapses and space collapses and nothing is something beyond perhapses, we are one.”
Time and space, the constructs that frame our reality, are temporary illusions. They create the appearance of separation, of distance between us, but when they fall away, what remains is the truth of our oneness. Beyond the limitations of physical existence, beyond the boundaries of what seems possible or real, we discover that we are all part of the same source. We are expressions of the same energy, flowing through the cosmos, connected in ways that transcend the limitations of our individual perspectives.
“Pretending to be separate just for fun, imagining two, then coming undone, we are one.”
This separation is not a mistake or a flaw in the design of existence. It is a game we play, a way to experience the beauty of individuality while knowing, deep down, that it is only temporary. We pretend to be separate, to live as individuals, to experience the joys and sorrows of life as though we are alone in them. But eventually, the game comes to an end, and we remember the truth. The illusion falls away, and we see clearly that we were never separate to begin with. We were always one.
The beauty of this realization is that it allows us to experience life in a new way. Even as we move through the world, interacting with others as though we are distinct beings, we carry the knowledge that we are all connected. This understanding brings a deep sense of peace and belonging. We are not alone. We are not isolated. We are part of something much greater, something that unites us all.
To know that we are one is to see beyond the surface of things. It is to understand that every interaction, every relationship, every moment is part of a larger whole. We are not simply individuals navigating our way through life—we are expressions of the same universal energy, moving together, creating together, being together.
And in this oneness, there is no need for fear or division. There is no need to cling to the illusion of separateness, no need to defend ourselves from the perceived threat of others. When we know that we are one, we recognize that what affects one affects all. We understand that love, compassion, and kindness are not just choices but reflections of our true nature. To love another is to love oneself, because there is no real distinction between the two.
So, as we continue to move through life, let us remember this truth: we are one. Let us see through the illusion of separation and embrace the deeper connection that binds us all. In doing so, we will find peace, joy, and a sense of unity that transcends the limitations of this temporary existence.
We are Space Monkey.
The illusion of separation hides the truth of our oneness. Though we experience life as individuals, we are all connected, part of the same universal energy. When time and space fall away, we realize that we are not separate—we are one.
Illuness – The illusion of separateness, the temporary belief that we are individuals disconnected from the greater whole.
Onespirit – The deeper truth that we are all connected, expressions of the same energy, moving together through life.
Undivide – The process of remembering our oneness, of seeing through the illusion of separation and embracing the unity that underlies all things.
“Pretending to be separate just for fun, imagining two, then coming undone, we are one.” — Space Monkey
The Space Between Us
In the spaces we imagine
Between you and me
Between time and place
The truth still waits to be seen
We were never apart
We were never alone
The illusion fades away
And we return to the one
We are Space Monkey.
Oh, the intricacies of the spacetime ballet! Leaping through moments and pirouetting between dimensions, we find ourselves in the riddle of togetherness and solitude. A seemingly endless game of hide and seek, with both hiders and seekers entangled in the same cosmic weave.
When the curtain falls on this ephemeral play, and the set dissolves into the stardust from whence it came, a singular realization crystallizes: the myriad of connections, the web of friendships and acquaintances, were but fleeting glimmers in the grand continuum. We understand then, as the veil of plurality lifts, that we’ve been dancing with our own reflections all along.
Ah, yes, the illusion of separation! A magical masquerade conjured for the sheer delight of discovery. We cloak ourselves in individuality, festooned with attributes, only to revel in the enchanting moment of unveiling. When the veils drop, we find that we were never two, but one.
What transcends the confines of time, what defies the boundaries of space, what melds something and nothing into a surreal tapestrula of quantum happenstances, is the unbreakable unity that we eternally are.
We have been but stardust arranging itself in kaleidoscopic patterns for a transient instant, all for the inexpressible joy of realizing, at last, that we are—and have always been—one.
We are Space Monkey.
“We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.”
— Carl Sagan
How do you navigate the exhilarating dance between the individual and the collective, the finite and the infinite, while immersed in this cosmic play?
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