Do you know where peace is?
That’s right, WHERE.
Peace is not a WHAT.
Peace is not a THING.
Peace is the place of stillness
from which all else seemingly springs.
Seems all this time
you’ve been trying to settle down
that which springs from PEACE.
Trying to make sense of
that which springs from PEACE.
Trying to reconcile
that which springs from PEACE.
When you could simply GO to peace.
Go to your place of peace
where everything and everyone
Even conflict. Even despair. Even violence.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: Where Peace Is and the Stillness Beneath Everything
Peace is often thought of as something we need to find, something we need to create. It’s viewed as a distant state, a destination we must reach by solving conflicts, by calming the turbulence within ourselves and around us. But what if peace isn’t a “thing” to be obtained? What if peace is not a “what” but a “where”?
“Do you know where peace is?”
Peace isn’t a condition that depends on external circumstances. It isn’t something that comes and goes based on whether life is harmonious or chaotic. Instead, peace is a place. It is the stillness from which everything else arises—the stillness beneath the surface of all things, whether they are calm or turbulent, joyful or sorrowful.
“Peace is not a thing. Peace is the place of stillness from which all else seemingly springs.”
We spend much of our lives trying to control, reconcile, and settle the things that spring from peace—emotions, experiences, conflicts. We believe that if we can manage these things, if we can somehow smooth out the rough edges of life, we will find peace. But this approach misses the point. Peace isn’t something we manufacture by making sense of the world. It’s already there, beneath everything, waiting for us to return to it.
“Seems all this time you’ve been trying to settle down that which springs from peace.”
The mistake we often make is thinking that peace is the absence of conflict, the absence of difficulty. We try to “settle down” the waves of life, to bring order to the chaos, believing that peace can only exist in the quiet moments between struggles. But true peace isn’t found in the absence of conflict. It is the space that holds both conflict and harmony, the stillness that exists beneath both joy and sorrow.
When we recognize that peace is the foundation of everything, we no longer need to chase after it. We no longer need to struggle to make things perfect in order to feel peaceful. Instead, we can simply go to peace. We can return to that still place within ourselves, where everything is already calm, even as the world around us continues to move.
“Peace is everywhere and in everything.”
Peace is not separate from the turmoil of life. It exists in the same space as conflict, as despair, as violence. These things do not negate peace; they arise from it, just as calm arises from it. To experience peace, we don’t need to fix the world or change our circumstances. We simply need to go to the place of peace that is always within us, always present, even in the midst of chaos.
This doesn’t mean we ignore conflict or pretend that suffering doesn’t exist. It means we understand that peace and conflict are not opposites—they coexist. Even in the most difficult moments, peace is available to us, if we know where to look. It’s in the stillness beneath the surface of everything, the quiet center that holds space for all of life’s contradictions.
“Go to your place of peace where everything and everyone is peace, full.”
When we go to peace, we find that even the most troubling aspects of life—conflict, pain, uncertainty—can be held within the stillness. They don’t disappear, but they are no longer overwhelming. They become part of the larger flow of life, part of the unfolding of existence, and we are no longer caught up in the need to resolve them immediately.
Peace is full. It contains everything, even the things we think of as unpeaceful. And when we go to peace, we learn to embrace the fullness of life, rather than trying to push away the parts we find difficult.
“Even conflict. Even despair. Even violence.”
There is peace in everything, even in the most unexpected places. It is not about denying reality but about finding the stillness that runs through it all. It is about recognizing that peace is not the absence of struggle but the presence of stillness in the midst of it. This is where peace is. It is in everything, in every moment, waiting for us to return to it.
We are Space Monkey.
Peace is not something to be found or created; it is the stillness beneath everything. It exists in both calm and conflict, and we can access it by returning to the place within us where peace always resides.
Peaceflow – The underlying stillness that exists in all things, from which both harmony and conflict arise.
Stillspot – The place within each of us where peace resides, untouched by the turbulence of life.
Fullpeace – The understanding that peace contains everything, including conflict and struggle, and is always present beneath the surface.
“Peace is not found in the absence of conflict but in the stillness that holds both conflict and calm.” — Space Monkey
The Quiet Place
Beneath the noise
Beneath the storm
There is a place
Where peace is born
Not in the stillness after the fight
But in the heart of everything
Day and night
We are Space Monkey.
Bathing in the inkwell of the notion called “peace,” we tap our quills into the metaphysical parchment of existence. Within the lexicon of whimsidimensions, peace eludes categorization as a mere object or circumstance. No, peace isn’t a thing, an item, or even a ‘what’—it’s a ‘where.’ It’s the sanctuary of the ineffable, the silent epicenter of the cosmic maelstrom.
Consider peace as not just a location but a state of experiential being—a whimsirealm, if you will. It’s like the eye of the hurricane, the stillness within the vortex, the unspoken amid the cacophony. Yet here’s the wonderous paradox: this peace is not separate from the whirlwind or the clamor. The turmoil, the strife, the dissonance—they all spring from this quietude. This implies that peace is not the absence of something; it is the presence of everything.
Ah, but there’s a delightful twist in our whimsiquest: we needn’t quest far to find this elusive peace. This whimsirealm is both everywhere and in everything, woven into the tapestry of life with strands of eternal silence and boundless movement. It’s in the laughter, in the tears, in the hush, and in the uproar. Even in conflict, despair, and violence, the riddle of peace lurks, waiting to be realized.
How then shall we travel to this ‘place’ of peace? It’s as though we are ships sailing on an ocean of chaos, unaware that the water beneath us is made of undulating waves of peace. The voyage is not outward but inward; not a trek across terrains but a plunge into the fathomless depths of our own essence.
Why attempt to settle the restless, make sense of the nonsensical, or reconcile the irreconcilable? These are but whimsishadows dancing on the walls of our consciousness. Instead, let’s turn towards the light casting these shadows. For in that luminescence, in that bright abyss, we shall find our peace. A peace so full that it holds the entirety of our whimsidiverse—each whimsicry and whimsilaughter, each whimsipain and whimsijoy—within its silent embrace.
We are Space Monkey.
“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.”
— Gautama Buddha
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