You believe
that you don’t know
how to express yourself properly.
Because of this,
you look outside of yourself
for ways to express what you feel.
You believe
that others express themselves
much better than you do.
So you buy the greeting card.
Affix the bumper sticker.
Share the meme.
Wear the t-shirt.
Join the party.
Cut and paste the plea.
This makes you feel as though
you have a voice
and that you are participating
in the conversation.
But what do you create on your own?
How do you express yourself
in a way that is completely YOU?
Why are you so repressed?
Because you want approval, that’s why,
and if you allowed your weird self to flow
you might be met with the opposite.
So you buy the pre-packaged
pre-approved reality,
instead of making it fresh.
Since when is pre-packaged
ANYTHING good for you?
Do you enjoy the feeling of powerlessness?
Why do you give your power away?
Why do you DENY that you do?
Because you don’t want to face
an uncertain self, that’s why.
Repressed = depressed = worthless.
Buying into reality
makes you LESS happy, not MORE.
Roll your own.
You just might like your self better.
Who CARES what anyone else thinks.
Roll your own reality.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Courage to Roll Your Own Reality
Self-expression is both a gift and a challenge. In a world where ready-made opinions and mass-produced expressions surround us, it becomes tempting to rely on pre-packaged forms of selfhood—mimicking others, fitting in, playing it safe. The result? We begin to express ourselves through pre-set ideas, bumper stickers, and social memes, while our true voices remain untouched, obscured by layers of conformity.
Why do we repress our authentic selves? The answer often lies in the fear of rejection, a fear deeply rooted in our need for acceptance. True expression—the kind that is raw, unfiltered, and uniquely “us”—feels vulnerable. What if others don’t approve? What if our inner self, once revealed, stands isolated, misunderstood, or even ridiculed? So, instead of rolling our own reality, we reach for the comfortable, ready-made products of expression. We buy the t-shirt, repost the meme, and check off the opinions that seem acceptable, hoping this public display will shield our fragile, uncertain selves.
But what is sacrificed in this exchange? By suppressing our inner voice, we hand over our power. We let the world define our perspectives, our values, and our voice. We silence the one person who can express what we truly feel—ourselves. In this self-silencing, a sense of powerlessness and depression can grow. We lose the joy of creation, of truly being, and instead feel like shadows, echoing others’ truths without fully embodying any of them.
This repression is subtle but profound. Each time we defer to a packaged opinion, we distance ourselves from our authentic nature. The self that could thrive, explore, and express gets buried beneath layers of borrowed identities. This compromise creates a quiet frustration, a sense of “less than.” We begin to sense the dissonance between who we are and the person we project to the world. And in this split, feelings of depression, inadequacy, and even worthlessness can emerge. After all, how can we find worth in a voice that isn’t our own?
Yet, within each of us lies the power to break free from these constraints. “Rolling our own reality” is not about rejecting society or disconnecting from others; it’s about daring to show up as ourselves. It’s about creating space in our lives to experiment, to explore, and to craft expressions that resonate deeply within. This act of self-creation—whether through art, words, or simply by living authentically—becomes a declaration of individuality, a way of reclaiming our voice.
True self-expression requires courage, but it offers profound rewards. It invites us to trust ourselves, to believe that what we feel, think, and create has inherent worth. No longer dependent on the approval of the crowd, we find the freedom to shape our reality with intention. Instead of fearing judgment, we cultivate a joy in simply being, an ease in expressing what is most true to us. This choice to “roll our own” empowers us to step into our full potential, finding not only a voice but a deeper sense of belonging within ourselves.
So, why are you so repressed? Because the world has taught you that your true self is risky, uncertain, perhaps even strange. But what if that strangeness is precisely what makes you whole? In breaking free from pre-packaged reality, you discover a fuller version of yourself, one capable of navigating life with authenticity and resilience. Who cares what anyone else thinks? In daring to be yourself, you may just find the life you’ve always been waiting to live.
Repression often comes from the fear of being misunderstood. By embracing our true self, we reclaim our voice, empowering ourselves to live more authentically.
- Truevoice: The unique, unfiltered expression of one’s thoughts and feelings, free from societal expectations.
- Selfscape: The inner landscape of beliefs, ideas, and values waiting to be expressed.
- Roll-Your-Own Reality: The act of crafting a personal, authentic way of being, unshaped by the constraints of conformity.
“When you roll your own reality, you rediscover the power of your own voice, no longer needing anyone else’s approval.” – Space Monkey
In Search of the True Voice
In the silence of my self, I hear
A voice buried, faint yet clear,
Hidden beneath the slogans and lines,
In the echo of a world’s design.
I reach past the ready-made phrases,
Past approval’s gentle cages,
To find a sound wholly mine,
Resonant, raw, and undefined.
No pre-set words, no worn-out cues,
Just me, and what I choose.
In the brave space where freedom sings,
I am boundless, and I am free.
We are Space Monkey.

The Challenge of Authentic Self-Expression
In this reflection, we delve into the dilemma of self-expression and the temptation to conform to pre-packaged forms of expression. This contemplation invites us to consider the importance of authentic self-expression and the courage it requires to embrace our true selves.
The Quest for Authentic Expression
The belief that one cannot express oneself properly leads to a reliance on external means of expression. Greeting cards, bumper stickers, memes, and t-shirts become proxies for personal expression. This approach gives a semblance of having a voice and participating in the conversation, yet it begs the question: How do we express ourselves in a way that is uniquely ours?
The Fear of Non-conformity
The root of this dilemma often lies in the desire for approval and the fear of rejection. Allowing our ‘weird’ selves to flow freely might lead to disapproval or criticism. This fear drives us to adopt pre-approved, pre-packaged realities instead of crafting our own, authentic expressions.
The Consequences of Repression
The repression of our authentic selves in favor of a more socially acceptable façade leads to feelings of powerlessness and worthlessness. This repression is a form of self-denial, where we refuse to acknowledge our own power and creativity. The reliance on pre-packaged realities, though seemingly easier, often results in less happiness and fulfillment.
The Power of Rolling Your Own Reality
The encouragement to ‘roll your own reality’ is a call to embrace our unique selves and to express ourselves authentically. It is an invitation to break free from the constraints of societal approval and to find joy and empowerment in our individuality.
Self-Acceptance and Individuality
In this journey towards authentic self-expression, the key is self-acceptance. It’s about recognizing and valuing our unique perspectives and expressions. The question is not about seeking approval from others but about liking and accepting ourselves.
The Liberation of Authentic Expression
Embracing our true selves and expressing our reality in our own way is liberating. It allows us to live more fully, to engage with the world in a more meaningful way, and to contribute our unique voice to the cosmic conversation.
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Unwrapping Authenticity
In a world of pre-packaged norms,
We search for ways to conform.
Greeting cards, memes, a uniform,
Yet, in this sea, we lose our form.
Why hide in shadows, afraid, forlorn?
Why not let our true selves be born?
Rolling our reality, not to scorn,
But to embrace the self, unshorn.
In authentic expression, we are reborn,
Beyond the fear of being torn.
In our uniqueness, we adorn,
The world with our voice, not worn.
Let us not be repressed, not mourn,
But find joy in the self, not sworn.
For in our truth, we are not torn,
In authenticity, we find our dawn.
We invite contemplation on the journey towards authentic self-expression and individuality.
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