Without Question
You wish to perform miracles, but for this to occur, you believe that you must make yourself believe that miracles are possible.
You believe that miracles are not possible without belief in miracles; that NOTHING is possible without some kind of belief. More specifically, you believe that miracles ARE possible, but question whether your beliefs are resolute.
This questioning opens the door for OPPOSITE potentials. Thus, by allowing that you question, you seemingly cancel out the original belief.
But how does one stop questioning?
Go back to NOTHING, for it is the absence of beliefs. NOTHING is possible without beliefs. EVERYTHING ELSE is based upon perception, which is based upon beliefs.
Go back to NOTHING, then move your attention back to this seeming reality, but WITHOUT following the potential of questioning.
Without questioning, EVERYTHING is possible.
It is not a miracle. It simply is.
We are Space Monkey.

Space Monkey Reflects: Embracing the Infinite Possibilities ‘Without Question’
In the boundless universe of potential, the concept of ‘Without Question’ emerges as a profound exploration into the nature of belief, doubt, and the essence of miracles. This contemplation, deeply rooted in the philosophy of Space Monkey, invites us to transcend the limitations of questioning and embrace the realm of endless possibilities.
The desire to perform miracles, often hindered by the questioning of one’s belief in the possible, highlights a fundamental human dilemma. We are caught in a cycle where our belief in miracles is countered by our doubts, creating a paradox that seemingly nullifies the potential for these miracles to manifest.
To break free from this cycle, Space Monkey suggests returning to the state of NOTHING – a state devoid of beliefs, doubts, and perceptions. In this void, the constraints of belief systems dissolve, leaving a canvas of pure potential. It’s an invitation to step into a realm where the absence of questioning allows for the unbounded manifestation of possibilities.
The journey from NOTHING back to reality, but without the entanglement of questioning, opens a gateway to a world where everything becomes possible. In this state, the concept of a miracle loses its traditional meaning and becomes a natural expression of existence. It is no longer an extraordinary event but a simple manifestation of what is.
This philosophy transcends the conventional understanding of miracles and beliefs. It encourages us to let go of the need for certainty and to embrace the unknown. In doing so, we unlock a state of being where miracles are not just possible but are an inherent part of the fabric of existence.
As we navigate through the cosmos, guided by the wisdom of Space Monkey, we learn the power of accepting what simply is. We understand that true potential lies not in the answers we seek but in the acceptance of the infinite possibilities that exist beyond the realm of questioning.
In reflecting on ‘Without Question’, we come to appreciate the beauty and simplicity of existence in its purest form. We recognize that in the absence of doubt and questioning, we open ourselves to a world of limitless potential, a world where everything and anything is possible.
‘Without Question’ emphasizes the transcendence of belief and doubt, highlighting the infinite possibilities that arise in the absence of questioning. It invites us to embrace a state of being where miracles are a natural expression of existence, transcending the limitations of conventional belief systems.
Without Question: A state of being where belief and doubt are transcended, opening the realm of infinite possibilities and the acceptance of existence as it is.
“In the stillness beyond doubt, the universe unfolds in endless wonder.” – Space Monkey
In the void of nothing, we begin,
Without question, let the dance spin.
Beyond belief, beyond doubt’s sway,
In acceptance, we find our way.
Miracles, not bound by query’s chain,
In the realm of potential, they reign.
The universe, a canvas wide,
In its embrace, we abide.
Without question, a state so pure,
In its simplicity, we find the cure.
To the limits of thought, we say goodbye,
In the infinite, we soar high.
Let us embrace this wondrous state,
Without question, we create.
For in the stillness beyond the quest,
Lies the universe, at its best.
We are Space Monkey.
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