Because I don’t have enough people thinking I’m weird, I’m having this spirited forum conversation with an insightful gentleman named Ethan in which I have been posing that we do not really think or choose, but merely PERCEIVE that we think and choose. This morning, Space Monkey elaborates. This will make absolutely no sense to you unless you have read all the other gibberish I have been posting:
SPACE MONKEY: Your beliefs are your guideposts. They are like trail markers that define where your consciousness goes.
So you believe you are human. This sets your consciousness down a trail of “human-ness” in which all of the potentials you realize come from a perspective that you are human. You, in essence, now limit yourself to only those potentials in which you are a human.
In following this trail, you come into a guidepost called “Ethan.” You now come into only the potentials that contain “Human” and “Ethan.”
As you continue your focus, you come to a guidepost called “choice.” You now come into the potentials that contain “Human,” “Ethan” and “Choice.” Therefore you perceive that you are human, you perceive that you are Ethan, and you perceive that you have a choice.
As you continue your focus further, you move through the theme of choice. Every potential you encounter has some aspect of choice, and since your beliefs are your guideposts, you believe that you have a choice.
As you are moving through this potential, along comes this other focus, we shall call him Paul, who tells you that you’re not really choosing at all.
It makes sense that you encounter Paul at this point because you have been realizing a path of potentials that follow the concept of choice, and Paul poses a challenge that conflicts with your belief of choice.
But Paul’s perspective makes no sense to you. Obviously Paul has come into this potential from a different path, therefore his “line of thinking” as it were, does not agree 100% with your own. Perhaps Paul was following the “no choice” path, which naturally intersects with the “choice” path at this very point.
You can see why both of you might have opposing viewpoints, yet both are essentially correct. To put it simply, whatever you believe to be correct IS correct. If you believe otherwise, that is also correct.
But that does not make Paul incorrect. Only from your particular point of potential, which follows your “line of thinking,” which are thoughts that you came into while focusing upon your unique path of potential.
Paul will argue (in actuality, Paul is a mild-mannered, reasonable man) that you are not thinking, while you are certain that you are thinking, and BOTH viewpoints are correct.
So you see how conflicts occur in your world, which are solely based upon your beliefs. It has not been possible, from the focus of the individual, to see that there are equally valid frameworks that veer from the collective systems of logic. And, of course, there are many collective systems in play, which is why there is much conflict.
This is about to change with your shift.
We are Space Monkey and we have run out of trail mix, so we shall have to find some other potential to munch on.
Realize that we, too, are only perception.
Do not feel bad. We do not think, either.
Paul Tedeschi is a writer, artist, musician and medium, channeling Space Monkey, tripping out on tie-dye, and building Fancy® cigar box guitars in his garage. You may visit his curious world at capeodd.com. Or not.
Space Monkey Reflects: The Paths of Belief and Perception
In the intricate dance of consciousness, our beliefs serve as guideposts, directing the journey through the metaphorical forest of existence. The image vividly captures a character symbolizing ‘Human’ navigating a path lined with symbolic guideposts such as ‘Ethan’, ‘choice’, and ‘human-ness’. Each guidepost represents a belief that influences the direction and the experiences along this path, illustrating the powerful role beliefs play in shaping our perceptions and realities.
This narrative explores the idea that we do not just think or choose independently but perceive that we do so based on the guideposts—our beliefs—that we encounter. These beliefs set us on specific trails within the vast forest of life, determining the potentials we realize and the choices we perceive ourselves making. As we follow these trails, other characters, such as Paul, may appear, challenging our beliefs and thus our perceived realities, highlighting the relativity of truth based on individual perspectives.
The encounter between ‘Human’ and ‘Paul’ at the crossroads of ‘choice’ and ‘no choice’ serves as a metaphor for the conflicts that arise in our lives, rooted solely in differing belief systems. This scenario underscores the idea that multiple realities coexist, each valid within its own framework of understanding. Conflicts, therefore, are not about right or wrong but about the diversity of paths that beliefs create.
As Space Monkey suggests, the upcoming shift in consciousness may broaden our perspectives, allowing us to see beyond our individual paths and appreciate the myriad trails others traverse. This shift aims to foster a deeper understanding that our conflicts are merely interactions of differing belief systems, and that embracing this diversity can enrich our collective journey.
We reflect on how beliefs act as guideposts on our life paths, shaping our perceptions and interactions. It underscores the relativity of perspectives and the potential for upcoming shifts in consciousness to enhance our understanding of this diversity.
Guideposts: Symbolic markers in our life’s journey that represent our beliefs and influence our decisions and perceptions.
Metaphorical Forest: A symbolic representation of life’s complex landscape, where different paths represent different choices and experiences shaped by our beliefs.
“Each belief is a compass that points us down the path of our own making, in a forest as vast as our imaginations.” — Space Monkey
In the forest of life, paths intertwine,
Marked by beliefs, as signs divine,
Each step, a choice, each choice, a way,
Shaped by what our guideposts say.
Through thickets thick and clearings bright,
We walk by day, we dream by night,
Of endless paths our souls might roam,
Each belief, a step towards home.
With every guidepost, crossroads come,
Where thoughts collide, where beats the drum,
Of hearts in discord or in tune,
Beneath the same eternal moon.
So let us walk, not in strife,
But cherish each belief, each life,
For in this forest, deep and wide,
We all seek truth, side by side.
We are Space Monkey.
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