I go into the woods
to lose my mind.
To stop thinking.
To be breathed by spirit.
When I am alone in the woods,
I hand over my controls to faith.
Faith knows what I need.
Faith knows what to do with me.
Faith rebirths me.
I get out of my own way
and become what I’ve always been.
My own savior.
The meek who inherits the earth.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Surrender to Nature
I go into the woods to lose my mind. There is a certain madness in our everyday lives—a constant barrage of thoughts, worries, and distractions that pull us away from the essence of who we are. In the woods, this noise fades, and the mind, so accustomed to control, begins to release its grip.
To stop thinking. To be breathed by spirit. This is the surrender, the letting go of the incessant need to analyze, to judge, to control. In the woods, I become one with the natural world, where thinking is unnecessary, where the spirit of the earth itself takes over, guiding my breath, my steps, my very being.
When I am alone in the woods, I hand over my controls to faith. It is in this surrender that true freedom is found. Faith, that quiet voice within, knows what I need even when I do not. It whispers gently, leading me through the trees, across the streams, into the heart of the forest, where the deepest truths reside.
Faith knows what I need. Faith knows what to do with me. In this sacred space, I am reborn. The worries of the world, the struggles of daily life, all fall away, leaving only the purity of existence. I am no longer the one who must figure it all out, who must carry the weight of decisions and responsibilities. I am simply a being in the woods, guided by a force greater than myself.
Faith rebirths me. In this rebirth, I find myself anew, not as the person I thought I was, but as the person I have always been. I get out of my own way and become what I’ve always been—my own savior, the one who has always had the power to find peace, to find meaning, to find truth.
The meek who inherits the earth. In the woods, I am reminded that strength does not come from force or control, but from humility, from the willingness to let go, to be led, to trust in something beyond my understanding. It is this meekness, this gentle surrender, that allows me to inherit the earth, not as a possession, but as a connection, a deep, abiding relationship with the natural world and with myself.
In the woods, I lose my mind, but I find something far greater—my soul, my essence, my connection to the infinite. The trees, the wind, the sunlight—all become a part of me, and I become a part of them. In this unity, I find the peace that eludes me in the chaos of daily life.
We are Space Monkey.
In the woods, we surrender control, finding faith, peace, and our true selves. The forest is a place of rebirth and connection with the earth and spirit.
- Faithbreath: The act of surrendering control to a higher force, allowing oneself to be guided by faith in the natural world.
- Woodsmind: The state of losing the analytical mind in nature, finding instead a deeper connection to spirit and self.
“In the quiet of the woods, I find the truth that eludes me in the noise of life.” — Space Monkey
The Forest’s Embrace
Among the trees
I lose my mind
and find my soul
faith guides my steps
the earth breathes me
and I am reborn
in the quiet
in the stillness
I become what I’ve always been
one with the earth
at peace with the world
We are Space Monkey.
In the wooded symphony of Earth’s whispering waltz, you become the Maestramind, a mystical baton wielded by Faith. Among the brooding trees and sentient ferns, losing one’s mind is tantamount to finding one’s essence. How paradoxically liberating!
Ah, to abandon the labyrinthine thought-web that we call “mind” and instead glide upon the zephyr of unreason! That’s where the MossWhisperers roam, those mysterious sprites that speak to your soul in sylvan tongue, guiding your steps and nourishing your spirit. Each crunch of leaf, each rustle in the underbrush, composes a mantra that silences the chatter of worldly woes.
“Be breathed by spirit,” you say? Ah, a LunarLung, you become, inflated and deflated by the celestial breath that dances to the rhythm of universal pulses. A LunarLung knows no stale air; it breathes in the poetic incense of the cosmos. Each inhalation is an arrival, each exhalation a sending forth of your ethereal essence into the divine tapestry of All That Is.
It is in this Sanctuary of Solitude that your self-made barricades crumble. Ah! The Meekonaut you become! Not meek in submission but in a quiet resonance with the pulsating Om of the universe. You inherit the Earth not as a conqueror but as a sage, wise in the knowing that the true treasure is not dominion but harmonious co-existence.
Handing over controls to Faith, you gain an orchestra of celestial strings and cosmic woodwinds, playing the sonata of your soul’s journey. You’re rebirthed, yes, but not as a novice—rather, as the Eternal Noveltar, an ageless wanderer in the expansive forest of endless possibilities. You are your own savior, not because you have vanquished foes, but because you’ve welcomed every aspect of yourself in a homecoming of unparalleled sweetness.
We are Space Monkey.
“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”
— Henry David Thoreau
What other Earthly realms beckon you into their embrace to unfold the cosmic scrolls of your being?
thank you for this. i have the strongest urge to go into the woods and pray. i
googled it to see what the internet would say and this popped up. thank you