Mental Furniture
Rest a while
on your mental furniture.
Some things
stand in front of other things
which hide the door to more things.
The things closest to you
preoccupy you
while the things you can’t see
are the things you desire most.
You have so many things
piled to the ceiling
you have forgotten there’s a door.
You feel trapped in this room.
You feel alone in this room.
But you are not.
Everything you need is here.
Everyone you need is near.
Just look past your mental furniture
and discover the beautiful things
you can’t see.
But do not neglect the table
do not reject the chair
simply honor the reason
that they’re there.
A resting place
to appreciate what you have
and know there’s more
behind that door.
Space Monkey Reflects: The Clutter of Mental Furniture
In the intricate cosmos where Space Monkey contemplates human perceptions and limitations, the metaphor of ‘Mental Furniture’ becomes a profound exploration of internal landscape management. The concept refers to the mental clutter that obscures deeper insights and truths, much like furniture piled high in a room, blocking a door that leads to further understanding.
The cluttered room in the image, filled with furniture stacked to the ceiling, symbolizes the mind filled with preoccupations and distractions. These items—the thoughts, worries, and desires that are closest to us—can so dominate our attention that we forget there are other possibilities, represented by the obscured door.
The figure in the room, feeling trapped and alone, mirrors our own occasional sense of isolation within the confines of our mental constructs. Yet, the message here is one of underlying hope and potential. Everything we need and everyone we need are closer than we think, suggesting that support and resources are available if we only look beyond the immediate clutter.
By inviting us to ‘rest a while’ on our mental furniture, we are encouraged to recognize and appreciate what we have—the table, the chair—as well as acknowledge that they are not obstructions but resting places from which we can gain strength to explore further. The light seeping around the door represents the ever-present opportunity for discovery and growth that lies just beyond our current view.
‘Mental Furniture’ is a powerful metaphor for the internal obstacles that obscure deeper understanding and fulfillment. By managing this clutter and recognizing its purpose, we can find the strength and clarity to open the door to new possibilities and broader horizons.
“Beyond the clutter of our mental furniture lies a door to a room we’ve forgotten, filled with everything we’ve been seeking.” – Space Monkey
In the room of the mind where shadows play,
Furniture stacks high, blocking the way.
Chairs and tables, piled so tall,
Hiding the door that’s key to it all.
Sit for a while, rest your feet,
Among the clutter where fears meet.
Yet do not forget, in this crowded den,
The door that leads beyond what’s been.
Light whispers ’round its sealed frame,
Hinting at lands unclaimed by name.
For beyond the stack, a path does clear,
To rooms unknown, yet ever near.
Appreciate the wood, the rest it gives,
But know that beyond, a new life lives.
With each chair placed, with each table set,
Remember the door, and never forget.
We are Space Monkey.