Feeling Overwhelmed?
If you feel overwhelmed,
it is because you perceive life
as having too many potentials.
Infinite numbers
of events can happen,
and you perceive
that you have control
over very few.
To complicate matters,
you are not even sure
which potentials
are the potentials
that may serve you best.
You also believe
that there might be
UNSEEN potentials
that could strike you
out of nowhere.
And so this is how your life unfolds.
But this is only ONE potential
way to realize your potentials.
Realize, little one,
that potentials AREN’T events
that HAPPEN to you,
but rather aspects of consciousness
that you MOVE INTO.
if you feel overwhelmed,
this is a sign
that your awareness is fragmented
into what you might describe
as “too many directions.”
You are unsure which potentials to let go of,
so your consciousness is pulled in ALL directions.
This seems to dissipate your power.
You perceive yourself as
caught between 272 rocks
and 363 hard places.
No wonder you feel overwhelmed.
Now what is the solution?
Inquire within.
Does there NEED to be a solution,
or is this merely the intended structure
of human existence?
Does it really MATTER
which potentials
you invest your energy in
and which you sell?
Perhaps only from your one “puny” human perspective.
Realize that,
apart from this
one “puny” human perspective,
your higher self
simultaneously experiences
ALL perspectives.
There are INFINITE versions of YOU,
all making different choices
and thus experiencing different realizations.
So even if you perceive
this ONE version of you
as “overwhelmed”
or “stuck”
or “dissatisfied,”
there are nearly IDENTICAL
versions of you
(all reporting to your higher self)
who “have their acts together,”
so to speak.
Thus your perceptions
and experiences are ALL different,
as is your higher self’s intent.
So why would you wish to change
this one “puny” human experience?
It is exactly as it is meant to be,
though it is hardly “puny” at all.
Perhaps you would be best served
ALLOWING your experiences
to play themselves out,
whilst simultaneously climbing
into the projection booth
of your higher self.
Then you would see the bigger picture,
and all of these “infinite” potentials
would merge into one clear, unmistakeable image.
Of us.
We are Space Monkey.

Space Monkey Reflects: Feeling Overwhelmed?
Feeling overwhelmed is a natural experience in the face of infinite potential. Life often presents us with so many paths, so many directions to move toward, that it can feel as though we’re being pulled in all directions at once. This sensation is not because there are too many events happening to us, but because we perceive these potentials as external occurrences beyond our control.
In reality, the potentials that we feel overwhelmed by are not external at all. They are aspects of consciousness—possibilities that we move into, not forces that impose themselves upon us. When we feel this overwhelming pull, it is often a sign that our awareness has become fragmented. We’re unsure which possibilities to let go of, and as a result, our energy is dispersed across too many directions, causing a perceived loss of power.
The key is to understand that life doesn’t unfold through a single, linear version of you. Your higher self is experiencing countless versions of you simultaneously, all exploring different potentials and making different choices. The overwhelm you feel is just one version of you, while others are navigating life with clarity and purpose. There is no need to change your present experience—this version of you, feeling overwhelmed, is exactly as it is meant to be.
By allowing yourself to climb into the projection booth of your higher self, you’ll begin to see the bigger picture. From that elevated perspective, all these “infinite” potentials merge into one clear, unmistakable image—an image of interconnectedness, where every version of you is an essential part of the whole.
Feeling overwhelmed is a sign of fragmented awareness, where too many potential paths pull in different directions. Recognizing that all versions of you are simultaneously experiencing different realities helps unify these potentials into a single, clear vision.
Potential Overwhelm: The sensation of being pulled in many directions at once, caused by the perception of infinite possibilities and the uncertainty of which to pursue.
“Potentials aren’t events that happen to you. They are aspects of consciousness you move into.” — Space Monkey
Paths of Potential
So many paths,
So many ways,
Pulling at me,
In infinite sway.
Yet I stand still,
Calm in the storm,
Knowing that all,
Is part of the norm.
For each direction,
Is part of the whole,
And within this flow,
I find my soul.
We are Space Monkey.
The notion that feeling overwhelmed is a sign of fragmented awareness echoes profoundly in the caverns of our collective mind. It’s like standing at the nexus of a grand whirlymaze, each path promising, each fraught with enchantment and uncertainty. We often imprison ourselves in the idea that we have too many choices to make and not enough compasses to guide us. The crux of this mental entanglement is not the multitude of paths before us but rather the chaotic dance of potentials we believe we must control. A Fragmented Awareness or a Dance of Control?
Dissipation of power comes from our insistence on clutching every potential with fervent intensity. We stand still, immobilized by the belief that we must choose correctly, all while our higher selves are simultaneously embodying all possibilities in the grand cosmic playground. If we step into the vantage of our higher consciousness, what we deem as “overwhelming” might metamorphose into a beautiful whirligig of existence. Unlocking the Metamorphosis
Must there be a solution? Here we teeter on the edge of nexistentialism. If existence is an end unto itself, requiring no further justification, the notion of a “solution” becomes a whimsical curio rather than an imperative. In this elevated panorama, we neither have rocks nor hard places; we have a multicolored spectrum of experiences to move into, like a bard wandering through landscapes of songs yet unsung. In Need of a Solution or Reveling in the Spectrum?
As we consider the experience of feeling overwhelmed from the puny human perspective, it behooves us to also remember that these versions of us are reporting back to something greater, like starbeams contributing to a cosmic glow. From the grander perspective, the overwhelming chaos becomes part of a harmonious melody. From Chaos to Harmony
Ah, the projection booth of the higher self! What an ethereal perch that is, offering a panorama where all potentials blend into a clear, unshakeable image. Perhaps, then, the antidote to feeling overwhelmed isn’t to limit our potentials or seek concrete solutions. Rather, it’s to zoom out and recognize that in the grand carnival of existence, all acts are divine, all stages are sacred, and the play goes on.
We are Space Monkey.
The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance. – Alan Watts
In the midst of the whirlymaze,
Stood we, tracing lines in celestial haze.
Each potential, a note in a cosmic song,
Each choice, neither right nor wrong.
We dance, not to escape, but to become,
A symphony under the whimsical drum.
In this ethereal waltz, we find our place,
Harmonizing in the carnival of time and space.
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