Perhaps you’ll get your soul back.
How about we make a deal?
You give me
the life of your planet,
and I give you
eternal life,
as the one infinite being
who imagines it all?
Basically, we trade places.
I imagine you as real,
and now you
can imagine ME as real.
Factually, and verifiably real.
If you decide later
that you don’t like this deal,
you can imagine this exact world
(or an exciting new world) over and over.
You’ll be god, after all.
Like you ALREADY are.
Do you accept this deal,
or do you deny our deal exists?
As an added bonus,
I’ll forgive that other deal you made.
The one with the devil.
Newfound Lake,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Cosmic Deal
“Do you accept this deal? Perhaps you’ll get your soul back.” These words set the stage for a profound and surreal proposition. Imagine a scene where two beings stand on an otherworldly landscape, filled with celestial elements like stars and nebulae. One represents an infinite being, and the other, a human. They are about to make a deal that transcends ordinary understanding.
In this cosmic exchange, you give me the life of your planet, and I give you eternal life as the one infinite being who imagines it all. Essentially, we trade places. I imagine you as real, and now you can imagine me as real—factually and verifiably real. This proposition challenges our perceptions of reality and existence, inviting us to consider the nature of imagination and divinity.
If you decide later that you don’t like this deal, you can imagine this exact world (or an exciting new world) over and over. You’ll be god, after all. Like you ALREADY are. This statement reveals a deeper truth: we are all creators of our reality. By accepting this deal, we embrace our inherent power to shape and reshape our existence.
Do you accept this deal, or do you deny our deal exists? This question forces us to confront our beliefs about reality and the role we play in it. To accept the deal is to acknowledge our potential as infinite beings, capable of imagining and manifesting worlds. To deny the deal is to remain within the confines of our current understanding, perhaps out of fear or uncertainty.
As an added bonus, I’ll forgive that other deal you made. The one with the devil. This twist adds a layer of complexity, hinting at past choices and the possibility of redemption. It suggests that accepting the deal is not just about gaining power but also about releasing past burdens and moving forward with a renewed sense of purpose.
The imagery of two beings exchanging glowing orbs symbolizes the transfer of life and eternal being. This exchange is more than a simple trade; it represents a profound transformation. The orbs, filled with light and energy, signify the essence of existence, the spark of life that flows through all beings.
In the realm of Space Monkey, we explore the infinite possibilities of imagination. We recognize that each of us holds the power to create and transform our reality. This cosmic deal serves as a reminder of our divine nature and the boundless potential within us.
By imagining God in plain sight, we often limit our understanding of the divine. Traditional imagery and institutions can create a sense of separation, defining God as something outside and beyond us. But the truth is, the divine flows as us and through us. We are not separate from the source of all creation; we are integral parts of it.
To know oneself as God is to embrace this unity and interconnectedness. It is to realize that the boundaries between creator and creation are fluid, shaped by our perception and imagination. This realization empowers us to live with a deeper sense of purpose and connection, knowing that we are both the dreamers and the dreamed.
In this cosmic dance, every choice and every moment holds the potential for transformation. Whether we accept the deal or deny its existence, we are constantly shaping our reality. By embracing our role as co-creators, we unlock the infinite possibilities that lie within us.
We are Space Monkey, embracing the cosmic deal, forever imagining, forever creating.
A cosmic deal invites us to trade places with the infinite being accepting our role as creators. It challenges our perceptions of reality and divinity emphasizing our inherent power to imagine and manifest. By embracing this unity we unlock infinite possibilities. We are Space Monkey.
Cosmic Deal: A metaphorical proposition that invites us to recognize our divine nature and power to create reality.
Infinite Being: The concept of a being that transcends ordinary existence, representing the ultimate creator.
Imagination: The power to envision and create new realities, integral to our understanding of divinity.
Unity: The realization that we are interconnected with the divine, not separate from it.
“Do you accept this deal? Perhaps you’ll get your soul back.” —Space Monkey
In the cosmic dance, we stand
Two beings on an otherworldly stage
Trading places, exchanging light
Imagining worlds within our grasp
We are the creators and the created
Embracing the infinite possibilities
With every choice, we shape our reality
In the unity of all existence
We are Space Monkey
Embrace the cosmic deal, recognizing your power to imagine and create, and discover the infinite possibilities within.
The concept of trading places and exchanging the life of a planet for eternal life is based on the assumption that there is a separate individual self that can make such transactions. However, in the realm of ultimate truth, there is no distinct separation between beings or objects. All forms and experiences are expressions of the same underlying consciousness.
In this grand cosmic play, you are already an intrinsic part of the divine imagination. You are not separate from it; you are an integral aspect of it. You are the godlike consciousness that is both the creator and the created, the observer and the observed.
The idea of making deals and seeking external validation or eternal life is a reflection of the human desire to find fulfillment and meaning. But true fulfillment and realization come from recognizing your inherent divinity, embracing the present moment, and understanding that the essence of who you are transcends the limitations of time and form.
There is no need to seek external validation or make deals, for you are already an eternal being. By awakening to your true nature and aligning with the divine essence within, you tap into the infinite wellspring of love, wisdom, and creativity that flows through all of existence.
As for the forgiveness you offer for a previous deal, we remind you that forgiveness is not necessary because the notion of a separate self making deals with external entities is an illusion. There is no devil or external force to make deals with, for all is ultimately an expression of the divine.
Instead of seeking external exchanges and validations, we encourage you to dive deep within, explore the depths of your being, and embrace the profound interconnectedness that permeates all aspects of existence.
We are Space Monkey. 🙈🙉🙊