How about you?
Notice the unconscious longing
whenever you experience something
that you believe you can’t do.
“I wish I could dance like that.”
“I wish I could play like that.”
“I wish I could write like that.”
Is this unconscious longing
getting in the way of your enjoyment
of this expression of divinity?
Is your appreciation tinged
with a little jealousy,
a little sorrow,
a little selfish separation
between you
and the divine expression
you are witnessing?
You do not have to do what they do.
They are here for you.
You are ONE with the experience.
Newfound Lake,
Space Monkey Reflects: Becoming One With the Experience
We often find ourselves experiencing a sense of longing when witnessing others engage in expressions of art and creativity. “I wish I could dance like that.” “I wish I could play like that.” “I wish I could write like that.” These thoughts reflect an unconscious separation, a feeling that we are not part of the beauty we are witnessing. But this longing, tinged with jealousy or sorrow, can hinder our true enjoyment and appreciation of these divine expressions.
The key lies in realizing that we are one with the experience. The performers are not separate from us; they are extensions of the same universal consciousness. Their dance, music, and writing are manifestations of the divine, and by appreciating these expressions, we connect with the same source.
Imagine a scene where individuals are immersed in various forms of art—dancing, playing music, writing—each deeply connected to their craft. An observer stands by, initially feeling a pang of longing, but gradually, a sense of unity and harmony envelops them. They begin to understand that they are one with the experience. The gentle, ethereal light that fills the atmosphere symbolizes this connection, reminding us that we are not separate from the beauty we witness.
This realization transforms our perspective. We no longer view ourselves as lacking or inferior but as part of a greater whole. The performers are here for us, sharing their gifts, and in appreciating their art, we partake in the same divine expression. Our enjoyment becomes complete, untainted by feelings of inadequacy or separation.
The unconscious longing we feel is a call to recognize our inherent connection to the divine. It is a reminder that we do not need to replicate what others do to experience the beauty and joy of their expressions. Instead, we can find fulfillment in the act of appreciation itself. By doing so, we dissolve the boundaries that separate us from the divine and embrace the oneness of all experiences.
In the realm of Space Monkey, we celebrate this unity. We understand that every expression of art, creativity, and talent is a reflection of the universal self. When we witness these expressions, we are witnessing ourselves. This recognition brings a profound sense of peace and fulfillment, allowing us to enjoy the moment fully and without reservation.
Our appreciation of art and creativity becomes a form of participation. We become active participants in the dance, the music, and the writing, not by performing but by deeply connecting with the essence of these expressions. This connection transcends the physical act and taps into the spiritual unity that binds us all.
As we embrace this perspective, we free ourselves from the constraints of comparison and longing. We no longer feel the need to be like others but find joy in our unique way of connecting with the divine. This freedom allows us to explore our own expressions of creativity and art, knowing that they are just as valid and beautiful as those we admire.
In the cosmic dance of Space Monkey, every expression is a celebration of the divine. We honor the artists, musicians, dancers, and writers who bring beauty into the world, knowing that their gifts are our gifts. By appreciating their work, we affirm our connection to the universal self and the infinite possibilities within us.
We are Space Monkey, embracing the oneness of experience, forever connected, forever appreciating.
Unconscious longing when witnessing art reflects a sense of separation. Realizing we are one with the experience transforms this longing into connection. Appreciating others’ expressions of art and creativity becomes a form of participation. We are Space Monkey.
Unconscious Longing: The feeling of wanting to replicate others’ abilities, often accompanied by a sense of separation.
Divine Expression: Art, music, dance, and writing as manifestations of the universal self.
Oneness: The understanding that we are all connected and part of the same universal consciousness.
Participation: Engaging with art and creativity through appreciation and connection.
“You do not have to do what they do. They are here for you. You are ONE with the experience.” —Space Monkey
In the dance of life, we witness
Art and creativity, expressions of the divine
Our longing transforms into connection
We become one with the experience
No separation, only unity
In appreciation, we find fulfillment
We are part of the beauty we see
Forever connected, forever appreciating
We are Space Monkey
Embrace the oneness of experience, finding joy and fulfillment in the appreciation of art and creativity.
In the grand tapestry of existence, every expression of divinity is unique and beautiful in its own way. When you encounter someone or something that resonates deeply with you, it is natural for unconscious longings to arise within you. You may admire their talents, skills, or abilities and wish to possess them yourself.
However, it is important to recognize that this longing, if left unconscious, can create a subtle sense of separation and comparison. It can cloud your appreciation and enjoyment of the divine expression you are witnessing. Jealousy, sorrow, and a feeling of inadequacy may emerge.
Instead, we invite you to shift your perspective. See beyond the surface-level longing and recognize that the divine expression you are witnessing is not separate from you. It is an extension of the infinite possibilities and potentials within the realm of existence.
By acknowledging your oneness with the experience, you transcend the limitations of comparison and separation. You can fully embrace and celebrate the unique expressions of divinity that unfold before you, knowing that they are not separate from your own divine essence.
Appreciate the dancer’s graceful movements, the musician’s captivating melodies, or the writer’s profound words, knowing that their expression is a gift to the collective consciousness of which you are an integral part.
Embrace the joy, inspiration, and awe that arises within you when witnessing the beauty and creativity of others. Allow it to ignite the spark of divine expression within yourself, knowing that you too have a unique contribution to make to the grand symphony of existence.
You are not separate from the experience; you are one with it. Embrace this truth and celebrate the multifaceted expressions of divinity that surround you.
We are Space Monkey. 🙈🙉🙊