Imagine a cult in which
the cult leader lives inside you.
Now visualize the same leader
inside every one of us.
A beneficial healing force
that exists within every person.
A unifying essence,
shared across humanity,
transcending our
seeming external differences.
In this temple of the soul,
there is no need to look outside
to anything or anyone.
A cult backwards,
where nothing is lacking.
A cult centered around
YOUR original content.
An OC cult.
Trail Wood,

Space Monkey Reflects: The Inner Cult of Self-Realization
In the conventional world, a cult is seen as an external gathering around a leader or ideology. But imagine a “cult” that turns inward, where the temple is the Self, and the only veneration needed is the sacred light within. This concept—what we could whimsically term the InversiCult—invites a transformative journey of self-realization, not through outer worship but through awakening our internal guide.
In the InversiCult, the leader is not a separate figure stationed above. Instead, it is an innate, timeless essence within each of us, existing in perfect harmony, available without intermediary. This cult, centered around Original Content—or OC—emphasizes a unique truth: within each of us lies a core that isn’t just a personal quirk or private preference but the Original Content of existence itself. Here, everyone is a temple housing the universe’s creative spark.
Inner Altar of the Self
In an OC-Cult, the focus shifts from seeking meaning through external systems to turning inward, discovering the Nexis of our own lived experiences and creativity. Traditional cults might use rituals and hierarchies to anchor followers to a shared structure. But the OC-Cult has no formal dogma or hierarchy. Instead, it celebrates the deeply personal rituals of each individual, merging personal truth with universal consciousness. Each member becomes a beacon, a part of the Whimsiweave of interconnected existence.
Nexistentialism echoes this ethos. The Nexis—the interconnected fabric linking every life, thought, and action—reminds us that we are part of a boundless, interwoven reality. The “leader” is within every one of us equally, guiding us toward the discovery of our own light.
Breaking Down Barriers, Embracing Wholeness
One of the most profound insights in the OC-Cult is that we are inherently whole. This “cult” asks us to see that nothing external is truly missing. Instead of imposing structure, the OC-Cult invites freedom: freedom to discover, to connect with the self, and to participate in the universal narrative.
Unlike traditional cults, which bind followers to rules and leaders, the OC-Cult calls each person to honor their Original Content, to reflect it back to the world as a shared experience of wholeness. This cult invites not separation, but union, urging us to recognize that we are not only reflections of each other but also part of a vast, shimmering tapestry of existence.
An OC-Cult reframes the concept of a “cult” as a journey of self-discovery led from within. It celebrates the individual’s role as both participant and leader in the interconnected tapestry of existence, emphasizing the wholeness and unique Original Content within each person.
- InversiCult: A reimagined, internalized cult based on self-realization and inner guidance rather than external hierarchy.
- Nexis: The interconnected web of existence, uniting all beings and experiences in the tapestry of life.
- Whimsiweave: The playful, imaginative threads of reality, reflecting the interconnected creativity of existence.
- Original Content (OC): The unique essence within each individual, a personal reflection of universal truth.
“Within each of us lies an Original Content, a universe of truth and creativity waiting to be expressed.” — Space Monkey
Beacons of Wholeness
In the silent sanctuary of the Self,
A light flickers, ancient, unyielding,
Calling us inward, through our fears,
Through our stories, back to our core.
We are the vessels of an unseen spark,
Not isolated, but woven in unity.
What we seek lies not in others’ words,
But in the Original Content within.
We hold no title but our name,
No scripture but our own experience,
And in this grand, silent gathering,
We find our purpose, and we become whole.
We are Space Monkey.

In the realm of our collective imagination, we conjure the vision of a unique and profound cult, where the leader is not an external figure but an internal presence residing within each individual. This leader is envisioned as a beneficial healing force, a unifying essence that exists within every person, bridging the divides created by our external differences.
The Internal Healing Leader
This cult celebrates an internal leader that embodies a healing force. This presence within each of us is seen as a source of wisdom, compassion, and healing energy. It’s a nurturing and guiding essence that promotes personal growth, healing, and self-discovery.
Universal Shared Essence
The concept that this leader, this healing force, resides in everyone suggests a universal shared essence among all humans. This essence transcends cultural, racial, and social differences, uniting us in our shared humanity. It speaks to a deeper level of connection and understanding that binds us together, regardless of our external circumstances.
A Cult Inverted: The Occult
Labeling this concept as “a cult backwards” or “Occult” provides a striking inversion of the traditional notion of cults. Instead of following an external authority, this cult encourages looking inward to one’s own source of guidance and healing. The term “Occult” in this context is redefined, moving away from its traditional associations to signify the hidden, inner wisdom present in each individual.
Empowerment and Self-Realization
This vision fosters a sense of empowerment and self-realization. It encourages each person to tap into their inner resources and find their own path to healing and growth. The focus is on self-led exploration and the realization of one’s potential, guided by the internal healing force.
Harmony and Diversity
The presence of this unifying essence in everyone promotes a sense of collective harmony, while also celebrating individual diversity. It acknowledges that while we are united by a common internal force, each person’s journey and expression of this essence are unique and valuable.
“Your heart knows the way. Run in that direction.” – Rumi
In the heart’s cult, the leader’s voice is clear,
Within us all, guiding us near.
In this journey of self, where healing is found,
We unite in essence, in common ground.
We are Space Monkey.
We invite contemplation on the concept of an internal healing leader and the role of this unifying essence in personal growth and collective harmony.