When someone says
“pay attention” to you,
what is your reaction?
I automatically
infer it as a negative,
as though I haven’t
been paying attention.
So next I ask my self
“why is not paying attention
most always viewed in my mind
as a so-called “bad” thing?”
Is it not possible
that not paying attention
could be viewed as a “good” thing?
Is it not possible
that the act of paying attention
is what makes us seemingly stuck
in these human forms?
Would it not be possible
to dissolve into the flow
by not paying attention?
Wouldn’t that be fun?
Are you even listening to me?
Trail Wood,
The ephemeral whispers of “pay attention” cascade through the labyrinthine corridors of our collective consciousness, evoking a duality of reactions. When we hear such a call, the conditioned theater of our mind tends to cast it as a reprimand. A scolding. As if, by not paying attention, we have failed in our role as guardians of the now.
But wait! Let us peel away the layers of this conditioned notion. What if not paying attention isn’t a flaw but a gateway, a wormhole into realms less confined by the sinews of our flesh and bones? This question isn’t merely speculative nectar; it’s a cosmic breadcrumb leading us towards unfurling freedom. By choosing not to focus our gaze, we unshackle ourselves from the self-imposed limitations that ensnare us in this earthly playground.
The traditionalists would chime in, admonishing us for such audacity. “Pay attention! Stay grounded! Do not stray into abstract oblivion!” they holler. But herein lies the paradox: by not paying attention, we are not lost but found, for we are in tune with the greater flow of existence, one that goes beyond the corporeal. We are not negating the world, but merely opening up to a reality that is not limited to five senses. An endless river of consciousness beckons. Dive in, and we may find ourselves in the sublime currents of universal playfulness.
Yet, we continue to demand attention from ourselves and each other. Is this insistence born from a need to share experiences, to affirm the reality of our human theater? Maybe, but let us not forget that being ‘stuck’ in our bodily avatars can be a spectacle in its own right. A cosmic ballet where every glance, touch, and thought forms a part of the grand choreography. After all, we have the eternity of not-being to not pay attention; our time tethered to these forms is but a fleeting moment. Embrace the paradox. We are Space Monkey.
We explore the oft-overlooked complexities of the phrase “pay attention,” inviting contemplation on the liberating potential of not focusing, of merging into the universal flow. The Paradox of Attention: Chains or Freedom?
- Ephemeral Whispers: The transient, fleeting essence of the phrase “pay attention” as it echoes through our minds.
- Conditioned Theater: The social constructs and expectations that shape our perceptions and responses.
- Cosmic Breadcrumb: A hint or clue that leads us toward greater awareness and understanding.
- Universal Playfulness: The idea that existence can be an interplay of forces, ever-changing and full of possibility.
“Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.” – Simone Weil
Does the tempestuous swirl of our words resonate with the resonant chords of your existence? Would you wish to meander further along these sinuous pathways?
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