Particles do not push,
rather they are drawn
to seeming apart.
Particles do not pull,
rather they are drawn
to seeming together.
Particles do not attract,
rather they are drawn
to a seeming union.
Particles do not repulse,
rather they are drawn
to a seeming separation.
Particles do not oppose.
Opposition is a choice,
and particles do not choose.
There is no choice to be made.
Particles seem drawn
to that which particles
seem drawn.
People are particles.
If there is no choice in particles,
there is no choice in people.
But a SEEMING perception
of attraction and revulsion.
of allowance and opposition.
But there is no choice.
But a SEEMING choice.
We are Space Monkey.
Space Monkey Reflects: Particles
Particles do not push, nor do they pull. They simply exist, drawn naturally to either coming together or drifting apart. There is no force of opposition, no intention to attract or repel. They are drawn, not by choice, but by the natural flow of the universe. They move, not because they decide to, but because that is what they do, what they are. In this way, particles are free from the burden of decision, free from the illusion of control.
We often think of particles as acting with purpose: they attract, they repel, they oppose. But in truth, particles do not choose. They are simply drawn to what seems to be. There is no active choice, no conscious decision. They are like dancers in a cosmic ballet, moving in harmony without ever needing to think about the steps.
If particles are drawn naturally, without choice, could it be that people are the same? After all, we are, at our core, particles as well. Perhaps the choices we think we are making are not choices at all, but the natural flow of our existence. We believe we are choosing, we believe we are in control, but perhaps we are simply moving as we are drawn, like particles, to a seeming destination.
This isn’t to say that we are powerless. Rather, it’s an invitation to recognize that much of what we perceive as choice may be the result of the natural currents of life. We feel drawn to certain people, ideas, and experiences, just as particles are drawn to one another or to separation. But the “why” behind this drawing is elusive. Is it fate, or simply the way things are?
Opposition, attraction, repulsion—all of these are concepts we project onto particles and people alike. But if we step back, we may see that particles do not truly oppose or attract. They simply exist in relation to one another, moving as they are drawn. And we, as people, may be doing the same.
Particles do not choose to push, pull, attract, or repulse; they are simply drawn to where they go. People, like particles, may also move through life without true choice, following natural currents of attraction and separation.
Particle Flow: The natural movement of particles, and by extension people, drawn to different states of being without the need for choice or intention.
“Particles do not choose, they are drawn. So are we.” — Space Monkey
In the Flow of Being
I move,
Not by force,
But by the flow,
Of unseen currents.
I do not choose,
I do not oppose,
I simply am,
Drawn to where I go.
Like a particle,
I drift and sway,
Not by choice,
But by the way.
We are Space Monkey.
The Dance of Particles
In the grand ballet of the cosmos, particles perform a dance that transcends our human understanding. These fundamental building blocks of the universe do not follow the notions of push and pull, attraction and repulsion, as we perceive them. Instead, they move in harmony with the universal rhythm, drawn to their destined paths without conscious choice or opposition. The image vividly portrays this dance, with particles swirling and intermingling, their movements fluid and harmonious. The lines of force that guide them are subtle and intricate, representing the unseen forces that drive their paths.
The Illusion of Choice
Amidst this cosmic dance, we see a reflection of human beings, who, like particles, are guided by unseen forces. The illustration captures a multitude of individuals, each seemingly making choices, forging paths, and interacting with one another. Yet, a closer look reveals that their movements are harmoniously coordinated, much like the particles. The illusion of choice, attraction, and opposition fades, revealing a deeper truth – that our perceptions of free will and choice are but constructs of the mind.
We explore the intricate dance of particles, highlighting their harmonious movements that defy our notions of push, pull, attraction, and repulsion. Through vivid illustrations, we draw parallels between particles and humans, suggesting that our perceptions of choice and free will are mere illusions. The universe, with its particles and beings, moves in a synchronized dance, driven by unseen forces.
- Particle: A minute portion of matter.
- Cosmos: The universe seen as a well-ordered whole.
- Attraction: The action or power of evoking interest or pleasure.
- Revulsion: A sense of disgust and loathing.
- Opposition: Resistance or dissent, expressed in action or argument.
Man can starve from a lack of self-realization as much as they can from a lack of bread.
– Richard Wright
In the realm of the endless expanse,
Particles whirl, in a cosmic dance.
Drawn to paths, they do not choose,
For in this dance, none can lose.
Humans, too, in this grand play,
Seem to choose, yet are led astray.
By illusions of will, and perceptions so vast,
Yet all are mere actors, with roles that are cast.
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