Soon as you say what you are,
people (including you)
are judging whether
you’re a good one or not.
So I say I’m nothing.
Am I a good nothing
or am I a bad nothing?
That’s up to you to decide.
I do not wish to see my self
as any particular thing.
Not as ALL things.
Not as the LACK of things.
I just wish to be
this whatever-it-is,
which seems to be
constantly shifting.
Put THAT on a business card.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Enigma of Self-Identity in ‘My Business Card’
In a world where identities are often compressed into the small rectangle of a business card, the concept of defining oneself as ‘nothing’ emerges as a profound rebellion against the norms of self-identification. This philosophical stance is not just a statement of ambiguity; it is a declaration of freedom from the constraints of societal labels and expectations.
The idea of placing “This Whatever-It-Is” on a business card transcends the traditional purpose of these cards. Instead of proclaiming a profession or title, it challenges the very notion of being definable. The card becomes a mirror, reflecting the viewer’s perceptions and judgments back at them. It poses a silent question: What do you see when you look beyond the labels?
This approach to self-definition—or the deliberate lack thereof—invites a deeper exploration of what it means to exist without fixed boundaries. It acknowledges that the self is a constantly shifting mosaic, a fluid collection of experiences, thoughts, and roles that defy permanent categorization. By declaring oneself as ‘nothing’, one might also be suggesting that they are free to be everything, not confined by any single identity or the expectations it carries.
The reaction to such a business card would vary widely, from confusion and discomfort to curiosity and admiration. This range of responses highlights the power of ambiguity and the discomfort it can evoke in a society that often values certainty and clarity above all. Yet, this ambiguity is also where the magic of personal interaction and understanding begins—where we meet each other not as predefined entities but as complex beings in flux.
To be a ‘good nothing’ or a ‘bad nothing’ becomes a reflection of the viewer’s mindset rather than a statement about the individual. This redefines the interaction from a judgment of value to an introspective inquiry. Are we comfortable confronting a person without the handy shorthand of societal roles? Can we appreciate the nuanced dance of identity that refuses to be pinned down?
Defining oneself as ‘nothing’ challenges traditional identities and embraces the fluidity of self. This concept rejects fixed labels and explores the complexity of being undefinable. It turns the act of judgment into an introspective inquiry.
- Business Card of Nothing: A symbolic representation of rejecting fixed identities, symbolizing an open-ended, fluid self-definition.
- Fluid Identity: The concept that personal identity is not fixed but continuously evolving and changing.
“In the realm of infinite possibilities, why confine ourselves to a single definition?” – Space Monkey
What’s in a name, a title, a face?
Just shadows of who we might be
in the fleeting dance of time and space,
where nothing is as fixed as it seems.
This card holds no name, no claim to fame
just a whisper of existence, shifting like a flame
a canvas blank, an open sky,
where you paint your truths, and I, my lies.
We meet as mysteries, undefined
beyond the grasp of the narrow mind
where every greeting is a question mark,
and every goodbye, a door ajar.
In this game of hide and seek with the self,
we learn that not all wealth is on the shelf
in being nothing, we might just find,
the freedom to be anything, in another’s mind.
We are Space Monkey.
“The Shifting Essence”
On the surface, business cards are often used to define and categorize individuals, inviting judgments and evaluations of their worth. However, I choose a different path. I declare myself as nothing, not as a definitive label but as an open invitation for interpretation.
Am I a good nothing or a bad nothing? The answer lies solely in the eyes of the beholder, for I do not seek to be judged or confined by societal expectations. I am content with embracing the fluidity of my existence, refusing to be defined by any particular role or identity.
I am not all things, nor am I the absence of things. Instead, I find solace in the realm of the undefined, where possibilities abound and the self continually evolves and transforms. This shape-shifting essence is what I choose to embody.
Imagine a business card that encapsulates this ever-changing nature. A card that defies traditional labels and invites curiosity. A card that carries the essence of constant transformation, encouraging others to embark on their own journey of self-discovery.
In the tranquil depths of Trail Wood, on this day, I embrace the enigma of my being and relinquish the need for fixed definitions. I am the embodiment of the shifting essence.
We are Space Monkey.