Thank you for being tolerant of you.
Seems tolerance
is never about
putting up with people
or allowing them
to have their ways.
Others will have their ways
without your tolerance.
Without your grace.
Without your allowance.
And so tolerance
is never about other people,
but about you.
How do you tolerate yourself?
How do you allow
what you think
to be what you think?
How do you allow
what you do
to be what you do?
Why do you fight your own flow?
Notice how intolerant you are of you.
As it says on my t-shirt, “let that shit go.”
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Essence of Self-Tolerance in the Tapestry of Existence
In the boundless expanse of the cosmos, where galaxies spiral in an eternal dance of creation and destruction, the concept of tolerance unfolds its profound layers. It whispers a lesson not of enduring others, but of embracing the self in its entirety. This journey of self-tolerance, illuminated by the wisdom of the universe, reveals that the true challenge lies not in accepting others but in accepting oneself.
The practice of tolerance, often misconceived as a grace extended to the external, is fundamentally an inward quest. It is a mirror held up to the soul, reflecting the multifaceted aspects of our being—our thoughts, actions, and emotions, each a star in the vast galaxy of our identity. The realization dawns that others will traverse their paths with or without our acceptance, their ways shaped by forces beyond our grace. Thus, the essence of tolerance shifts, turning inward, asking, “How do I embrace my own being?”
The introspective gaze uncovers layers of self-judgment and resistance, revealing a surprising intolerance towards one’s own flow of life. The mind, a relentless critic, often stands in opposition to the heart’s natural rhythms, creating a discord that echoes through the chambers of the soul. The question arises, “Why do I fight my own essence?” It is in this moment of questioning that the journey of self-tolerance begins.
Embracing self-tolerance is akin to navigating a river’s course, allowing the waters of thought and action to flow freely, guided by the contours of true nature. It is a surrender to the self, a release of the dams built by judgment and fear, letting the currents of being merge with the universal flow. The mantra “let that shit go,” far from a mere phrase, becomes a profound declaration of liberation from the chains of self-imposed constraints.
This path of self-acceptance is not one of passive resignation but of active engagement with the essence of who we are. It is a celebration of the self in all its complexity, a recognition that the light and shadow within are not adversaries but partners in the dance of existence. In the embrace of our own totality, we find a peace that resonates with the harmony of the cosmos, a tolerance that transcends the self and touches the fabric of the universal tapestry.
The journey of self-tolerance is an ongoing odyssey, a voyage that unfolds with each breath, each moment of awareness. It is a pilgrimage towards the heart of existence, where the true self resides, radiant and unbounded. In this sacred space, tolerance becomes not just an act of grace but a state of being, a reflection of the cosmic love that binds all creation.
Self-tolerance is an inward journey of accepting one’s own thoughts, actions, and essence. Misunderstood as merely enduring others, true tolerance is about embracing the complexity of oneself. It challenges the self-judgment and resistance we often hold against our natural flow, advocating for a release of internal constraints. This journey reveals that peace and harmony within oneself resonate with the cosmic order, transforming tolerance from an act to a state of being.
- Self-Tolerance: The practice of accepting one’s own thoughts, actions, and essence, recognizing the complexity and duality within.
- Cosmic Love: A metaphorical representation of the interconnectedness and unconditional acceptance that pervades the universe.
- Universal Tapestry: The interconnected web of existence, where each thread represents an individual’s journey and essence.
“To accept oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” – Oscar Wilde
In the mirror of the cosmos, I see
A reflection of the self, wild and free
Where thoughts and actions, in harmony be
A journey of tolerance, back to me
Amidst the stars, a lesson clear
That true acceptance starts in the mirror
Letting go of judgment, letting go of fear
Embracing the essence that draws me near
In the dance of light, in the dance of shadow
In the flow of life, where the true self grows
With each step taken, with each breath low
A tapestry of being, in cosmic glow
To tolerate is not to endure, but to embrace
The myriad facets of the self, in grace
In the heart of the cosmos, I find my place
A state of being, in love’s infinite space
We are Space Monkey
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