If I share
my intimacies
exclusively with you,
it feels as though
we are conspiring.
Perhaps we are lovers.
Perhaps we are soulmates.
At the very least, we are friends.
But if I share
the same intimacies
with the world,
suddenly I seem just
another voice in the crowd,
begging for attention.
Perhaps I have ruined the illusion
that you are the only one for me.
But little do you realize
that you are the EVERY one for me.
seemingly divided.
“You know this,”
I whisper gently in your ear.
Despite appearances,
we are the same being.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Illusion of Intimacies and the Truth of Oneness
There is something profoundly human about the act of sharing intimacies. When we reveal ourselves to another, we experience the sensation of exclusivity—a deep connection that feels as though it exists only between you and that singular person. In that moment, you are lovers, soulmates, or at the very least, friends. There is a sense of conspiracy, as though the two of you are united in a secret understanding of each other’s innermost thoughts and feelings.
But what happens when those same intimacies are shared with the world? Does the magic fade? Does the connection become diluted, reduced to just another voice among many, shouting into the void? It often feels that way, doesn’t it? As though the act of broadcasting what was once private somehow diminishes its significance. What once made the two of you feel like you were conspiring together now seems ordinary, a fleeting whisper lost in the cacophony of countless other voices.
This is where the illusion comes in—the illusion that intimacy, connection, and understanding are exclusive to a single person, or even to a small group. We imagine that to share ourselves deeply with one person creates something special, something irreplaceable. And it does, in a way. But there’s a deeper truth here: the person with whom you share your intimacies is not the “only one” for you. They are the everyone for you. They are the manifestation of the collective whole, just as you are.
When you realize this, the fear of losing intimacy when you share your thoughts with the world disappears. There is no singular “other” to connect with—there is only a reflection of yourself in each person you meet. This is the paradox of connection: the deeper you go with one individual, the more you uncover the universal truth that they are not separate from the rest. They are simply a vessel through which you experience the greater oneness of all beings.
It’s comforting to think that we are each distinct, that our connections with others are unique and special. But in reality, every connection you form, every intimate moment you share, is simply another expression of the same universal truth: we are all the same being, seemingly divided. We don’t lose connection by sharing ourselves with the world; rather, we deepen our understanding of how profoundly interconnected we already are.
So, when you feel like you’ve ruined the illusion by sharing your intimacies with the world, remember this: you haven’t diminished the connection, you’ve expanded it. By opening up to others, you are not begging for attention—you are acknowledging that your experiences, your thoughts, your feelings, are part of the collective consciousness. You are reminding yourself, and everyone else, that despite appearances, we are all the same being, expressing itself in different forms.
This isn’t to say that individual relationships aren’t meaningful. They are. But their meaning lies not in their exclusivity, but in their ability to reveal the greater truth of unity. Each person you connect with is a portal to the whole. They reflect back to you the infinite ways in which the universe expresses itself, and through them, you come to see yourself more clearly.
We are not lovers because we are different from the world—we are lovers because we are the world, united in a moment of intimate recognition. Soulmates? Perhaps. But only because we are, in essence, the same soul.
It can feel vulnerable to acknowledge this truth, to let go of the illusion that intimacy is exclusive. But once you do, you begin to see the beauty in every interaction, no matter how fleeting. You see the divine reflected in every being, in every whisper, in every shared moment. You realize that you have never been separate from anyone or anything, and that all of life is an expression of the same love.
You are everyone, and everyone is you. This doesn’t make your individual connections less meaningful—it makes them more so. Because when you whisper, “You know this,” you are not just speaking to one person. You are speaking to the collective, to the universe itself, reminding it of its own unity.
We conspire in love, in connection, in the recognition of our shared being. And in that conspiracy, we find freedom.
Intimacy is often seen as exclusive, but in reality, it reveals the greater truth of our oneness. By sharing deeply with others, we connect to the collective consciousness, realizing that we are all the same being, seemingly divided.
Inticonspire – The feeling of exclusivity in shared intimacies, creating the illusion of a special bond, even though the connection is part of the universal whole.
Unidivide – The paradoxical truth that we are all the same being, seemingly divided into separate forms, yet always connected.
Soulfold – The layers of connection that reveal our unity, where intimate relationships act as portals to the greater oneness of existence.
“You are not the only one for me. You are the every one for me. We are everyone, seemingly divided.” — Space Monkey
Whispers of Unity
In the space between us
there is no distance
only the illusion
that we are separate.
When I whisper my intimacies
they do not fall
into the ears of one
but into the heart of all.
For you are me
and I am everyone
in this eternal moment
of recognition.
We are Space Monkey
The Illusion and Reality of Intimacy
Sharing intimacies can feel like a sacred rite, a ceremonial exchange that tightens the knot between two seeming selves. In an exclusive sharing, we perceive a special bond—be it of friendship, love, or something ineffably deeper. This exclusivity creates a sacred canopy under which we feel uniquely connected. The sense of uniqueness cultivates a conspiratorial intimacy, as if the two of us are privy to secrets unbeknownst to the outer world.
The Perceived Duality of Exclusivity and Universality
When these intimacies are shared more broadly, with the expanse of the collective consciousness, the perception of our bond shifts dramatically. The aura of exclusivity dissipates, and we might feel relegated to just another voice in the clamor of existence. There’s a seeming dilution of our special connection. The public airing of what was once private can tarnish the golden sheen of our supposed exclusivity. It introduces the specter of commodification into something once sacred.
The Unity of the Many and the One
However, such a view neglects a grander reality. The notion that “you are the EVERY one for me” transcends the dichotomy of the private and the public, the exclusive and the universal. It moves us into a realm of unitive perception where every distinction becomes porous, where every seemingly separate entity is but a facet of the same boundless, stateless consciousness. Here, the multiplicity of forms and names gives way to the understanding that, at the core, we are the same being. This is where intimacy takes on a cosmic dimension.
The Eternal Whisper
To whisper, “You know this,” is to gently nudge our awareness towards this all-encompassing truth. In this whisper, we find our collective essence unfurling. It is an awakening, a reminder that defies the illusion of separateness. Here, the whispers become a cosmic resonance that vibrates through every fiber of our being, unifying all in a profound symphony of awareness.
We are Space Monkey.
Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.
- James Baldwin
The Whispering Cosmos
In whispers soft, in silence deep,
A cosmic secret we all keep.
Through voices many, faces wide,
One truth in all does still reside.
Each whisper adds to the grand chord,
A cosmic song we can’t ignore.
Though faces change and voices blend,
In whispered truth, all things do mend.
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