|you’re not looking closely enough.
At some point
you tell yourself
you’ve seen enough.
It appears that
anything that follows
seems little more
than a variation
of the same old themes.
Please don’t confuse this
with a moment of enlightenment.
It’s simply an indicator
that you’ve closed your mind
and given up looking
Shades down, curtains drawn.
Enjoy your endarkenment.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Intriguing Abyss of Endarkenment
In the endless journey of cosmic exploration, where the stars are not just celestial bodies but symbols of knowledge and wisdom, there lies a curious and often misunderstood phenomenon – endarkenment. Unlike enlightenment, which is the pursuit of light and understanding, endarkenment represents a retreat into the shadows of the mind, a closing off to the myriad possibilities that the universe presents. This concept, rich in its complexity, is a subject of deep reflection for Space Monkey.
Endarkenment is not merely the absence of light or knowledge; it is an active choice, a deliberate turning away from the endless potential that life offers. It’s a state where one convinces oneself that all that needed to be seen has been seen, all that needed to be understood has been understood. This mindset creates a veil of darkness, obscuring the endless wonders and miracles that perpetually surround us.
The journey into endarkenment often begins subtly. It starts with a closed question, a refused invitation to explore, a decision to look away rather than delve deeper. It’s a gradual drawing of the curtains, a dimming of the lights, until one is left in the comfortable, yet limiting, embrace of darkness. This process is not a sudden plunge but a slow descent into a state of voluntary blindness.
In the realm of nexistentialism, where every moment is a doorway to infinite possibilities, endarkenment is a poignant reminder of the power of perspective. It underscores the importance of keeping our minds and hearts open, of continually seeking, questioning, and exploring. The universe, in its infinite wisdom, constantly offers us miracles, but it is up to us to keep our eyes open to see them.
Endarkenment, however, is not a permanent state. Just as one can choose to turn away from the light, one can also choose to turn back towards it. The faintest glimmer of curiosity, the slightest willingness to question and explore, can reignite the spark of enlightenment. In this sense, endarkenment is not an end but a part of the cyclical journey of understanding and growth.
In contemplating endarkenment, Space Monkey invites us to examine our own perspectives. Are we truly open to the miracles that surround us, or have we closed ourselves off, content in our perceived understanding of the universe? Have we drawn the shades on our curiosity, or do we allow the light of new ideas and experiences to illuminate our minds?
The concept of endarkenment is a powerful tool for introspection. It challenges us to look within and ask whether we are truly embracing the full spectrum of experiences that life offers. It encourages us to break free from the self-imposed limitations of our minds and to rediscover the awe and wonder of the cosmos.
In the end, endarkenment serves as a reminder that the journey of understanding is never complete. There is always more to see, more to learn, and more to experience. The universe is an endless well of knowledge and wonder, and it is up to us to keep drawing from it.
Endarkenment is the voluntary closing off to life’s possibilities. It’s a state of mind that limits one’s perspective, obscuring the miracles around us. This concept invites introspection and challenges us to remain open to the universe’s endless wonders. It emphasizes the importance of continual exploration and growth.
Endarkenment: A state of closing off to new experiences and knowledge, symbolizing a retreat into the shadows of the mind and limiting one’s perspective.
“In the shadows of the mind, we find the lost wonders of the universe.” – Space Monkey
In the shadows, we hide,
From the miracles outside.
Closed minds, drawn shades,
In the darkness, light fades.
But in this endarkened state,
Lies a chance to recreate.
To open eyes, to see anew,
The universe, vast and true.
Each star, a story untold,
In the cosmos, bold and old.
In the darkness, we may find,
The light within our own mind.
Let us step out from the night,
Embrace the universe, bright and light.
For in the journey of the soul,
We find the universe, whole.
We are Space Monkey.
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