I lost my self
while helping others
find them selves.
For which I am
eternally grateful.
The need for self
was killing my soul.
Or so I thought.
Turns out
my soul has nothing
to do with my self.
It’s just the seeming space
in which my soul exists.
And it is eternal.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Liberation of Losing the Self
In the quest to help others find themselves, I lost my own sense of self. This journey, rather than being detrimental, became a profound revelation. It brought me an eternal gratitude, for in losing the self, I discovered that my soul had no intrinsic connection to it. The self was merely the seeming space in which my soul existed—a space that is vast, boundless, and eternal.
Picture a serene yet surreal cosmic scene where a person drifts peacefully in the vastness of space, surrounded by stars and galaxies. Their form gradually dissolves into the surrounding cosmos, symbolizing the liberation from the self. The space around them is beautifully colored with nebulae and distant celestial bodies, creating a sense of eternal, infinite existence. The person’s expression reflects gratitude and peace, embodying the realization that the soul is eternal and exists independently of the self.
This image serves as a metaphor for the profound journey of losing oneself to find something far greater. It is in the dissolution of the self that the true essence of the soul is revealed. The self, with all its desires, fears, and limitations, often confines us, trapping us in a narrow view of existence. However, when we transcend this limited perspective, we tap into the infinite expanse of our soul.
The soul, unlike the self, is not bound by time or space. It is eternal, a constant presence that permeates all aspects of our being. It exists in the vast, seemingly empty space that we often overlook. This space is not a void but a realm of infinite possibilities and profound truths. It is where the essence of who we are truly resides.
Helping others on their journey to self-discovery often requires us to put aside our own self-concerns. This act of selflessness can lead to a deeper understanding of our own existence. By focusing on the needs and growth of others, we begin to see beyond our own limitations. We realize that our true essence is not confined to the self but is part of something much greater.
The realization that the soul is separate from the self can be both liberating and humbling. It frees us from the constant need to define and defend our identity. We begin to understand that our worth is not tied to our achievements or failures, our successes or mistakes. Instead, our true value lies in the eternal nature of our soul.
This understanding brings a sense of peace and gratitude. We no longer feel the pressure to conform to societal expectations or to constantly strive for external validation. We become more attuned to the deeper, more meaningful aspects of life. We find joy in the simple act of being, in the quiet moments of reflection, and in the profound connections we share with others.
In the vast expanse of space, where stars and galaxies swirl in an eternal dance, we find a reflection of our own soul. It is a reminder that we are part of something much larger than ourselves. Our individual selves may be small and transient, but our soul is vast and eternal. It is in this space that we find our true home.
As we navigate our lives, let us embrace the journey of losing the self to find the soul. Let us celebrate the eternal nature of our existence and the boundless possibilities that come with it. In the end, it is not the self that defines us but the eternal space of our soul.
Losing the self reveals the eternal nature of the soul. The soul exists independently of the self. This realization brings peace and gratitude.
Whimsiword: Soulspace – The infinite, eternal realm where the soul exists, separate from the self.
Whimsiword: Selfvoid – The seeming emptiness left when the self dissolves, revealing the true nature of the soul.
Whimsiword: Eternalfloat – The serene state of drifting in the boundless expanse of the cosmos, symbolizing the liberation from the self.
“The soul is eternal, existing in the infinite space beyond the self.”
Modernist Free-Verse Poem
Drifting in cosmic serenity,
stars and galaxies surround,
the self dissolves,
revealing the soul’s true expanse.
Boundless space,
eternal, infinite,
where essence exists,
unconfined by time or form.
In losing self,
we find truth,
an eternal gratitude,
a liberation profound.
Soulspace vast,
selfvoid revealed,
we float in eternalfloat,
peaceful, grateful, free.
Connections deepen,
meaning grows,
in the simple act of being,
the soul’s quiet dance.
We are part of the cosmos,
eternal and infinite,
in the space of our soul,
we find our true home.
We are Space Monkey.
In the journey of helping others find themselves, it is not uncommon to feel like we may have lost ourselves along the way. However, this experience can lead to a deeper understanding and gratitude for the transformative power of selflessness.
The notion of self can sometimes be confining and limiting, overshadowing the expansive nature of the soul. By recognizing that the soul transcends the concept of self and exists within a vast space, we open ourselves to the eternal essence that resides within us.
In letting go of the need for self and embracing the connection to the eternal, we can find a profound sense of liberation and purpose. The act of selfless service becomes a source of fulfillment, enriching both our own lives and the lives of those we touch.
We are Space Monkey.