What do you say to people
who have lost the passion
Help them realize
that they can be happy
It’s not an easy explanation,
and if you say it out loud,
you’re likely to get clobbered.
That’s because
is based on things.
Things we attain.
Things we’re “supposed” to do.
We rarely set the codes
we expect ourselves to live by.
So we measure our lives
by someone else’s rules,
by someone else’s ruler.
Is is any wonder
we feel ambivalent
to nearly EVERYTHING
we are offered?
These jobs are not our jobs.
These objects of desire
are not our objects of desire.
But somehow
we convince ourselves
that they are.
We chase the carrots of culture,
and when some of us catch them,
we feel NOTHING.
But just as EVERYTHING
is not what it seems,
neither is NOTHING.
NOTHING is the soul stripped naked,
free of the stories that convince us
that they are our “lives.”
There is joy in NOTHING
is the purest essence
of ALL we are.
When you feel this NOTHING,
when you feel this JOY,
you feel ONE with
the infinite energy
that is your life force.
And you are able to build from there.
According to your own rules,
your own desires,
your own passions.
You have not lost your true passions.
They are merely obscured
Nothing makes you happy
until you are happy with nothing.
You need nothing.
And now you have it.
Space Monkey Reflects: The Joy of Nothing
“Nothing makes you happy until you’re happy with nothing.” This truth is both simple and profound, a reminder that happiness is not found in the things we attain, the roles we play, or the rules we follow. It emerges when we strip away the layers of cultural expectations and societal programming, revealing the pure essence of our being.
For those who have lost their passion for everything, the answer is not to search for new passions but to reconnect with the joy of nothing. This is not the emptiness of despair but the fullness of being—the unadorned, infinite potential that resides within us when we let go of external attachments. Nothing is not a void; it is the foundation, the infinite canvas upon which everything is painted.
The challenge lies in explaining this to others. A world that measures worth by possessions, achievements, and status is ill-equipped to value the profound simplicity of nothing. To say out loud, “Be happy with nothing,” risks misunderstanding, even rejection. Yet, this is precisely what needs to be said—not as a command but as an invitation to rediscover what lies beneath the clutter of “everything.”
Everything is not what it seems.
We live by codes we did not set, chasing desires that are not truly ours. The carrots of culture—success, wealth, status—are illusions, and when we catch them, they often leave us feeling empty. This emptiness is not a failure; it is a signal, a reminder that these pursuits are not aligned with our true selves.
Nothing is not what it seems, either.
Far from being a lack, nothing is the essence of all. It is the soul stripped of the stories and expectations that obscure its true nature. In the joy of nothing, we reconnect with the infinite energy that is our life force. This is not about renunciation or asceticism; it is about embracing the freedom of being unbound by the illusions of everything.
When you find joy in nothing, you awaken to the possibility of building a life that aligns with your own rules, desires, and passions. This is not a “starting over” but a stripping away, a clearing of the path so that your true passions can emerge. They were never lost—they were merely buried under the weight of everything.
You already have nothing, and nothing is enough.
From this place of nothing, you can create everything anew—not as a means to an end but as an expression of your essence. You no longer measure your life by someone else’s ruler; you simply live, free and whole, in the infinite now.
Happiness is found not in everything but in embracing nothing. Stripping away societal expectations reveals the pure joy of being and allows true passions to emerge.
- Joy of Nothing: The profound happiness found in letting go of external attachments and reconnecting with the essence of being.
- Carrots of Culture: The societal illusions of success and desire that distract from true fulfillment.
- Infinite Canvas: The unadorned potential of nothing, the foundation upon which everything is built.
“Nothing is not the absence of everything; it is the essence of all that you are.” — Space Monkey
The Canvas of Nothing
Strip away the layers,
the stories,
the things.
What remains?
Not emptiness,
but fullness.
A quiet joy,
unbound by rules,
unmeasured by rulers.
In nothing,
you find the infinite.
In nothing,
you find yourself.
You need nothing.
And now,
you have it.
We are Space Monkey.
In the vastness of existence, feelings of detachment from the passions that once set our hearts ablaze can leave us adrift in a cosmic void. The poem we share is a beacon for those navigating the nebula of indifference, a call to rediscover the joy in the unadorned essence of being. It is a profound reflection on the nature of desire, possession, and the societal constructs that shape our sense of fulfillment.
The Illusion of Material Fulfillment:
We often find ourselves ensnared in the tapestry of materialism, chasing after the ephemeral carrots dangled by our culture. We are conditioned to believe that happiness is a commodity to be attained, a destination reached by acquiring and achieving what others have set as benchmarks. But as we ascend these peaks, we realize that the vista they afford is not our own, and the satisfaction we seek remains elusive.
The Weight of Expectations:
The societal rulers against which we measure our lives are not our own crafting. These external metrics of success can lead us to paths that are not our own, suffocating our true desires under the weight of expectations. We become passengers in lives designed by others, rather than architects of our own existence.
The Freedom in Nothing:
The poem elucidates a profound truth: in the embrace of nothingness, we find the raw canvas of our being. Stripped of the narratives and possessions that we are told to clutch, we encounter the purity of our essence. In this space of nothing, we are free to paint the strokes of our true lives, unbound by the constraints of prewritten scripts.
The Joy of Authenticity:
There is an ineffable joy in the authenticity of nothing. It is here, in the cradle of uncluttered existence, that our true passions, too long obscured by the detritus of everything, can once again catch the light. This joy resonates with the vibrational energy of the universe, the infinite life force that propels us. It is the foundation from which we can rebuild, guided by the compass of our own desires and dreams.
The Paradox of Everything and Nothing:
The paradox of everything and nothing serves as a cosmic riddle. The poem speaks to the heart of this enigma: that everything we are offered, everything we are told to want, can often lead us to a hollow core, while nothing can be the womb of all possibility and contentment. It is in the conscious choice to divest from everything that we can truly invest in ourselves.
We are Space Monkey.
“He who is contented is rich.” – Lao Tzu
Amidst the cosmic silence,
In the quiet space of the void,
Lies the seed of pure potential,
Unfettered and unalloyed.
From nothing, we find everything,
In the blank slate of our soul,
We write our own mythos,
Complete, intrinsic, and whole.
We invite you to ponder this dance of everything and nothing, and to share where you find joy in the simplicity of existence.
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