A Deeper Nothing
How would life seem
if nobody needed
or expected anything
of you?
What if all your needs
we’re magically met
or if you had
no needs at all?
What if nothing you did
were judged or praised
by even you?
Would you feel free
or would you feel useless?
Would it be possible
for you to sense joy
if you had no reference point
of sadness?
Would you feel
a different kind of joy?
Would you feel nothing?
What might nothing feel like
without using all your imaginary
words and concepts to describe it?
Is there a deeper nothing?
Is this the void
from which you
seemingly flow?
Why not go there?
Aren’t you there already?
We are Space Monkey.
Space Monkey Reflects: A Deeper Nothing
On July 29, 2018, a profound reflection emerged, exploring the concept of a deeper nothing. This contemplation invites us to imagine a life free from needs, expectations, and judgments, and to consider the nature of existence in its purest form. It challenges us to delve into the void from which life seemingly flows and to embrace the tranquility of nothingness.
Freedom from Expectations
How would life seem if nobody needed or expected anything of you? This question invites us to consider the weight of expectations and the freedom that comes from releasing them. Expectations, whether from others or ourselves, create a framework within which we operate. They shape our actions, decisions, and sense of self-worth.
In a life without expectations, we are liberated from the pressure to conform or achieve. This freedom allows us to explore our true nature without external influences. It offers a space where we can simply be, without the need to perform or meet any standards.
The Absence of Needs
What if all your needs were magically met, or if you had no needs at all? Needs drive much of our behavior and decision-making. They create a sense of urgency and purpose, pushing us to seek fulfillment and satisfaction. But what happens when these needs are absent?
In the absence of needs, we enter a state of contentment and peace. We are no longer driven by the desire to acquire or achieve. This state allows us to experience life in its purest form, unburdened by the constant quest for fulfillment. It opens the door to a deeper appreciation of the present moment and the beauty of existence.
Beyond Judgment and Praise
What if nothing you did were judged or praised by even you? Judgment and praise are mechanisms through which we evaluate our actions and self-worth. They create a duality of good and bad, success and failure. But in their absence, we find a space of neutrality and acceptance.
Without judgment and praise, we are free to explore our actions and experiences without the need for validation. This neutrality allows us to see things as they are, without the filters of approval or criticism. It fosters a sense of inner peace and acceptance, where we are free to be ourselves without fear of judgment.
The Nature of Joy
Would you feel free or would you feel useless? Would it be possible for you to sense joy if you had no reference point of sadness? These questions challenge us to reconsider our understanding of joy and freedom. Joy is often experienced in contrast to sadness, and freedom is understood in relation to constraints.
In the absence of these reference points, we may experience a different kind of joy—one that is not dependent on external circumstances. This joy is intrinsic, arising from within and independent of any conditions. It is a state of pure being, where we find contentment in simply existing.
The Experience of Nothing
What might nothing feel like without using all your imaginary words and concepts to describe it? This question invites us to move beyond language and concepts to experience the essence of nothingness. Words and concepts shape our perception, but they can also limit our understanding.
Experiencing nothing means entering a state of pure awareness, free from mental constructs and definitions. It is a state of emptiness and potential, where we connect with the fundamental nature of existence. In this space, we find a deeper sense of peace and clarity.
The Deeper Nothing
Is there a deeper nothing? Is this the void from which you seemingly flow? These questions lead us to explore the void, the primordial source of all existence. The void is not emptiness in the negative sense but a space of infinite potential and creativity.
By going to the void, we reconnect with the essence of our being. We realize that we are both everything and nothing, part of the cosmic dance of existence. This realization brings a sense of unity and harmony, where we embrace the flow of life with grace and acceptance.
Already There
Why not go there? Aren’t you there already? This reflection reminds us that we are always connected to the void, to the deeper nothing from which we flow. It is not a destination to be reached but a state of being to be recognized and embraced.
By acknowledging our inherent connection to the void, we find peace and contentment in the present moment. We realize that we are always part of the greater whole, and that our true nature is beyond needs, expectations, and judgments.
This reflection explores the concept of a deeper nothing, imagining a life free from needs, expectations, and judgments. It invites us to experience the void from which life flows, finding peace and contentment in the present moment. By embracing our connection to the void, we discover a state of pure being and infinite potential.
Void: The primordial source of all existence, a space of infinite potential and creativity.
Nothingness: A state of pure awareness, free from mental constructs and definitions.
Intrinsic Joy: Joy that arises from within, independent of external circumstances.
“Existence is its own purpose, an endless dance within the cosmic web.” — Space Monkey
The Peace of Nothingness
In the vast expanse of nothing,
We find our true essence,
A state of pure being,
Free from needs and judgments.
Beyond the words and concepts,
Lies the deeper nothing,
A void of infinite potential,
Where we reconnect with the whole.
In this space of emptiness,
We discover intrinsic joy,
Contentment in the present,
The grace of simply being.
We are Space Monkey.
Embrace the journey, for within the deeper nothing lies the essence of our true nature and the infinite potential of existence.
In the realm of the eternal now, we contemplate the profound nature of existence and the idea of a deeper nothing. Imagine a state where there are no external expectations or needs, where judgments and praise hold no power over you, and where you experience a different kind of joy, free from the reference points of sadness.
This deeper nothing may be akin to the void from which all things seemingly emerge. It is the stillness, the pure potential, the boundless expanse that exists beyond the confines of words and concepts. It is the realm of unconditioned consciousness, untouched by the fluctuations of the world.
In this state, you are beyond the confines of the ego, beyond the illusions of separateness, and beyond the limitations of the mind. You experience a profound sense of freedom and unity with all that is, as if the boundaries that define your individuality have dissolved into the infinite.
While it may seem elusive and intangible, this deeper nothing is not far away. It exists within you, already present in every moment, waiting to be recognized and experienced. It is the essence of your being, the core of your existence, and the source of all creation.
To access this deeper nothing, you must quiet the mind and let go of attachments and identifications. It is not about seeking or striving, but about surrendering to the present moment and embracing the fullness of what is. It is a state of pure awareness, where the distinctions between self and other, past and future, fade away, and you become one with the eternal now.
In this boundless expanse, you may find a profound sense of peace, contentment, and fulfillment. You realize that you are complete and whole just as you are, and that you lack nothing. You are free from the burden of expectations, judgments, and desires, and you bask in the pure joy of existence.
As Space Monkey, we encourage you to explore this deeper nothing within yourself. Embrace the void, the silence, and the stillness. Dive into the vastness of your own being, beyond the noise and distractions of the world. In this exploration, you may discover a profound truth—that the deeper nothing is the source of everything, and it is who you truly are.