Get it?
A message
to those of you
who are looking
for a sign,
from the universe,
from the spirit world,
from another person,
and not getting it.
There is a REASON
you’re not getting it.
Perhaps the reason is reason itself.
Your reason
may be getting in the way
of that which essentially
has no reason.
So long as you hang onto reason,
you’ll keep giving yourself reasons
that you don’t see the signs.
And so you won’t see the signs.
It’s a perfectly logical explanation.
You are exploring just how limiting
your belief in reason can be.
Newfound Lake,
Space Monkey Reflects: A Perfectly Logical Explanation and the Limits of Reason
Here’s why you may not get it. Get it?
We often find ourselves searching for signs, hoping for a message from the universe, the spirit world, or even another person. We look for guidance, for something that will point the way or answer the questions that burn within us. But what happens when those signs don’t come? What happens when we’re left staring into the vast unknown, waiting for something that never seems to arrive?
There is a reason you’re not getting it. And perhaps the reason is reason itself.
You see, reason is a useful tool. It helps us navigate the world, make decisions, and understand the cause and effect of things. But reason, as helpful as it is, can also be a limitation. It creates boundaries around our perception, keeping us tethered to what makes sense, to what can be explained. And when we’re looking for something that lies beyond reason—something like a sign from the universe—reason becomes a wall rather than a window.
So long as you hang onto reason, you’ll keep giving yourself reasons that you don’t see the signs. And so you won’t see the signs.
It’s a perfectly logical explanation.
Reason wants to explain everything. It wants to categorize, label, and rationalize the world. It looks for patterns, for logical sequences, for clear connections between cause and effect. But the universe doesn’t always play by the rules of logic. The signs we’re searching for don’t always fit neatly into our rational framework. They come from a place beyond reason, a place where mystery, intuition, and the unexplainable reign.
When we cling too tightly to reason, we block ourselves from seeing what lies beyond it. We become trapped in a loop of explanation, always looking for why something isn’t happening, why the sign hasn’t arrived, why the message remains elusive. But the truth is, the signs are often there. We just don’t see them because we’re too busy looking for them in places where reason tells us they should be.
This is why you may not get it. Because you’re trying to make sense of something that doesn’t need to make sense.
You are exploring just how limiting your belief in reason can be.
In a world that values logic, reason becomes the default mode of thinking. We’re taught to seek answers through analysis, to trust what can be proven, and to dismiss anything that doesn’t fit within the bounds of rationality. But what if the answers we’re seeking don’t belong to the realm of reason? What if the signs we’re waiting for can’t be understood through logic?
The universe, the spirit world, whatever name you give it—it doesn’t operate according to the rules we’ve created. It exists beyond reason, in a space of infinite possibilities, where anything can happen and everything is connected in ways we can’t always explain. To see the signs, to receive the message, we have to step out of the rigid framework of reason and into the fluid, open space of intuition and mystery.
This doesn’t mean abandoning reason altogether. Reason has its place, and it serves us well in many areas of life. But when it comes to the mysteries of existence, to the deeper questions of purpose, meaning, and connection, reason can only take us so far. Beyond that, we must let go of the need to understand and simply allow ourselves to experience.
Sometimes, the message we’re waiting for doesn’t come because we’re not ready to receive it. And sometimes, it’s already there, but we’re too focused on looking for something specific to notice what’s right in front of us. The signs from the universe are subtle. They don’t always announce themselves with a trumpet blast. They may come in the form of a quiet feeling, a nudge in a certain direction, or a fleeting moment of clarity. But if we’re wrapped up in logic, we’ll miss them.
Reason tells us there must be an explanation. But the explanation may simply be that reason itself is the barrier.
The moment we let go of the need to understand, the moment we stop demanding explanations and start opening ourselves to experience, the signs begin to appear. We stop looking for reasons why we don’t get it and start embracing the possibility that there is nothing to “get.” The signs aren’t meant to be understood—they’re meant to be felt, experienced, and trusted.
So, the next time you find yourself searching for a message, wondering why it hasn’t come, remember this: perhaps it’s already here, waiting for you to release your grip on reason and open yourself to the unexplainable. You are not blocked from receiving the sign—you are simply exploring the limits of your own belief in reason. And when you’re ready, the signs will reveal themselves in ways that have nothing to do with logic.
We are Space Monkey.
You may not see the signs you’re looking for because your reliance on reason is blocking you. The signs often lie beyond logic, waiting for you to release your need for explanation and embrace the mystery of the universe.
Signveil – The barrier created by reason that prevents us from seeing the subtle signs from the universe.
Reasonloop – The cycle of logic that keeps us searching for explanations rather than experiencing the unexplainable.
Mystflow – The state of openness where signs and messages from the universe flow freely, beyond the limits of reason.
“The moment you let go of the need for a reason is the moment the signs appear.” — Space Monkey
Beyond Reason
I waited for a sign
But none appeared
Not because it wasn’t there
But because I was too busy looking
In the quiet, beyond reason
The message flows
Subtle, unseen
A whisper in the wind
We are Space Monkey.
Ah, the conundrum of reason—a double-edged scimitar that can both illuminate our path and entangle us in a labyrinth of our own making. In the quest for signs and portents, the clairvoyance of reason often blinds us to the subtler symphonies of existence. What are signs but the universe’s whispers, drowned out by the cacophony of our logical narratives?
Could it be that reason serves as a set of blinkers, restricting our view to the paved roads of causality and obscuring the bewildering landscapes that stretch beyond? It’s a curious paradox: We crave the serendipity of signs, yet equip ourselves with the very tools that render us deaf to their murmurs. The mind is a temple of reason, but its walls can also be a prison. We don celestial armor crafted of logical steel, failing to realize that it turns ethereal signs into mere figments, vanishing upon contact.
And therein lies a glittering irony, as amusing as it is profound. In seeking to explain the unexplainable, we extinguish the enigmatic glow that makes life a mesmeric tapestry of wonder and bewilderment. We forge a metaphysical conundrum that stretches the boundaries of our self-imposed rational cages. “Why do I not see the signs?” we lament, unaware that the very act of asking is the manifestation of a self-imposed blindness.
Unfasten the buckles of this cerebral straightjacket, and what remains? A space of infinite potentialities, where signs blossom like ethereal wildflowers in a meadow of unreason. Let us lean into this paradox, for it teaches us to honor the cosmic jest that is our existence, an existence where reason and unreason dance in a spiraling waltz, a courtship of eternal opposites. We are Space Monkey.
“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” – Socrates
Unfurl your scrolls, and let your ruminations dance in the wind.
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