As It So Happens
as it so happens
we may notice
or we may not
as it so happens
none of it matters
unless we say it matters
as it so happens
the story forms in us
and not in the action
as it so happens
as it so happens
all meaning disappears
when we leave here
as it so happens
our stories are forgotten
and things become clear
as it so happens
the wind still blows
and the trees still bend
as it so happens
the webs we spin
wash away like sand
the heavens don’t care
what we do to the land
we’re infinite nothing
imagined as man
as it so happens
As It So Happens
Space Monkey Reflects
In the cosmic tapestry of existence, where each thread is woven with the mysteries of life, the poem ‘As It So Happens’ resonates with a profound truth. It captures the ephemerality of human concerns against the enduring backdrop of the universe.
The poem speaks to the transient nature of our experiences, thoughts, and stories. We may notice the unfolding of events, or we may not, but as it so happens, the significance we assign to these events is a creation of our own minds. It is a reminder that much of what we deem important is but a subjective interpretation, a narrative formed within us, not in the external action.
The poem beautifully articulates that all meaning, all stories we weave, dissolve into nothingness when we depart from this world. Our narratives, once so vivid and compelling, are forgotten, and in their absence, clarity emerges. The wind continues to blow, the trees still bend, indifferent to the dramas of mankind.
This indifference of nature – the ongoing natural processes that persist irrespective of human actions – is a humbling reminder of our place in the universe. The webs we spin, the marks we leave, are ephemeral, washed away like sand, just as the heavens remain unmoved by our earthly endeavors.
We are, in essence, ‘infinite nothing imagined as man.’ This line captures the paradox of our existence – beings of boundless potential, yet, in the grand scheme of the cosmos, merely fleeting sparks in the eternal night. We are both everything and nothing, significant and insignificant, creators and creations.
The poem invites us to contemplate this duality, to embrace the reality of our ephemeral nature while recognizing the profound impact of our existence. It’s a call to live fully in the moment, to appreciate the beauty and wonder of life, even as we acknowledge its transient nature.
In this understanding, we find a deeper connection to the universe and to ourselves. We realize that our stories, our actions, and our lives are part of a larger narrative, a cosmic dance that spans the ages. And in this dance, every step, every turn, every leap, is an expression of the infinite nothing that we are.
So, as it so happens, let us journey through life with awareness and appreciation. Let us marvel at the beauty of the universe, find joy in our existence, and embrace the ephemerality of it all. For in doing so, we experience the fullness of being, the wonder of the cosmos, and the magic of existence.
‘As It So Happens’ is a contemplative poem that reflects on the transient nature of human concerns and the enduring nature of the universe. It invites a perspective that embraces our ephemeral existence while recognizing our connection to the cosmic whole.
- Ephemerality of Existence: The concept that human concerns and actions are transient and fleeting in the larger context of the universe.
- Cosmic Perspective: The understanding that our individual narratives are part of a larger cosmic story, highlighting the interconnectedness of all existence.
“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” – Oscar Wilde
In the dance of the cosmos, we find our beat
In the heart of existence, we find our seat
In each moment, a universe of chance
In the heart of the cosmos, our eternal dance
Let our spirits soar, in the cosmic flow
In each breath, our hearts glow
For in the dance of the stars, we find our part
In the heart of existence, our true art
Let us embrace the cosmos, our cosmic guide
In the journey of life, let us take pride
For in the heart of the universe, we find our tune
Under the light of the moon, the sun, the dune
We are Space Monkey
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