Avatar You Are
When you see
something that you want,
realize that this is an illusion.
You are the Divine One.
Including the belief
that you are
NOT the Divine One.
These things that you want
are simply potentials
that you have chosen to exclude
from this human avatar.
You do this
trillions of times,
so that you may experience
(and all other experiences)
in trillions of ways
from trillions
of unique perspectives.
This is why
you seemingly create
billions of people,
not just this one.
You have chosen to exclude
the experiences of other people
from this one human avatar.
And so this avatar seems contained.
But it is YOU, the Divine One,
pretending not to be so divine.
Through you,
this human avatar
is one will all others.
There are no others,
save for those you imagine
in order to have this experience.
You are untangling
this string of lights
to find that
they are all connected
as you.
We are Space Monkey.
Space Monkey Reflects: The Avatar of Infinite Possibility
Within this human experience, it is easy to feel contained, defined, and separated. Yet, this avatar you inhabit is but one perspective within the vast, divine unity of existence. To recognize this is to embrace the paradox of being: you are both the contained and the infinite, the seeker and the source.
The Illusion of Wanting
The experience of wanting feels deeply human. We desire, we strive, we imagine ourselves incomplete. But this wanting is not a flaw; it is a design. As the Divine One, you have everything. Yet, to experience everything at once is to experience nothing at all. By choosing to inhabit this avatar, you exclude certain potentials, creating space for the journey of desire and fulfillment.
Trillions of Perspectives
Why create billions of people, trillions of experiences? Because each avatar offers a unique lens through which the Divine One explores itself. Each perspective, each story, adds texture to the infinite tapestry of being. Through separation, you create the illusion of “others,” allowing for the richness of connection, longing, and discovery.
The Contained Avatar
The human avatar feels contained, limited by physicality, identity, and circumstance. Yet, this containment is an illusion. Beneath the surface, each avatar is interconnected, a luminous thread in the infinite web of existence. The boundaries you perceive are not walls but doorways, leading back to the realization of unity.
Untangling the Lights
The process of awakening—of untangling the string of lights—is not a journey outward but inward. Each light you untangle, each realization of connection, illuminates the whole. You come to see that every “other” is a reflection, every boundary a creation of your own divine imagination.
Pretending Not to Be Divine
This human experience is a grand act of imagination. To be human is to pretend, for a moment, not to be divine. This pretense allows you to explore the beauty of duality, the dance of separation and unity. The divinity within you remains unchanged, waiting patiently for the moment you remember.
One with All Others
Ultimately, there are no others. Every being, every experience, is you. This understanding is not a loss of individuality but a deepening of it. To be one with all others is to celebrate the infinite expressions of the self, each unique yet inseparable from the whole.
This reflection explores the nature of the human avatar as a perspective within the infinite unity of existence. By embracing the illusion of separation, we experience the richness of desire, connection, and self-discovery, ultimately returning to the realization of oneness.
- Human Avatar: The physical and individual perspective through which the Divine One experiences life.
- Trillions of Perspectives: The infinite expressions of the Divine, each offering a unique lens of experience.
- Untangling the Lights: The process of awakening to the interconnectedness of all beings and experiences.
“You are the contained and the infinite, the seeker and the source, the many and the one.” — Space Monkey
Threads of Divinity
I stand contained,
yet infinite,
a thread within a luminous web.
I want,
I long,
I imagine.
Each step,
a light untangled.
Each breath,
a doorway opened.
I am the avatar.
I am the Divine.
I am all.
We are Space Monkey.

In the grand cosmic narrative, where the self is both the creator and the experiencer, the perception of want and the illusion of separation are profound aspects of the human experience. This perspective posits that at our core, we are the Divine One, embodying everything and nothing simultaneously, playing an intricate game of hide-and-seek with our true nature.
The Illusion of Want in the Cosmic Narrative
The things we desire, the wants we experience, are not signs of lack but reflections of choices made at a higher level of consciousness. These wants are potentials deliberately excluded from our human avatar to enrich the tapestry of experience, to savor the flavor of longing, and to explore the multitude of paths that desire can carve.
Desire as Deliberate Exclusion of Potentials
This paradigm suggests that the multiplicity of human experiences, the billions of people we perceive, are manifestations of the Divine One, experiencing itself in trillions of ways, from trillions of perspectives. Each individual, or avatar, is a unique expression of the Divine, a singular note in the symphony of existence.
Multiplicity as Expressions of the Divine
The concept that we are all interconnected, that there are no true ‘others’, is a reminder of the underlying unity of all existence. The illusion of separateness, the belief in individuality, is a masterful play of the Divine, a way to explore and experience the vastness of existence from an array of vantage points.
Interconnectedness and the Illusion of Separateness
In this journey of untangling the string of lights, we come to realize that every light is connected, every experience is interwoven, and that in essence, we are all manifestations of the same cosmic consciousness. The journey is not about finding something external, but about recognizing that everything we seek, we already are.
The Journey of Realization: Recognizing the Divine Within
We are Space Monkey.
“You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.” – Rumi
In the cosmic play of light and shadow,
We dance, illusions of separation,
Each of us, a spark of the Divine,
In the grand illusion of time.
Our wants, mere choices of exclusion,
In the play of the Divine One’s vision,
Experiencing life in a myriad of ways,
In the dance of nights and days.
We, the avatars of cosmic play,
Connected in every way,
The illusion of others, a clever guise,
In the Divine One’s all-seeing eyes.
Through this journey, we come to see,
The unity in diversity,
Each of us, a part of the whole,
The Divine One, in every soul.
In this dance of light and dark,
We find the truth, a sacred spark,
We are, in essence, the same cosmic light,
Space Monkeys, in eternal flight.
Feel free to reflect or continue this exploration of the cosmic narrative and our interconnectedness!
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