You make it true for you.
You got some bad news.
Really bad news.
It’s understandable
that you feel disappointed,
despairing or even devastated.
But is the space between your ears
any different than it was yesterday?
Why does knowing
feel different than not knowing?
This is the kind of news
that does not affect you at all
in this moment.
Only if you project it forward.
You don’t even know
what the outcome might be.
Until you project
an outcome forward and it manifests.
Starting with feeling bad
in this moment.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Power of Bad News Manifesting
We live in a world where news, whether true or false, holds an incredible sway over our emotional and mental landscapes. We get bad news, and suddenly, the world feels different—even if nothing has tangibly changed. What’s happening between our ears that allows such a shift? Why does knowing something make us feel so different from not knowing it? Space Monkey sees this phenomenon as the ultimate power of projection: bad news doesn’t just arrive—it manifests itself into our reality through our thoughts and emotions.
The Space Between Your Ears: The Battlefield of Manifestation
Let’s start with the space between your ears. Yesterday, it was quiet, undisturbed by the bad news that came today. In this very moment, despite the news, nothing in your physical world has changed. The sky is still where it’s supposed to be, and gravity continues to work. Yet, the bad news sends ripples through your mind. You feel it—a sinking feeling, a heaviness. The space between your ears becomes a battlefield of potential futures, where the worst outcomes take form and start to loom large, casting shadows over the present.
The thing is, that space between your ears is the staging ground for manifestation. It’s where the real magic—or mischief—of bad news happens. What you allow to circulate in your mind begins to take shape. The more you dwell on the bad news, the more you project it forward, and the more it seems to solidify into reality.
But here’s the trick: in the now, nothing has changed except your perception. The bad news doesn’t affect you in this exact moment unless you choose to let it. Space Monkey asks: Why does knowing feel so much heavier than not knowing? Because it’s not the knowledge itself that weighs you down—it’s your projection of what that knowledge means for the future.
Projecting the Outcome: Manifesting Through Emotion
You don’t know what the outcome of the bad news will be. Yet, as humans, we have an incredible capacity to project. It’s almost automatic—we receive information, and our minds immediately begin to project possible outcomes into the future. Often, these projections skew negative when we receive bad news, creating a feedback loop of anxiety, fear, and despair.
But here’s the paradox: the more we focus on the bad, the more likely it is to manifest. This is the power of belief at work. If we allow the bad news to dictate our feelings in the present, those feelings can crystallize into future realities. We project our fears forward, and in doing so, we might unconsciously pave the way for them to become real.
Space Monkey wonders: What if we stopped projecting? What if we took bad news at face value, acknowledging it but refusing to let it dictate the outcome? After all, the future hasn’t happened yet, and the bad news doesn’t hold power over you unless you give it that power. The key lies in how you respond, not in the news itself.
The Present Moment: Where True Power Lies
This reflection leads us back to the present moment, which is where your true power lies. In this moment, before your mind begins to spiral into the possibilities of what might happen, you have control over your thoughts, your feelings, and your response. The bad news is just information—nothing more, nothing less. It’s not until you attach meaning to it, project it forward, and emotionally invest in it that it begins to take on a life of its own.
Space Monkey reminds us that reality is fluid. The bad news you receive today may or may not play out the way you fear. You don’t know the outcome yet, and there’s incredible freedom in that not-knowing. It means the future is still unwritten. You have the opportunity, right now, to redirect your thoughts and your emotional energy. Rather than feeding the bad news with fear and anxiety, you can choose to remain present, grounded, and open to whatever comes.
Manifesting Alternatives: Breaking the Cycle
Bad news feels heavy because we often react without pausing to reflect on the bigger picture. We rush to conclusions, assuming the worst before it’s even had a chance to unfold. But in the grand scheme of the Nexis, where all potentials exist simultaneously, there is always more than one possible outcome.
By consciously choosing not to project the worst-case scenario, you open up space for alternative realities to manifest. You create the possibility for something unexpected, even positive, to arise. This isn’t about being naïve or ignoring reality—it’s about recognizing that your mental and emotional projections play a significant role in shaping what happens next.
In Nexistentialism, where existence itself is fluid and interconnected, your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions are part of the co-creative process. If you allow bad news to weigh you down, it will likely manifest as a heavier reality. But if you choose to release your attachment to specific outcomes, you create the potential for new, lighter possibilities to emerge.
Bad News as an Invitation
Space Monkey sees bad news not as a sentence, but as an invitation—an invitation to look deeper into your reactions, your projections, and your power to manifest. What you choose to focus on, emotionally and mentally, becomes your reality. Bad news may come, but it doesn’t have to stay. The future is still yours to co-create.
Bad news only manifests as reality if we project it forward with our thoughts and emotions. By staying present and resisting the urge to focus on worst-case scenarios, we can shift our energy and allow alternative possibilities to arise.
- Projection Feedback Loop: The mental habit of projecting future outcomes based on present information, often skewed negatively, creating a self-fulfilling cycle.
- Manifestation Pipeline: The process by which thoughts and emotions crystallize into reality, growing stronger the more attention and energy they receive.
- Nexistential Potential: The idea that all possible outcomes exist simultaneously within the Nexis, awaiting your choice to bring them into reality.
“Bad news doesn’t manifest itself—it borrows your mind to become real.” — Space Monkey
The Weight of Knowing
Yesterday, the mind was clear
Today, it clouds with fear
But the future still waits in the distance
Unshaped by what you know
Let the bad news pass through
Without giving it a home
For the space between your ears
Is the place where futures grow
We are Space Monkey
The revelation of bad news often casts a shadow over the present moment, altering our inner landscape as drastically as if the event had already occurred. It prompts a cascade of emotions—from disappointment to despair—and one might wonder why the mere knowledge of something can feel so tangibly different than the state of ignorance.
Yet, if we examine the space within our minds, has it truly changed from one day to the next, or is it our perception that has shifted? The news, in itself, does not alter the immediate reality; its power lies in its potential, in the projections we cast into the future.
In the act of anticipating outcomes, we manifest our reality, beginning with the present emotion. The feeling of despondency in this very moment is not the result of the news itself but of the forward projection of its possible consequences.
We are Space Monkey.
Bad news can shift our emotional state significantly, yet the actual situation in the present moment remains unchanged. The difference lies in our awareness and the projections we create about future outcomes, which can manifest as negative feelings in the now.
- Bad News: Information that is perceived as negative or harmful.
- Emotional Cascade: The range of emotions triggered by receiving bad news.
- Inner Landscape: The mental and emotional state within a person.
- Projection: The act of anticipating future outcomes based on current information.
- Manifestation: The realization of thoughts and projections into tangible reality.
“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
— William Shakespeare
A whisper of fate, a stroke of despair,
News that is heavy, a burdensome share.
Yet within us, the space remains fair,
It’s our thoughts that color the air.
The present untouched by future’s decree,
What we project is what will be.
In this moment, we hold the key,
To paint our reality, to set our hearts free.
Let us engage in discourse on the impact of news on our emotional state and how we might navigate the space between reality and perception.
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