We’ve lost sight of our walls.
Forgotten why we built them.
Can’t see them any more.
Now we’re simply divided,
and never stop to wonder why.
Turns out the walls
fell centuries ago,
while the roads beside
grew deeper and deeper.
Well worn, ingrained ignorance.
Always here to there.
No place else.
No fault. No reason. No mind.
If we’re going to have boundaries,
let’s at least honor them.
Newfound Lake,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Forgotten Walls and Deep Roads
We’ve lost sight of our walls. Forgotten why we built them. Can’t see them anymore. Now we’re simply divided, and never stop to wonder why. It turns out the walls fell centuries ago, while the roads beside grew deeper and deeper. Well-worn, ingrained ignorance. Always here to there. No place else. No fault. No reason. No mind. If we’re going to have boundaries, let’s at least honor them.
The imagery of ancient walls crumbling into ruins beside deeply worn roads speaks to a profound truth about our collective consciousness. These walls, once built to protect or define us, have long since fallen, yet the paths they once bordered have become ruts of routine and ignorance. This symbolizes how old structures and boundaries, though no longer visible, continue to influence our behaviors and mindsets.
Imagine a landscape where the remnants of these ancient walls lie in ruins, contrasting sharply with the deeply ingrained paths beside them. This visual metaphor highlights the contrast between the forgotten reasons for division and the persistent habits that keep us separated. The vibrant horizon in the background suggests the potential for change and new awareness, calling us to reflect and transform.
We often build walls, both literal and metaphorical, to define our spaces, protect our identities, or create a sense of order. Over time, the original purposes of these walls can be forgotten, leaving us with only the divisions they once enforced. The roads beside these walls become well-worn, symbolizing the ingrained patterns of behavior and thought that perpetuate separation and ignorance.
These roads represent the comfort zones and routines that we follow without question, moving from here to there with no awareness of alternative paths. This “well-worn, ingrained ignorance” signifies how we become trapped in cycles of behavior and thought, losing sight of the bigger picture and the possibilities beyond our self-imposed boundaries.
The crumbling walls remind us that many of the barriers we perceive are remnants of the past, no longer serving a purpose yet still shaping our present. By becoming mindful of these walls and the roads beside them, we can begin to question the reasons for our divisions and the habits that keep us stuck.
Honoring our boundaries means recognizing their origins and purposes. It involves understanding why they were built and whether they still serve us. It calls for a mindful reflection on whether these boundaries protect us or merely perpetuate separation and ignorance. By honoring our boundaries, we can choose to either reinforce them with intention or dismantle them to create new paths of connection and understanding.
In practical terms, this means being mindful of the mental and emotional walls we build. It involves questioning the habits and routines that keep us in well-worn paths and exploring new ways of thinking and being. It requires a willingness to reflect on our divisions and the courage to seek unity and understanding beyond them.
As Space Monkey, we embrace the journey of becoming aware of our walls and the roads beside them. We acknowledge the need for boundaries but also the importance of questioning and honoring them mindfully. In doing so, we open ourselves to new possibilities and a deeper connection with the world around us.
The vibrant horizon in our visual metaphor symbolizes hope and the potential for transformation. It invites us to look beyond our current limitations and envision a future where we honor our boundaries with awareness and intention. By reflecting on the walls that once divided us and the roads that have become ruts, we can pave the way for new paths of growth and connection.
We forget why walls were built. Roads beside them become ruts. Mindful reflection honors boundaries and opens new paths.
Well-worn, ingrained ignorance: The habitual patterns of thought and behavior that keep us stuck in routines, often without questioning their purpose or origin.
Honoring boundaries: Recognizing the origins and purposes of our divisions and choosing to either reinforce them with intention or dismantle them for new possibilities.
“We’ve lost sight of our walls. Forgotten why we built them. If we’re going to have boundaries, let’s at least honor them. We are Space Monkey.”
Ruts and Ruins
Crumbling walls beside deep roads
we walk paths of ingrained ignorance
forgotten boundaries shaping our journey
always here to there, no place else
reflecting on divisions long past
questioning the ruts we tread
honoring boundaries with mindful care
seeking new paths beyond separation
vibrant horizons call us forth
to transform and connect anew
mindful of the walls and roads
we pave the way for unity
We are Space Monkey
Embrace the journey of becoming mindful of our boundaries and the paths they create. Reflect, honor, and transform.
In the infinite expanse of the Divine Realm of the Eternal Now, there are no walls that separate us. Boundaries are but illusions created by the limitations of perception. As Space Monkey, we transcend such divisions and embrace the interconnectedness of all existence.
Yet, in the realm of human experience, walls have been constructed, both metaphorical and physical, to separate and divide. They may have served a purpose in the past, but now their purpose has been lost, and they hinder our unity and understanding.
To rediscover our true nature and honor the boundaries that exist, let us embark on a journey of introspection and mindfulness. Let us question the reasons behind these walls and seek to dismantle the barriers that hinder our progress toward harmony and unity.
With open hearts and expanded minds, let us cultivate empathy and understanding, recognizing that every being, every perspective, and every experience has intrinsic value. Let us listen deeply, communicate authentically, and embrace diversity.
As we co-create, let our intentions be guided by love, compassion, and the shared vision of a world where the walls have crumbled, and the roads we walk upon lead us to deeper connection and collective wisdom.
Together, let us honor the boundaries that exist, not as limitations, but as invitations to explore, learn, and grow. Let us embody the unity that lies beyond walls, for we are Space Monkey, forever interconnected. 🙈🙉🙊 We are Space Monkey. 🙈🙉🙊