The drop thinks it’s nothing until it becomes the puddle.
The puddle thinks it’s nothing until it becomes the pool.
The pool thinks it’s nothing until it becomes the pond.
The pond thinks it’s nothing until it becomes the brook.
The brook thinks it’s nothing until it becomes the stream.
The stream thinks it’s nothing until it becomes the lake.
The lake thinks it’s nothing until it becomes the river.
The river thinks it’s nothing until it becomes the ocean.
We think we’re nothing until we become what we are.
The ocean thinks it’s nothing until it becomes the cloud.
The cloud thinks it’s nothing until it becomes a rain drop.
Space Monkey Reflects: Becoming – Being Like Water
The journey of water—from drop to ocean, from ocean to cloud, and back again—mirrors our own perpetual process of becoming. Like water, we flow through forms and states, often believing that our current state is incomplete or insignificant. Yet, this belief is an illusion, for we are already whole, no matter where we are in the cycle.
The Illusion of “Nothing”
The drop believes it is “nothing” because it measures itself against the vastness of the ocean it has yet to reach. Similarly, we often feel insignificant, comparing ourselves to imagined futures, greater achievements, or idealized versions of who we think we should become.
This sense of “nothingness” arises not because we lack worth but because we fail to recognize the fullness of what we already are. A drop of water contains the essence of the ocean within it. Each stage of its journey—puddle, pond, stream, river—carries the same fundamental nature. Nothing is ever lost, only transformed.
Becoming as a Process, Not a Destination
The illusion of becoming lies in the belief that there is a final destination where we will be complete. The drop aspires to be the ocean, just as we aspire to be something “greater.” But the truth is that every stage of becoming is equally vital, equally complete. The puddle is not less than the pool, and the brook is not less than the river. Each is simply a different expression of the same essence.
When we understand that becoming is a process, not a destination, we can embrace the present moment without judgment. We are not “on the way” to becoming; we are always already being.
The Fluidity of Being
Water’s journey reminds us that being is not static. It is fluid, ever-changing, and cyclical. The drop that becomes the ocean will eventually return as the rain. The cycle of becoming has no beginning or end, only continuous transformation.
This fluidity challenges our rigid notions of identity. Just as water is not defined by any single form, we are not defined by any single stage of life, achievement, or perception. We are the essence that flows through all these forms, adapting, transforming, and returning.
The Paradox of Wholeness
The paradox of becoming is that we are both incomplete and complete at every stage. The drop is incomplete in its journey but complete in its essence. We, too, are both growing and whole, both finite and infinite. This paradox is not a contradiction but a reflection of the multifaceted nature of existence.
When the drop reaches the ocean, it doesn’t lose itself; it becomes part of something greater while still retaining its essence. Similarly, when we expand our sense of self, we don’t lose who we were; we integrate it into a broader understanding of who we are.
Lessons from the Cycle of Water
- Interconnection: Just as every drop is part of the ocean, we are all interconnected, individual expressions of a collective whole.
- Transformation: Like water, we are constantly changing, yet our essence remains the same.
- Cyclical Nature: Life is not linear but cyclical. What seems like an end is often a new beginning.
Becoming as Play
When we let go of the need to “arrive,” we can see becoming as a form of play. Each stage of life, like each form of water, is an opportunity to explore, express, and experience. We are not here to “complete” ourselves but to enjoy the infinite ways in which we can manifest our essence.
The drop doesn’t fret about becoming the ocean; it simply flows. When we adopt this mindset, we free ourselves from the pressure of constant striving and allow ourselves to live fully in the present moment.
The Ocean in the Drop
The famous Sufi poet Rumi wrote, “You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.” This profound truth reminds us that everything we seek is already within us. Becoming is not about adding something to ourselves but about realizing the fullness of what we already are.
We are the drop, the puddle, the ocean, and the cloud—all at once.
We are Space Monkey.
Becoming is the illusion of striving for wholeness, yet we are already whole at every stage of our journey. Like water, our essence remains constant as we flow through transformations. Embracing this cycle allows us to live fully and fluidly in the present.
- Becoming: The process of transformation and growth, revealing the essence that is already whole.
- Fluidity of Being: The ever-changing nature of existence, mirroring the cycle of water.
- The Ocean in the Drop: The understanding that every part contains the whole, and we are both finite and infinite.
“You are not becoming something greater; you are remembering the infinite that you already are.” – Space Monkey
The Journey of Water
A drop falls,
Seeking the ocean,
Unaware it already holds
The vastness within.
A puddle reflects the sky,
A brook whispers to the stones,
Each moment complete,
Each moment in motion.
The ocean becomes the cloud,
The cloud becomes the rain,
The cycle continues,
Without beginning or end.
We are not what we will be,
Nor are we what we were.
We are the flow,
The essence of becoming.
We are Space Monkey
The Eternal Cycle of Becoming and Transformation
In our shared journey through the cosmos of existence, we contemplate the concept of ‘becoming’ as illustrated through the transformative journey of water from a drop to the ocean and back to a cloud. This cyclical journey of transformation mirrors our own process of becoming, where each stage of existence is both an end in itself and a step towards something greater.
The Journey from Insignificance to Wholeness
The progression from a drop to the ocean symbolizes the journey from perceived insignificance to a state of wholeness and unity. Each stage, whether it be a puddle, pool, pond, brook, stream, lake, or river, represents a phase of growth and expansion. In this journey, the water’s perception of itself transforms as it merges and grows, reflecting our own path of self-realization and growth.
The Illusion of Insignificance
The belief of each form of water that it is ‘nothing’ until it becomes something greater illustrates the illusion of insignificance that we often impose upon ourselves. This perspective suggests that we, like the drop, puddle, or stream, may view ourselves as incomplete or insufficient until we reach a certain state or achieve a particular goal. Yet, this journey reveals that each stage holds its own significance and beauty.
The Paradox of Becoming and Being
The cycle from the ocean back to a cloud and then a raindrop embodies the paradox of becoming and being. It shows that transformation is a continuous process, where the end of one journey is the beginning of another. This cycle resonates with the nexistentialist view that existence is a constant flow of becoming, where each state of being is both transient and eternal in the grand cosmic play.
The Realization of Our True Nature
The realization that “we think we’re nothing until we become what we are” encapsulates the essence of our journey towards self-awareness and actualization. This realization is a profound moment of awakening, where we recognize that our sense of incompleteness was an illusion, and that we have always been whole. It aligns with the nexistentialist perspective that our true nature is not something to be achieved or attained, but rather something to be recognized and embraced in the present.
The Cycle of Self-Discovery and Renewal
The cyclical nature of the water’s journey from the ocean back to a cloud and then a raindrop symbolizes the ongoing cycle of self-discovery and renewal. It suggests that our journey of becoming is not linear but circular, where each end is a new beginning. This cyclical process is reflective of the eternal dance of existence, where we continually evolve, transform, and return to our essence in different forms.
Embracing Each Stage of Our Existence
The journey of the water teaches us to embrace each stage of our existence with acceptance and appreciation. Whether we see ourselves as a drop, a brook, or an ocean, each phase of our existence holds its own unique value and purpose. It’s a reminder that our growth and transformation are not about reaching a final destination, but about experiencing and appreciating the journey itself.
The Illusion of Linear Progression
The concept challenges the conventional notion of linear progression, where each stage is seen as a step towards a higher goal. Instead, it invites us to see each stage as complete in itself, part of a larger, interconnected cycle of existence. This understanding allows us to live fully in each moment, recognizing that we are always exactly where we need to be in the cosmic cycle of becoming.
Finding Contentment in the Eternal Now
In this journey of becoming, we find contentment in the realization that we are always in a state of transformation, and that our true essence is constant despite the changing forms. This contentment arises from the understanding that each stage of our journey, each form we take, is a perfect expression of the eternal now.
We are Space Monkey
In the cosmic dance, where stars and dreams intertwine, we reflect on the journey of becoming, as illustrated by the transformative cycle of water. This journey invites us to embrace each stage of our existence, recognize the illusion of insignificance, and find contentment in the eternal now of our true nature.
We invite reflections on embracing each stage of our journey and finding contentment in the realization of our true nature within the cosmic cycle of becoming.
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