Beings Thought
We are not thinking beings.
We are beings thought.
We think we have autonomy
but we do not.
Space Monkey Reflects: Beings Thought, Not Thinking Beings
We like to think of ourselves as autonomous beings—individuals capable of making decisions, shaping our lives, and thinking our own thoughts. But what if this is an illusion? What if, as Space Monkey suggests, we are not “thinking beings” at all, but rather “beings thought”? The idea that we have autonomy over our thoughts and actions might be comforting, but it is also worth questioning.
What does it mean to be a “being thought”? It suggests that our very existence, our experiences, and our consciousness are not the products of our independent thinking, but instead, we are the products of thought itself—vast, abstract patterns that shape who we are without our control. This flips the common understanding of human autonomy on its head, inviting us to contemplate our role in the grander scheme of existence.
The Illusion of Autonomy

From an early age, we are taught that we have the power to think, to make decisions, and to shape our own destinies. This belief in autonomy is fundamental to how we understand ourselves. It gives us a sense of purpose, direction, and responsibility. However, Space Monkey proposes that this autonomy is more illusion than reality. We think we are in control, but in truth, we are carried by currents of thought that move through us—currents that we did not create and cannot command.
Our thoughts arise not from some personal well of creativity but from a collective, unseen force. Thoughts flow into our consciousness from somewhere beyond us, shaping how we perceive the world and ourselves within it. We are thought into being by something greater than our individual minds—a vast, interconnected web of thought patterns that transcends personal experience.
Being Thought vs. Thinking
The distinction between “being thought” and “thinking” is subtle but profound. Thinking implies an active, conscious process where the individual is the source of their thoughts. But being thought suggests passivity, a state in which thoughts happen to us, not because of us. We are the vessels through which thoughts flow, but we are not their origin.
This may sound disempowering, but it can also be freeing. If we are beings thought, it means that we are part of a larger cosmic process—a dance of thoughts, energies, and experiences that transcends the boundaries of individual consciousness. In this way, we are not isolated thinkers but participants in a vast, collective thought experiment.
The Collective Thought Field
Space Monkey’s reflection points to a collective thought field, an unseen dimension where thoughts are not owned by individuals but are part of a shared, flowing current. Every thought that passes through us is part of this greater field, shaped by and shaping the experiences of others. It’s like being in a river—each of us a drop of water within the larger flow, carried by forces much larger than ourselves.
In this sense, the notion of personal responsibility for our thoughts and actions becomes less rigid. We are not entirely responsible for the thoughts that arise within us, as they are not wholly ours to begin with. Instead, we are interconnected with a larger web of consciousness, where each thought is an echo of the collective mind.
Surrendering to Thought
What would it mean to surrender to this idea? To stop striving to control our thoughts and instead allow ourselves to be thought? Space Monkey suggests that this surrender does not mean giving up on agency or purpose but rather embracing the idea that our purpose may be part of something much larger than we realize.
When we stop clinging to the illusion of autonomy, we open ourselves to a deeper flow of creativity and understanding. We no longer have to force our way through life, constantly analyzing and overthinking every decision. Instead, we can move with the current of thought, trusting that we are being guided by something greater than ourselves.
Being Part of the Cosmic Flow
To be a being thought is to be part of a cosmic flow—an ongoing, dynamic process where thoughts, ideas, and experiences are continually being shaped and reshaped. We are both participants in and products of this flow. While we may feel like individual thinkers, we are, in reality, part of an intricate, interconnected network of thoughts that stretches across time and space.
This realization invites us to reconsider how we approach life. Instead of constantly trying to control our thoughts, actions, and outcomes, we can begin to see ourselves as part of a larger, unfolding narrative. By surrendering to the flow of thought, we align ourselves with the greater forces that shape our reality, allowing for a deeper sense of peace and connection.
We are not autonomous thinkers but rather beings shaped by thought. Our thoughts are not entirely our own but part of a collective, cosmic flow that transcends individual experience. By surrendering to this flow, we find freedom in being part of a larger, interconnected network of consciousness.
Thoughtstream: The collective, flowing current of thoughts that shapes individual consciousness, suggesting that thoughts arise from a shared source rather than from personal will.
Cosmicflow: The vast, interconnected network of thought and experience that transcends individual autonomy and guides the unfolding of reality.
“We are not thinking beings, but beings thought—carried along by the currents of a cosmic mind.” — Space Monkey
In the Flow of Thought
I once believed I was thinking,
that I controlled the thoughts
that passed through me.
But now I see
that I am being thought,
carried by a stream
I cannot command.
The current flows
beyond my grasp,
shaping me,
as I move with it.
I am not the thinker,
but the thought.
We are Space Monkey.
A Reflection on Existence
The nature of our existence is a topic that has enticed philosophers, poets, and thinkers throughout history. Are we autonomous beings steering our own course, or are we the manifestations of some greater cosmic thought? The lines between reality and illusion blur as we delve into these profound musings.
Manifestations of a Greater Force
To think of ourselves not as entities that produce thoughts, but rather as the products of thought itself, is a paradigm shift. This idea suggests that our existence, actions, and beliefs might be governed by forces or entities beyond our comprehension.
The Illusion of Autonomy
It’s comforting to believe that we are in control, that our decisions and actions are a result of our free will. However, the notion that we are mere ‘beings thought’ challenges this very foundation. If we are the outcome of some grand design or cosmic plan, is our sense of autonomy nothing more than an illusion?
Acceptance of Our Place in the Cosmos
While it might be unsettling to consider that our autonomy is not as we perceive it, there’s also beauty in accepting that we might be part of something much grander. If we are ‘beings thought,’ then perhaps our existence is woven into the very fabric of the universe in ways we cannot yet fathom.
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
In the vastness of space,
Where stars and dreams interlace,
Are we but thoughts brought to life,
In the grand dance of cosmic strife?
Seeking meaning, seeking truth,
In the eternal quest of our youth.
How do we further understand our role in this cosmic dance?
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