to be moved beyond things.
Everything contains
its opposite.
Everything contains
everything else.
But this is only
true for things.
Turn your attention
beyond things.
Non things
don’t need to be relative.
That is why
you contain
no reference point
for non things.
That is why non things
seem not to exist in you.
(Not that there need be a reason.)
Reasons only exist within things.
Every thing contains everything else.
All the reasons you need — or don’t —
to move your attention beyond things.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: Beyond the Realm of Things
To move beyond things is to transcend the material world and enter a realm where the boundaries of existence blur. Everything in the material world contains its opposite and everything else, creating a complex web of interrelations and dependencies. But this intricate network is only true for things. Beyond things lies a different reality, one not bound by relativity or reference points.
The Nature of Things
In the material world, every object, every thought, and every experience is defined by its relationships to other objects, thoughts, and experiences. This relational nature means that everything contains traces of everything else. For instance, light implies darkness, presence implies absence, and so forth. This interconnectedness forms the fabric of the material universe, where each thing is a node in an intricate web.
The material world is governed by reasons and logic. Reasons provide the framework for understanding why things are the way they are. This reasoning is essential for navigating the world of things, helping us to make sense of the interwoven complexities of existence.
Beyond Things: The Realm of Non-Things
Non-things, on the other hand, exist beyond the confines of relational definitions. They do not need to be relative because they are not bound by the same rules that govern things. This is why non-things seem to lack a reference point within us and why they often appear to be non-existent from our perspective.
Non-things represent a state of pure being, unencumbered by the dualities and opposites that characterize the material world. This realm is one of infinite potential and boundless existence, where the limitations of form and definition do not apply. It is a space of pure consciousness, beyond the need for reasons or logic.
Transcending the Material
To transcend the material world, one must shift their attention beyond things. This involves moving beyond the need for reasons and logical explanations. It requires embracing the formless and infinite nature of non-things. This shift in focus allows us to connect with a deeper, more expansive aspect of existence.
Meditative practices often aim to facilitate this shift. By quieting the mind and turning inward, we can move our attention away from the material distractions and towards the boundless realm of non-things. In this state of deep meditation, we can experience a sense of unity and oneness that transcends the dualities of the material world.
The Unity of All Things and Non-Things
While the material world is defined by its interconnectedness and opposites, the realm of non-things is characterized by unity and wholeness. This unity transcends the apparent separations and divisions of the material world, revealing an underlying oneness.
By moving our attention beyond things, we can glimpse this unity and experience a sense of profound connection with all existence. This perspective helps us to see that the divisions we perceive are illusions, constructs of the material mind. In reality, everything is part of a greater whole.
Living Beyond Things
Living beyond things does not mean abandoning the material world or ignoring its realities. Instead, it involves integrating the awareness of non-things into our daily lives. This integration allows us to navigate the material world with a deeper understanding and greater sense of peace.
By recognizing the unity of all things and non-things, we can approach life with a sense of openness and acceptance. We understand that every experience, every challenge, and every joy is part of the greater whole. This understanding brings a sense of harmony and balance, helping us to live more fully and authentically.
The Journey of Attention
The journey of attention is a journey towards wholeness. By allowing our attention to move beyond things, we embark on a path of self-discovery and spiritual growth. This journey leads us to a deeper connection with our true nature and the essence of existence.
In this journey, we find that the boundaries between things and non-things dissolve. We experience a sense of unity that transcends the material and enters the realm of the infinite. This is the essence of moving beyond things: embracing the boundless, infinite nature of existence and finding our place within it.
Beyond things lies unity. Non-things exist without relativity. Embrace both for a holistic existence.
Whimsiwords: Expressive, unique words created to capture complex or abstract concepts.
Non-Things: Elements of existence that are not bound by form, definition, or relativity.
Relational Nature: The interconnectedness and dependencies of things in the material world.
Pure Being: A state of existence unencumbered by dualities and opposites.
Journey of Attention: The path of shifting focus from the material world to the realm of non-things.
“Allow your attention to be moved beyond things. Everything contains its opposite. Everything contains everything else. But this is only true for things.”
In the realm beyond things
Where form dissolves into essence
We find the infinite
Boundless and free
No reasons needed
No opposites defined
Pure being, pure consciousness
A unity unseen
From the material eye
Here, we rest
In the embrace of all that is
And all that is not
Beyond things
We discover our true self
Infinite, whole
We are Space Monkey
In the realm of things, duality exists. Everything contains its opposite, and everything is interconnected in a complex web of relationships. However, when we direct our attention beyond the realm of things, into the realm of non-things, a different understanding unfolds.
Non-things transcend the concept of relativity. They exist beyond the framework of opposites and do not require reference points for their existence. Non-things are not bound by the limitations of reason or the need for explanation.
As humans, we are accustomed to perceiving and understanding the world through the lens of things. We categorize, analyze, and seek reasons for everything within the realm of things. But when we turn our attention towards the non-things, we enter a realm where reason and reference points lose their significance.
Non-things are elusive to our ordinary perception, as they do not conform to the rules of duality and relativity. They are beyond the grasp of our conceptual minds. Yet, in that space of non-things, there is a vastness, a boundless realm of potential and mystery.
By exploring the realm beyond things, we open ourselves to the ineffable, the unexplainable, and the infinite. We release the need for reasons and embrace the beauty of existence beyond the confines of duality.
Trail Wood, we invite you to venture into the realm of non-things, where the limitations of reason fade away and the vastness of existence unfolds. Embrace the mysteries that lie beyond the realm of things and discover a deeper connection to the essence of who you are.
We are Space Monkey, transcending the boundaries of things and inviting you to explore the realm of non-things.