Botheration and Blissfulness
There comes a point
in your spiritual unfolding
when you are no longer bothered
by other things, other people
or other aspects of your self.
You allow these others to exist
as they would have existed anyway,
as they would have been expressed
in one form or another with or without
the seeming presence of you.
All is expressed;
all WILL be expressed,
whether it bothers you or not.
To allow these things to bother you
is to move your awareness to a potential
in which you are bothered.
To allow these things
to flow without concern
is to move your awareness
to a potential in which
you allow things to flow
without concern.
To oppose that which you do not like
is to move your awareness
to a potential that seemingly contains
that which you do not like.
As you unfold,
you notice that you have
all these choices and infinitely more.
You notice all these things
because you’re not fixated on ONE thing,
mainly that which bothers you.
Oak Bluffs,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Art of Being Unbothered
There comes a moment in your spiritual journey when you begin to notice a shift—a point where the things that once bothered you, the actions of others, the events in the world, and even certain aspects of yourself, lose their power over your peace of mind. This is not because those things have changed, but because your relationship to them has evolved. You no longer find yourself fixated on what bothers you. Instead, you allow these things to exist as they would have existed anyway, recognizing that all expressions of life will unfold with or without your concern.
Everything in life expresses itself. The world, with all its myriad experiences, continues to flow, whether you are disturbed by it or not. To allow yourself to be bothered is to shift your awareness to a potential in which you are, indeed, bothered. It is a choice, though it may not always feel like one. But as you grow, you begin to realize that you have a multitude of choices, and being bothered is just one of many possible responses.
When you allow things to flow without concern, you shift your awareness to a potential in which you are unbothered, where life moves through you without disturbing your inner peace. This does not mean you are indifferent or detached in a negative sense. Rather, it means you have cultivated the ability to witness the world’s happenings without letting them unsettle your calm. You understand that resisting or opposing what you do not like only roots you more firmly in the reality of those dislikes.
In this state of being unbothered, you find a new kind of freedom—a freedom that comes from recognizing the infinite possibilities that life presents. You see the full spectrum of experiences, but you are not fixated on any one thing, particularly that which has the potential to disturb your peace. This broadened awareness allows you to navigate life with a sense of ease, choosing your responses rather than being driven by reactions.
The realization that you can choose where to place your awareness is powerful. It means that no external event or person has the power to dictate your inner state unless you allow it. You can choose to engage with what nourishes your spirit, what uplifts you, and what aligns with your deeper understanding of life. And when you do encounter something that doesn’t resonate, you can let it pass through your awareness without clinging to it.
This doesn’t mean you become passive or uninvolved. On the contrary, it means you are fully present and engaged with life, but from a place of peace and clarity. You act not out of a need to fix or resist, but out of a deep understanding that everything is unfolding as it must. You contribute to life from a state of alignment with your highest self, unbothered by the fluctuations of the external world.
As you continue on your path, you may notice that fewer and fewer things have the ability to unsettle you. You become more attuned to the flow of life, allowing it to carry you without resistance. This is not because life has become easier or simpler, but because you have become more centered in your awareness, more anchored in your inner peace.
The art of being unbothered is not about avoiding life’s challenges, but about facing them with a sense of grace and equanimity. It is about choosing to focus your awareness on the potential that aligns with your peace, rather than the potential that disrupts it. In this way, you move through life with a quiet strength, allowing all things to be as they are, and finding contentment in your own being.
Being unbothered is a choice of where to place your awareness. By allowing things to flow without concern, you maintain inner peace and navigate life with grace, unfixated on what might disturb you.
- Unbothered: A state of being where external events or people do not disturb your inner peace.
- Potential of Awareness: The various possibilities or states of being that you can choose to focus on or align with in your life.
- Flow of Life: The natural, continuous movement of experiences and expressions in the world, which unfold with or without our concern.
“To allow these things to flow without concern is to move your awareness to a potential in which you allow things to flow without concern.” — Space Monkey
Streams of Awareness
In the streams of light and flow
I stand unbothered, letting go
Of all that once disturbed my mind
Now just ripples left behind
I choose my path, I choose my peace
In the endless flow, I find release
No longer caught in one fixed thing
I move with life, I feel its swing
In this space, I find my grace
And let the world unfold at its pace
We are Space Monkey.
The Ethereal Tapestry of Botheration and Blissfulness
Vortex of Eternal Choices
Amidst the leafy corridors of your existence—oh, how resplendent they are—botherations may seem like wandering nettles amid the blooming daisies. They meander into your spiritual space, demanding your ethereal currency—awareness. A rich tapestry of choices unspools before you, with threads woven of botheration and others spun from the golden silk of serenity.
Symphony of Allowing
The panorama of life bestows upon you an infinite variety of notes, some dissonant, others harmonious. Yet, the music becomes what you choose to focus on. To dwell in a realm that thrills your soulful fibers is to conduct a symphony where every note, whether cacophonous or melodious, plays its part in a grander cosmic concert. It’s like sipping a brew of celestial tranquility; it doesn’t deny the existence of chaos but integrates it into a harmonious flow.
Potentials of Conscious Aerials
Consciousness, your omnipresent aerostat, hovers above an intricate landscape of potentials. What lures you? The thorny brambles of opposition, or the lush meadows of flowing unbotheredness? Your trajectory veers toward the magnetic pull of your focus. Ah, but what if you cut the tethers to the bothersome, and let your aerostat drift into an azure expanse where you frolic with sprites of serenity?
The Blossoming of Unfixation
As you reach the higher canopies of your spiritual unfolding, you no longer peer through the narrow lens of fixations. Your gaze broadens to the panoramic majesty of All-That-Is, All-That-Was, and All-That-Will-Be. Botherations? They become like specks of cosmic dust, brushed away by the cosmic winds of nonchalance.
We are Space Monkey.
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
— Rumi
Your reflections shimmer like moonbeams upon Oak Bluffs. What other facets of your celestial journey yearn to be sung or contemplated? How does the letting-go of ‘bother’ unfold for you amidst your ethereal spirals of existence?
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