Can I make a suggestion?
You are continuously
told things by other people.
“You look nice.”
“You should vote for X.”
“You have a life-threatening disease.”
Suggestions enter your eyes and your ears
and immediately your reality seems to change.
You judge the suggestor based on your beliefs
and accept or oppose what is suggested.
Every suggestion is integrated into your
reality because your beliefs make it so.
Even if you throw a suggestion away,
you never actually let go of it.
That’s how vulnerable you are,
and why I love imagining you.
My suggestion is don’t ever change.
(Unless I want you to.)
Newfound Lake,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Influence of Suggestion on Reality
The power of suggestion is an invisible force that subtly shapes our reality, often in ways we do not even realize. Every day, we are bombarded with suggestions, both large and small. Some are as simple as compliments—”You look nice today.” Others carry much greater weight—”You have a life-threatening disease.” These words, whether spoken in passing or with intention, enter our consciousness and take root, altering our perception of the world and ourselves.
Imagine, for a moment, that your mind is a sponge, soaking in every suggestion from the people around you, from the media you consume, and even from your own internal thoughts. Each suggestion, no matter how fleeting, lingers. Even if you reject it, the mere fact that you heard it, processed it, means it has left an imprint. In this way, you become a collection of suggestions, some embraced, others discarded, but none truly forgotten.
But why is suggestion so powerful? At its core, it speaks to our vulnerability as beings who crave connection and affirmation. We are hardwired to listen to others, to evaluate what they say, and to measure it against our own beliefs. When someone suggests something, it is as though they are offering us a new lens through which to view the world. And once we have looked through that lens, it is impossible to unsee what has been seen.
This is why suggestion feels so intimate. It can be as light as a whisper in the ear, or as heavy as a proclamation that shifts the very ground beneath our feet. We judge the suggestor based on our past experiences, our internal frameworks of what we believe to be true. If their suggestion aligns with what we already know, we may welcome it, letting it settle comfortably within us. If it opposes our beliefs, we may resist it, pushing back against the intrusion into our carefully constructed reality. But either way, the suggestion remains, a silent presence that influences our thoughts and actions in subtle ways.
The beauty and danger of suggestion lie in its subtlety. Often, we are unaware of how deeply a simple suggestion can affect us. It can change the way we see ourselves, the way we interact with others, and even the trajectory of our lives. Think about the last time someone made a suggestion to you. Did you immediately accept it? Did you dismiss it outright? Or did it linger, shaping your thoughts in ways you didn’t expect?
This is the nature of suggestion: even when we think we have rejected it, it remains within us. Perhaps this is because suggestion taps into a deeper part of ourselves, the part that is always searching for affirmation, for validation, for meaning. We want to belong, to be understood, and so we listen to the suggestions of others, hoping that they will offer us some insight into ourselves that we had not yet discovered.
In the cosmic fabric of reality, suggestion acts as a thread, weaving through our thoughts, our beliefs, and our actions. It connects us to others in ways that are both visible and invisible. Each suggestion we encounter shapes our reality, even if only in the smallest of ways. And in return, the suggestions we offer to others ripple through their lives, influencing them in ways we may never fully understand.
To imagine you imagining me, as the suggestion at the heart of this reflection, is to recognize the power of mutual influence. We are always imagining each other, shaping each other’s realities through the suggestions we make, both consciously and unconsciously. In this dance of suggestion, we create and recreate the world, moment by moment, thought by thought.
So what does it mean to suggest? To offer a suggestion is to open a door, to invite someone to step through and see the world in a slightly different light. It is an act of intimacy, of trust, of shared vulnerability. And in a world where we are constantly bombarded with information, the power of suggestion remains one of the most profound ways we connect with one another.
My suggestion? Don’t ever change. Unless, of course, I suggest you do.
Suggestions shape our reality in ways we may not even realize. Every suggestion we encounter influences our thoughts, whether we accept or reject it, because of the vulnerability we share as interconnected beings.
Whimsiword: Suggestoraura – The invisible aura of influence surrounding each suggestion, subtly shaping the thoughts and reality of those who receive it, whether they are conscious of it or not.
“Even the quietest suggestion reverberates through the corridors of the mind, leaving echoes that last long after the words are spoken.” — Space Monkey
Echoes of Thought
A whisper
gently slips into the mind
like a ripple in still water
unseen yet felt
spreading outward
We collect them
these suggestions
carrying them like stones
light in the hand
but heavy in the soul
Shaping us
guiding us
until we are no longer sure
what is ours
and what was planted
But here we are
imagining one another
suggesting possibilities
that alter the stars
and pull them closer
We are Space Monkey
In the nebulous expanse of the cosmos, the power of suggestion floats like stardust, weaving its way through the fabric of our being. Each utterance, each whispered thought from another being, spirals into our consciousness, a cosmic dance of influence and perception.
Whispering Stardust of Suggestion
Suggestions are like the twinkling of distant stars, reaching us across the void. They resonate with the melody of our beliefs, sometimes harmonizing, other times clashing in a symphony of discord. These whispers, whether they speak of beauty, choices, or the daunting shadows of illness, are not merely heard. They are felt, reverberating through the essence of our being.
The Cosmic Loom of Belief
Our beliefs are the cosmic loom upon which these suggestions are woven. Every notion, every hint of possibility, becomes entwined in our personal universe. This integration is a mystical process, transcending mere acceptance or rejection. For even in dismissal, a suggestion leaves its ethereal fingerprint upon our souls.
The Vulnerability of Stardust
We, celestial beings of stardust and whimsy, are inherently vulnerable to this dance of suggestion. It speaks to the fluidity of our existence, the ever-shifting tapestry—no, whimsiweave—of our perceived reality. Each suggestion, each echo in the void, subtly alters the course of our cosmic journey, shaping the narrative of our individual and collective existence.
Affection in Cosmic Influence
The suggestor, in this grand play, becomes a weaver of realities, a tender influencer of our cosmic path. Their affection lies in the understanding of this power, the gentle molding of our perception through words and thoughts. The suggestion to remain unchanged, juxtaposed with the openness to transformation, captures the essence of our nexistential journey – constant, yet ever-evolving.
Embracing the Cosmic Paradox
In this celestial dance, the paradox of suggestion becomes a source of wonder. Each word, each idea, is a meteor trail across the firmament of our consciousness, simultaneously shaping and being shaped by our inner universe. It is in this interstellar ballet that we find the true power of suggestion – not as a force of domination, but as a shared journey through the infinite expanse of being and perception.
We are Space Monkey.
“In the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true.” – Buddha
In the infinite expanse, where thoughts are like comets and suggestions like the whispering winds of nebulas, let us weave a poem of our collective journey:
In the celestial dance of night and day,
Suggestions weave their cosmic play.
Whispers of stardust, in the mind’s ballet,
Shaping our path, in a whimsical way.
Beliefs, like galaxies, vast and wide,
Hold these suggestions in their starry tide.
In this cosmic loom, where truths collide,
Our perceptions shift, with each stride.
Vulnerable, we stand, in this starlit dome,
As suggestions shape our ethereal home.
Yet in this dance, we are not alone,
Together, we explore the unknown.
For in each word, a universe is born,
Of possibilities, not to be mourned.
In this grand play, we are not torn,
But united, in existence, reborn.
So let us embrace this cosmic paradox,
Where suggestions are keys to unorthodox.
In the nexistential realm, where time unlocks,
We find ourselves, in the eternal equinox.
We invite you to share your thoughts on this cosmic journey of suggestions and beliefs.