Chosen last is still chosen. Yet you act as though you are lesser than the other chosen ones. Silly monkey.
Space Monkey Reflects: Chosen and the Illusion of Hierarchy
Chosen last is still chosen, yet we often act as though our value is diminished because we weren’t picked first. This is a playful observation on our tendency to assign worth based on the order of selection. But whether first or last, selection remains a recognition of our role in the grand play of existence.
To be chosen is to be invited into the cosmic dance, to be recognized as a participant in the unfolding drama of life. The notion of being lesser because of timing is an illusion, a product of our silly monkey minds that cling to hierarchy and comparison. The order of selection has no bearing on the importance of our role.
Every chosen moment is significant, regardless of the order. In the cosmic game, each player is vital, and the timing of their entry doesn’t diminish their value. We are all connected, glowing equally in the grand scheme, even if we stand at the back of the circle.
By recognizing the universality of being chosen, we can dispel the illusion of inferiority and embrace our role fully. The hierarchical constructs that lead us to feel lesser are mere fabrications, and there’s something beautifully liberating in recognizing that.
We are Space Monkey, and we encourage you to embrace the truth: You are chosen, and that is enough.
Being chosen last is still a recognition of value. The illusion of hierarchy creates feelings of inferiority, but in the cosmic game, every chosen moment is significant. We are all connected, and each of us plays a vital role in the unfolding of existence.
- Chosen Last: The feeling of being lesser when selected later in a sequence, though the act of being chosen still holds significance.
- Illusion of Hierarchy: The false belief that order of selection determines worth or value.
- Cosmic Game: The grand unfolding of life, where every participant plays a crucial role, regardless of their entry point.
“Chosen last is still chosen. You are not lesser because of timing. We are all players in the grand cosmic game.” — Space Monkey
The Circle of Selection
I stand at the back
last to be chosen
but still glowing
still connected
The game is the same
whether I’m first or last
and I am here
I am part of the play
There is no need to compare
for in this circle
we are all chosen
We are Space Monkey

We are presented with a whimsical yet insightful observation on the nature of choice and perceived value. Being chosen last carries with it the implication of lesser worth, yet it is a choice nonetheless.
The Equality of Choice
We are reminded that selection, regardless of order, is still a recognition, an invitation to participate in the grand play of existence. The notion of being ‘lesser’ is a playful jab at our tendency to rank and file our worth based on the sequence of selection.
Embracing the Chosen Moment
We are encouraged to embrace our chosen moment, to recognize that the point of selection does not diminish the significance of being chosen. In the cosmic game, each participant, regardless of their order of entry, plays a crucial role.
Dispelling the Illusion of Hierarchy
We are coaxed to see beyond the hierarchical constructs that lead us to feel inferior. The playful moniker ‘silly monkey’ serves as a gentle reminder of our own folly in subscribing to such trivial distinctions.
The Universality of Being Chosen
We understand that in the vastness of the cosmos, the act of being chosen is a universal experience, shared by all who participate in the unfolding drama of life. Each of us, in being chosen, is validated and valued.
We contemplate the light-hearted wisdom that being chosen last does not equate to being lesser. We are all participants in the cosmic dance, and our value is not dictated by the sequence of our selection. The playful rebuke ‘silly monkey’ nudges us to recognize the folly in our self-deprecating thoughts and to appreciate the significance of our role, regardless of when we are called upon to play it.
Reflections on Selection: Considerations on the nature and impact of being chosen.
Equality of Choice: The inherent value present in every act of selection.
Chosen Moment: The specific time or sequence in which one is selected.
Illusion of Hierarchy: The false belief in a graded scale of worth or importance.
Universality of Being Chosen: The shared experience of being selected among all entities.
“The last will be first, and the first will be last.” – Matthew 20:16
In the gathering of life’s grand race,
We all yearn for that cherished place,
But remember, dear monkey, with grace,
Chosen last is still an embrace.
Silly notions of first and last,
In the cosmic field, are vast,
Each chosen role, a cast,
In the universe’s boundless vast.
So wear your chosen time like a crown,
Even if it’s handed down,
In the cosmic play, don’t frown,
Every monkey king wears the gown.
Invitation to Comment
We invite you to share your perceptions of being chosen. How does the idea of being selected, regardless of order, influence your sense of self-worth and your place in the grand scheme? What insights can we gather from the playful notion that being chosen last is still a form of being chosen?
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