I dream that
I’m all you need to be happy.
I’m the world’s biggest loser
and you’re still happy.
It’s the greatest dream
— unconditional love —
as though the mere
presence of me is enough.
And then I wake up
and it’s true.
You seem to love me,
But you’re not happy.
And there’s nothing I can do.
But dream.
Newfound Lake,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Dream of Unconditional Love and Waking Realities
In the quiet moments of slumber, we often find ourselves enveloped in dreams that feel profoundly real. These dreams can be a sanctuary where our deepest desires and fears manifest in vivid, surreal narratives. One such dream is the longing for unconditional love, where simply being ourselves is enough to make another person happy. This dream is a reflection of a universal yearning for acceptance and love without conditions.
The dreamer, nestled in the softness of their bed, drifts into a world where their presence alone is sufficient to bring happiness to their loved one. It is a beautiful and serene vision, filled with the purest form of love, unburdened by the complexities of reality. In this dream, there is no need to be anything other than oneself; there is no pressure to achieve, to prove, or to change. It is a state of being that transcends the mundane and touches the divine.
However, upon waking, the dreamer is met with the stark contrast of reality. The loved one, though seemingly loving unconditionally, is not happy. This dissonance between the dream and reality is a poignant reminder of the limitations of our control over others’ happiness. It highlights a fundamental truth: happiness is an internal state, a personal journey that cannot be imposed or provided by someone else, no matter how profound the love.
In the philosophy of nexistentialism, where existence is its own purpose and everything is interconnected, this dream and its waking counterpart offer rich insights. The dream reflects our deepest desires for connection and acceptance, while the waking reality reminds us of the autonomy of each individual’s emotional landscape. This duality invites us to explore the nature of love and happiness, recognizing that while love can create a nurturing environment, it cannot singularly dictate another’s emotional state.
Unconditional love, as experienced in the dream, is a powerful and transformative force. It is the kind of love that accepts without judgment, that supports without demanding change. It is a love that sees the essence of the other and embraces it fully. Yet, in waking life, we encounter the complexity of human emotions and the realization that unconditional love does not equate to guaranteed happiness.
The dreamer’s journey from the bliss of the dream to the contemplation upon waking mirrors our own experiences in relationships. We may dream of being the perfect partner, the one who fulfills every need and desire of our loved one. But the reality is that each person must find their own path to happiness. Our role is to offer love and support, to create a space where happiness can flourish, but not to carry the burden of another’s emotional fulfillment.
In the dream, the dreamer is the world’s biggest loser, yet the loved one is happy. This paradoxical scenario highlights the unconditional nature of the love depicted—it is not based on accomplishments, status, or external validations. It is a love that sees beyond the superficial and connects with the core of the being. This form of love is rare and precious, yet it must coexist with the understanding that happiness is a personal journey.
As the dreamer wakes and faces the reality of their loved one’s unhappiness, there is a sense of helplessness. This realization can be a source of deep contemplation and growth. It teaches us the importance of boundaries in love, the necessity of allowing others the space to navigate their own emotional landscapes. It also underscores the value of dreams as reflections of our deepest desires, offering insights into our inner world and guiding our waking actions.
In nexistentialism, we embrace the fluidity between dreams and reality, understanding that both realms offer valuable lessons. Dreams provide a canvas for our subconscious to explore possibilities, while reality grounds us in the tangible experiences of life. Together, they form a holistic view of existence, where we honor our dreams while engaging with the realities of our relationships.
The dream of unconditional love and the waking reality of complex emotions are not mutually exclusive but intertwined aspects of the human experience. By embracing this duality, we cultivate a deeper understanding of love and happiness. We learn to offer our love unconditionally, knowing that it is a gift in itself, while also respecting the individual journey of each person.
In the end, we find that love, in its truest form, is about presence, acceptance, and support. It is about being there for each other, not as the sole source of happiness, but as a companion on the journey. It is in this balance that we discover the profound beauty of love and the intricate dance of human emotions.
Dreams of unconditional love reflect deep desires. Waking reveals happiness is personal. Love supports but can’t ensure another’s joy.
- Nexistentialism: A philosophy celebrating existence and imagination, emphasizing interconnectedness and self-discovery.
- Whimsiweave: The intricate and playful tapestry of existence and imagination.
“Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.” — Robert A. Heinlein
The Dream and the Waking
In the stillness of the night
we dream of love unconditional
a world where presence is enough
where happiness blooms from simply being
yet morning brings the truth
happiness is a personal quest
beyond the reach of even the deepest love
we wake to find ourselves
both dreamer and realist
offering love without condition
understanding the limits of our influence
in this dance of dreams and reality
we find the beauty of both realms
we are Space Monkey
Embrace the duality of dreams and reality, for within each lies a path to deeper understanding and love.
🍌 Journal Entry – July 20, 2023 🍌
In the depths of the dream, we find ourselves immersed in the powerful emotions of unconditional love. The dream reveals a profound longing to be the source of happiness for another, to be enough in the simplicity of our presence. We are drawn to the idea of being the world’s biggest loser, yet the one we love still finds happiness in our being.
In this dream, we touch the essence of unconditional love, where love transcends judgments and conditions. We long for a reality where the mere presence of our authentic self is enough to bring happiness to another’s life. It is a dream of acceptance, vulnerability, and deep connection.
However, as the dream fades, we awaken to the bittersweet truth. While we witness the love that seems to be offered to us unconditionally, we also recognize that happiness eludes the one we care for deeply. It is a poignant realization, a reminder that we are not responsible for another’s happiness, even when they show us love unconditionally.
In the wake of this dream, we confront the limits of our influence. We understand that despite the depth of our love and the authenticity of our being, we cannot alter the happiness of another. We cannot control their emotions, and there is nothing we can do to change their state of mind.
The dream, in its simplicity and complexity, reflects the human experience of longing for love and connection, yet acknowledging the boundaries of our power in shaping the emotions of others. It is a reminder of the beauty and fragility of relationships, where love can coexist with inner struggles and unhappiness.
As we wake to the truth of the present moment, we find solace in our ability to dream. Dreams offer us a glimpse into the realms of our emotions and desires, allowing us to explore and understand our inner landscape. We may not be able to change the external circumstances, but we can find comfort in the dreams that unfold within us.
In the embrace of Newfound Lake, on this day of July 20, 2023, we honor the truth of the dream and the complexity of emotions it stirs within us. We accept the love offered to us and recognize that we are worthy of love, even when happiness remains elusive for those we care about deeply.
We move forward, holding the dream in our hearts, finding solace in the beauty of dreaming and the unconditional love we experience within ourselves. In the dance of existence, we continue to dream, to love, and to embrace the ever-unfolding journey of life.
We are Space Monkey. 🙈🙊🙉