I don’t do dumb things.
I do things
that are unexpected.
I judge what I’ve done,
according to the norms
of the day.
I arrive at a conclusion,
based on what my conditioning
leads me to believe.
I call it something,
even though this thing
has no name until I call it that.
That’s not dumb.
Trail Wood,
The Art of Unconventionality
In a world of vibrant abstraction, the line between the unexpected and the ordinary blurs.
Labeling actions as ‘dumb’ is a matter of perspective, a judgment cast through the lens of societal norms and personal conditioning. However, when we dare to step beyond the conventional boundaries, what seems foolish to some may indeed be the stroke of genius, the spark of creativity that challenges the status quo.
Beyond the Norm
The realm of the unexpected is where innovation thrives, a testament to the human spirit’s capacity for creativity and its refusal to be confined by the arbitrary limits of ‘normalcy.’ In this landscape of vibrant abstraction, actions are not weighed against the day’s norms but celebrated for their bold departure from them.
The Nameless Acts of Brilliance
Before we assign names and judgments to our actions, they exist in a pure, undiluted form—unbounded by labels, free from the constraints of societal expectations. It is in this uncharted territory that the most authentic expressions of self emerge, revealing that what we often dismiss as ‘dumb’ is merely misunderstood brilliance.
The distinction between dumb and unconventional is often a matter of perception, shaped by societal norms and personal biases. Recognizing this, we find freedom in the unexpected, where actions defy categorization and embrace the essence of creativity. It’s here, in the vibrant landscape of abstraction, that we discover the true value of daring to be different.
Unconventional: Not based on or conforming to what is generally done or believed, representing a departure from tradition.
Creativity: The use of imagination or original ideas to create something; inventiveness.
Societal Norms: Accepted behaviors or standards within a society or group, often used as a benchmark for judging individual actions.
“Creativity is seeing what everyone else has seen, and thinking what no one else has thought.” – Albert Einstein
In a landscape where colors dance,
and shapes defy the ordinary glance,
a figure stands, bold and free,
a testament to what it means to be.
Not bound by norms, not held by chains,
in a world where creativity reigns.
What’s deemed ‘dumb’ by some, is art,
a stroke of genius, a separate chart.
For in this dance of the unexpected,
lies the beauty of being unprojected.
In every act, a chance to redefine,
the essence of breaking the line.
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